template class specialization in namespace?

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0 comments, last by bilsa 19 years, 11 months ago
Hello! I was thinking about this: 1. a namespace containing a template function

namespace TEST_NAMESPACE {
	template <class T>
	bool is_true() {
		return 0;
2. adding to the namespace works fine: (I specialize the template function)

namespace TEST_NAMESPACE {
	template <>
	bool is_true<SomeClass>() {
		return 0;
3. adding to a namespace from a class doesn''t seem to work

template <class T>
class ClassToEditTEST_NAMESPACE {
	namespace TEST_NAMESPACE {
		template <>
		bool is_true<T>() {
			return 1;
So, Is there any way of adding to TEST_NAMESPACE from within the class ClassToEditTEST_NAMESPACE ? thank you !
No. Namespaces are toplevel entities.
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