demo ideas...

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4 comments, last by no one 19 years, 11 months ago
Hiya Guys I want to start working on some different demos such as graphics and physics, but I can''t think of a particular project to work on. Basically, I want to work on these projects to build my skills up. I haven''t really ever done anything really complex with physics, wheres a good place to start? Damn, I know this seems rather a vague post, what I want to do is work on some things to build up my skills but in a progressive manner and I can''t think of where to start. Any ideas? Thanks.
"Make it a habit to be loyal to the activities that serve the highest part of yourself."
Might be worth it to check out my thread in the help wanted section... I''m looking for a programmer who wants to learn his way in.
for physics, you can start off with simple point-mass physics, particle physics. Bunch of particles moving about, affected by gravity, attracted by the mouse cursor, simple particle collision detection (reflection algorithms), link them with springs, or like in jakobsen''s papers, with stiff constraints (requires a verlet integrator). You can have lots of fun with these already, like soft bodies, cloth simulation, rope simulations.

build several integration methods, euler, verlet, RK4.

then change the particle shapes to spheres, boxes... Enforce non-penetration with other particles and the world.

then you can start on rigid bodies. the main difference with particle physics will be the angular components and inertia. Before doing collision stuff, have a simple object (long thin box) reacting to forces, rotating, ect... Then you can start on collisions response, friction.

a couple of links and things to search for

Everything is better with Metal.

build a whole long line of gadgets, one which sets off the next and then has text to the side saying whichever physics topic is currently at work, the formula, and comments on what others uses it is good for in games.
Make a toy-grabbing-machine! The ones they have in themeparks.

You''re Welcome,
Rick Wong
- I''m sorry. I''m a gamedeveloper. (Infernal Affairs)
- Google
- Search GDNet with Google
Sweet, thanks a ton guys. I really enjoy physics. I know the game industry wants specialized people, so I think physics will be the way I go.

Dunam_, sure, send me an email man. I have been wanting to get invloved with a project and fellow programmers. I think it would be a lot of fun. I have been coding for a while, I just now started to realize that I need to learn more before making a game engine, hehe.

Anyway, I love coding particle effects, it will teach me physics and plus I can learn how to use shaders and such so it would be an awsome place to start. Thanks guys!!!

Ps. Cloth simulation is done with springs? Thats awsome, spring systems are relatively easy (thanks to nehe''s tutorials )

"Make it a habit to be loyal to the activities that serve the highest part of yourself."

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