SDL problem

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4 comments, last by huffer59 19 years, 10 months ago
list particleList; list::iterator i; for(i=particleList.begin(); i!=particleList.end(); i++) { updateParticle(//pointer to s_Particle structure); } The problem I have is i can''t find it anywhere how to get a pointer to the element that iterator is pointing at.
1) STL not SDL

2) If your list contains pointers to the s_Particle class, just dereference the iterator [ *i ]. If it contains just normal instances of the s_Particle class, dereference the pointer and use the address operator to pass it as a pointer [ &(*i) ].
As porthios asserted, think of a list iterator as a pointer to the templated type in the list.
list<s_Particle> particleList;list<s_Particle>::iterator i;for(i=particleList.begin(); i!=particleList.end(); i++){     updateParticle(  (*i)  );     }

although if i were you (and i'm not...), i'd do this instead

list<s_Particle> particleList;list<s_Particle>::iterator i;for(i=particleList.begin(); i!=particleList.end(); i++){     (*i)->Update();     }

[edited by - leiavoia on June 10, 2004 8:12:22 PM]
Thanks for the replies, lol I didn''t realize I wrote SDL what was i thinking
Also you should get into the habbit of preincrementing with STL wherever possible instead of post incrementing as it is more efficient with STL.
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