Not all paths returned...

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7 comments, last by djoseph74 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I''m running into an error: c:\documents and settings\dan joseph\my documents\visual studio projects\space invaders 3d\d3d_init.cpp(64): warning C4715: ''CD3D::CD3D_init'' : not all control paths return a value I''m using Visual Studio .NET 2003, C++.. I cannot for the life of my find what I''ve done wrong. Can someone point it out?

#include "d3d_init.h"

	d3d_interface = NULL;
	d3d_device    = NULL;

bool CD3D::CD3D_init( HWND hwnd )
	int vp = 0;

	D3DDEVTYPE deviceType;

 	d3d_interface = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );

	D3DCAPS9 si3D_caps;

	d3d_interface->GetDeviceCaps( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,      //Denotes primate display adapter.
								  deviceType,              // Specifies the device type, usually D3DDEVTYPE HAL.
								  &si3D_caps           );  // Return filled D3DCAPS9 structure that contains the capabilities of the primary display adapter.

	// If the bit is "on" then that implies the hardware device supports it.

		// Yes, the bit is "on", so it is supported.

		// No, the bit is not "on", so it is not supported.


	if ( d3d_interface == NULL )
		return false;

	D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS si3D_params = {0};

	si3D_params.BackBufferFormat           = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;  // pixel format
	si3D_params.SwapEffect                 = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
	si3D_params.Windowed                   = true; // false = fullscreen ; true = windowed;

	HRESULT result = d3d_interface->CreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,			// Primary Device
												  D3DDEVTYPE_HAL,				// device type, hal = hardware vertex proc, ref = software vertex proc
												  hwnd,							// window associated with the device
												  vp,							// vertex proc type (HAL/REF)
												  &si3D_params,					// present parameters
												  &d3d_device             );		// returned created device.

	if ( result == D3D_OK )
		return true;		// Could initialize D3D successfully
	else if ( result != D3D_OK )
		return false;		// Coul dnot initialize D3D
Put a return true (or false) statement at the very end of the function.
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
Or just remove
if ( result != D3D_OK ) 
after the else at the bottom. It looks like its confusing the compiler.
oh shoot... thanks! That fixed that problem.. now onto the rest!

-Dan Joseph
Your problem is that your function is set to return a value, and it would theoretically be possible for it to run to the end without returning a value. Change your little block at the end to this:

	if ( result == D3D_OK )		return true;		// Could initialize D3D successfully	else		return false;		// Coul dnot initialize D3D
Actually, I think
return result==D3D_OK 

is more elegant.
Ahh, I did not realize I could run through that with the scenario of not finding a match in the if''s... Thank you all for your input. I wll be more careful on stepping thru my code. Now if I can get a grasp on the D3D initialization, this will be a successful night...

-Dan Joseph
quote:Original post by djoseph74
Ahh, I did not realize I could run through that with the scenario of not finding a match in the if''s...

Technically it will never happen. But your compiler is not so smart that it can figure that out.
I recommend you change your bool CD3D::Init into


and the return value can be S_OK or E_FAIL.

you can use if ( FAILED ( Init(hWnd) ) ) or

if ( SUCCEEDED ( Init(hWnd) ) )

to detect that your application runs OK.

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