SSE2 and logarithmic to linear conversions

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-1 comments, last by Ren Aissanz 19 years, 10 months ago
OK, here's what I'm trying to do: In 3d programming APIs, they typically use logarithmic functionality to represent the depth of the worldspace (things further away are spaced on a log ramp). My software uses the deptrh component to represent, well, DEPTH, BUT it has to be linear or it's no good for my purposes. To this end, I have a function that constructs a log-to-linear lookup table (saves time and on the fly CPU time). It however, seems to be broken. It produces nothing but 65535 once I have clamped it, whereas it should be a range of values from 0 to 65535. I have debugged the HECK out of this thing, and finding nothing, am looking for a fresh set of eyes. If any of you geniuses out there are fluent in SSE2 assembler, check it out, and tell me what I'm doing wrong. (code follows)

__declspec(align(16)) unsigned int	dcAntiLogScaleLookUpTableUShort[65536];
//zNear and zFar are the clipping planes in model space (not z-buffer space).

int _dcBuildAntiLogScaleLookUpTable(double zNear, double zFar, bool bufferCorrection)
	__declspec(align(16)) double ushrtRange[2]		= {65535.0f, 65535.0f};
	__declspec(align(16)) double ushrtFloor[2]		= {0.0f, 0.0f};
	__declspec(align(16)) double countBy[2]			= {2.0f, 2.0f};
	__declspec(align(16)) double increment[2]		= {0.0f,1.0f};
	__declspec(align(16)) double nearZ[2]			= {zNear, zNear};
	__declspec(align(16)) double farZ[2]			= {zFar, zFar};
	__declspec(align(16)) double zNearTimesZFar[2]	= {zNear * zFar, zNear * zFar};
	__declspec(align(16)) double zFarMinusZNear[2]	= {zFar - zNear, zFar - zNear};
	__declspec(align(16)) double zNearMinusZFar[2]	= {-zFar + zNear, -zFar + zNear};

		mov		ecx,		65536			;	counter	set to 65536
		shr		ecx,		1				;	div by 2 XMM==2 doubles
		mov		eax,		0				;	pointer offset
		movapd	XMM2,		[increment]		;	
		loop_main:							;
			movapd	XMM0,	XMM2			;	preserve the increment
			movapd	XMM1,	[zNearTimesZFar];	load zNearTimesZFar
			divpd	XMM0,	[ushrtRange]	;	x = i / 65535
			mulpd	XMM0,	[zNearMinusZFar];	x = zNearMinusZFar * x
			addpd	XMM0,	[farZ]			;	x+= zFar
			divpd	XMM0,	[zNearTimesZFar];	x = zNearTimesZFar / x
			subpd	XMM1,	[nearZ]			;	x -= zNear
			divpd	XMM1,	[zFarMinusZNear];	x /= zFarMinusZNear
			mulpd	XMM1,	[ushrtRange]	;	x *= 65535
			minpd	XMM1,	[ushrtRange]	;
			maxpd	XMM1,	[floorAll]		;
			cvttpd2dq	XMM0,	XMM1		;	convert to unsigned ints
			movdq2q		MM0,	XMM0		;	move them to an MM register
			movq [dcAntiLogScaleLookUpTableUShort + eax], MM0;	move to LUT
			addps	XMM2,	[countBy]		;
			add		eax,	8				;	increment pointer offset
			dec		ecx						;
		jnz loop_main						;

	return 0;
[edited by - Ren Aissanz on June 7, 2004 4:52:16 PM]
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