Rendering a scene onto a dialog

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1 comment, last by Floating 19 years, 11 months ago
Hi, How can I render a scene onto a dialog I created with MSVC++? For instance I want my dialog to have some buttons on the left side and on the right side a zone where an openGL scene is displayed. Up until now I always created dynamic windows where the whole surface was used for rendering. I am kind of lost how to start now... Thanks
create the gl window as a child of the dialog. its faily simple to do you just need to change a few of the WS flags iirc. = CS_PARENTDC| CS_OWNDC;

thats the WNDCLASS style
and for the CreateWindowEx styles

dwExStyle=0; // Window Extended Style

and that should work for you.
i is 1337
Thanks a lot SoDdit!!
It is working very nicely!

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