LPD3DXFONT variable output

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7 comments, last by Multiverse 20 years ago
Hey there, currently starting out making a 3D game using DX9, and have implemented some LPD3DXFONT code in order to help debugging (output mesh location/orientation/speed etc) with LPD3DXFONT its relatively easy to output strings on screen, but how do i output variables in a simple and quick way? thanks for your time "what do you mean its on the wrong line? That wont work... Oh, it worked."
sprintf() things into a string, and output that.

I like pie.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
Thanks for the reply RenderTarget. I''m working on it right now.
Is there a way to change the color of the text character by character rather than line by line?
"It compiles! Ship it!"
Not with that interface. Multiple draw calls, baby.

I like pie.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
std::ostringstream ossFps;

ossFps << "FPS: " << pTimer->GetFps();

pFont->DrawText(pSprite, ossFps.str().c_str(), -1, &Rect, DT_LEFT|DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff);
Hi again guys. I the two suggestions sprintf() and the ostringstream method and im running into problems on both of them.

i got basic text working with both methods but not the variables i wanted to display. for example, when using the ostringstream method i get the text but my value just shows as 0 no matter what i change the variable to.

i was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on your method eFoDay like what the ''pSprite'' variable is and does. I removed the ''-1'' and replaced it with a finite number and completely removed the pSprite which is probably where im going wrong and why i want to know wot its for!

Any extra info would be greatly appreciated.
pSprite can be NULL, in which case Microsoft® Direct3D® will render the string with its own sprite object.

If Count is -1, then the pString parameter is assumed to be a pointer to a null-terminated string and ID3DXFont::DrawText computes the character count automatically.
cheers eFoDay. a really appreciate the help. i like how u put the registered trademark symbols after microsoft and Direct3D.

thanks again!

"what do you mean its on the wrong line? That wont work... Oh, it worked."

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