What's the easiest way to draw a picture...

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11 comments, last by Matsy 19 years, 10 months ago
Correct Drunken sorry I thought I had fixed all my goofs. However one is that my Z was set to 0.0 in my explanation, which is what I meant to discuss not the world being set to 0.0,0.0,0.0 Ty for catching that :-)

Since the Z is 0.0 and if the near clip plane is say 1.0 and the far is 10 and your camera is on 0.0,0.0,0.0 then you wouldn''t see the information.

Matsy, although easy, its still alot of code per say.

Gimme a minute. I will assume you have the device created properly etc.

Also what language are you using? I thought you wanted to display a picture(which made me think Texture), which is not the same thing as what your stating below.

Are you saying you want to "create" a picture of random pixel colors?

Thats much different then loading a texture and displaying it.
yes... and im sorry... it just ive been trying to get it to work all day. I want to break my keyboard in half. I dont mean to be a pain. I''m using DirectX9, C++.

And yes that''s exactly what im trying to do.
This tutorial discusses locking a texture and setting the bits manually:

It''s for DX8, but it''s virtually identical.

This one shows how to texture a quad so you can display it:

Textured Quad Tutorial

Stay Casual,

Drunken Hyena
Stay Casual,KenDrunken Hyena

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