Converting 3D space to 2D space

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3 comments, last by BahYou 19 years, 11 months ago
What I have so far is an ortho matrix conversion in order to display my 2D UI. Problem is, is that I want to take a coordinate in 3d space and convert it to my 2d space. For example, I have a sphere located at world position (-5,5,3) and I want to draw a menu next to the sphere in my ortho view. If my ortho view is between [-1,1] (for x y position that is) how can I figure out where the point is between -1 and 1 that is (-5,5,3) in world 3D space? Thanks.
Vector3.Project (in C#) in C/C++ it would be something like D3DXVector3Project ?

I have used them before and I belive that''s what you want, I''m fairly new to 3D so don''t take my word as stone.
Thanks for your reply but I searched around but couldn''t find a D3DXVector3Project or some thing similar (C++). Does any one else know what it is in C++?

On the other hand, does any one know the math being performed when the orhto projection is created? I''m not familar with matrices all that much.
What are you using? OpenGL?

I imagine that you have a 3D position (xyz), to find out where in the 2D window surface it will end up, you do:

V' = V * ModelViewProjection;

So, you have to multiply the current position, by the MVP matrix, which you can get under OpenGL as:

float matrix[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix);
glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, matrix);

Hope it helped

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[edited by - Prozak on May 7, 2004 7:18:25 AM]
quote:Original post by BahYou
Thanks for your reply but I searched around but couldn''t find a D3DXVector3Project or some thing similar (C++). Does any one else know what it is in C++?

The name given was close enough so that you should have been able to find the function without much trouble. In any case, the function name is D3DXVec3Project.


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