3DS Import problems

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2 comments, last by Zainuluk 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi, My problem is that I have a car model .3ds file format. I also have two texture maps in jpeg format. In a modeling tool my car looks correct with the textures in the right places. However when i put it in my project only one of the textures is displayed. can anyone help. note that one texture is for the body of the car whilst the other is for the lights, tyres, windscreen etc.
Do you use the MultiTexture extension or something like that?
Because the only way to have 2 textures in basic OpenGL is to do 2 pass with blending.

( Be Side )
( Be Side )
Well I was thinking of doing multi-texturing but won''t that show both textures at the sametime. And blending will have the same effect. Is it possible to texture each polygon on a model with an individual texture.
I don''t know what you use to read the 3ds file, but the easiest way to get different parts of the model textured with different textures must be to (when loading the model) split the faces into two different groups. So, you''ve got a layout like:

float3 vertice[];
facegroup facegroups[]

int textureid;
int3 faces[];

Or something like that.

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