frames per second??? having problems with code from an earlier post

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6 comments, last by th032 23 years, 7 months ago
I got this code from an earlier post on how to do frames per second, but when I put in into my code I get a link error. "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__timeGetTime@0" Is there header file or library that I should be including with this code in my project??? Thanks Tom ---------------------------------- #define FPS_INTERVAL 50 DWORD timePrev. timeFPS; WORD FPS, FPSCounter; float timeElapsed; void InitTimer() { FPSCounter = FPS = 0; timePrev = timeFPS = timeGetTime(); } /* La seguente funzione deve essere richiamata AD OGNI CICLO di rendering per il corretto calcolo degli FPS */ void TickTimer() { timeElapsed = (timeGetTime() - timePrev) / 1000.0f; timePrev = timeGetTime(); if(FPSCounter == FPS_INTERVAL) { FPS = (WORD)((FRAME_INTERVAL * 1000) / (timePrev - timeFPS)); FPSCounter = 0; } else FPSCounter++; }
AMD Tbird 1GHz 266FSB, ASUS A7V133, Crucial 768MB PC133 SDRAM, PlexWriter 12X/10X/32X CD-RW, Voodoo3 2000 PCI, Creative SoundBlaster Live!, Maxtor 7200rpm 13.3GB, IBM 5200rpm 3.2GB, Samsung 955DF 19" Monitor, LinkSys USB100TX Ethernet Network Adapter,Rogers@Home, Win2000/Linux Mandrake 8.0
timeGetTime() is declared in Mmsystem.h


[still searching]
k, I got rid of the link error and the program runs but I don''t think its producing the correct framerate. It starts at 5 and eventually goes down to 1, never goes up in frame rate even when I change it to a view where it doesn''t draw anything(it really looks like I''m getting something like +40fps).

I think though that I may be making a mistake in the printing of the FPS, so I''m not sure if thats whats messing it up. I using Bitmap fonts from Tut13 and here is the command "glPrint("FPS - %f", (float)FPS);", I wasn''t sure what character to use for the WORD type for the function so I converted it to a float, don''t know if maybe this is the reason it gives me the wrong framerate but I doubt it. So what is the problem???

I did try modifying the code myself, and I get around 35fps(seems a little low) but I''m just not sure if I did it correct cause when I change it here to a view where it doesn''t draw anything I''m gettting around 40fps(thats just too low).

If u guys could look over my modified code and give me any suggestions, I would greatly appreciated!

Here''s my new modified code:
DWORD timePrev;
WORD FPScounter;
float FPS, timeElapsed;

// Initialize timer variables
void InitTimer()
FPScounter = 0; timeElapsed = FPS = 0.0f;
timePrev = timeGetTime();

// Calculate frames per second
void TickTimer()
timeElapsed += (timeGetTime() - timePrev) / 1000.0f;
timePrev = timeGetTime();
FPS = FPScounter / timeElapsed;

I call InitTimer in InitGL(), and TickTimer() in DrawGLScene() before anything else is done.
AMD Tbird 1GHz 266FSB, ASUS A7V133, Crucial 768MB PC133 SDRAM, PlexWriter 12X/10X/32X CD-RW, Voodoo3 2000 PCI, Creative SoundBlaster Live!, Maxtor 7200rpm 13.3GB, IBM 5200rpm 3.2GB, Samsung 955DF 19" Monitor, LinkSys USB100TX Ethernet Network Adapter,Rogers@Home, Win2000/Linux Mandrake 8.0
k, I got rid of the link error and the program runs but I don''t think its producing the correct framerate. It starts at 5 and eventually goes down to 1, never goes up in frame rate even when I change it to a view where it doesn''t draw anything(it really looks like I''m getting something like +40fps).

I think though that I may be making a mistake in the printing of the FPS, so I''m not sure if thats whats messing it up. I using Bitmap fonts from Tut13 and here is the command "glPrint("FPS - %f", (float)FPS);", I wasn''t sure what character to use for the WORD type for the function so I converted it to a float, don''t know if maybe this is the reason it gives me the wrong framerate but I doubt it. So what is the problem???

I did try modifying the code myself, and I get around 35fps(seems a little low) but I''m just not sure if I did it correct cause when I change it here to a view where it doesn''t draw anything I''m gettting around 40fps(thats just too low).

If u guys could look over my modified code and give me any suggestions, I would greatly appreciated!

Here''s my new modified code:
DWORD timePrev;
WORD FPScounter;
float FPS, timeElapsed;

// Initialize timer variables
void InitTimer()
FPScounter = 0; timeElapsed = FPS = 0.0f;
timePrev = timeGetTime();

// Calculate frames per second
void TickTimer()
timeElapsed += (timeGetTime() - timePrev) / 1000.0f;
timePrev = timeGetTime();
FPS = FPScounter / timeElapsed;

I call InitTimer in InitGL(), and TickTimer() in DrawGLScene() before anything else is done.
AMD Tbird 1GHz 266FSB, ASUS A7V133, Crucial 768MB PC133 SDRAM, PlexWriter 12X/10X/32X CD-RW, Voodoo3 2000 PCI, Creative SoundBlaster Live!, Maxtor 7200rpm 13.3GB, IBM 5200rpm 3.2GB, Samsung 955DF 19" Monitor, LinkSys USB100TX Ethernet Network Adapter,Rogers@Home, Win2000/Linux Mandrake 8.0
An easier way to do FPS is like this.


#define EXPECTED_FPS 24 // use your best judgement here,
// but it doesn''t matter too much.

double fps_avg = EXPECTED_FPS, fps;
clock_t timeprev, timenow;

timeprev = clock() - EXPECTED_FPS;

while (!done) {
// Do your dawing
timenow = clock();
fps = 1000.0 / (double)(timenow - timeprev);
avg_fps = (avg_fps + fps) / 2.0; // this isn''t a *true*
// average, but it''s actually better, because it puts
// more weight on the most recent frame times
timeprev = timenow;

// now avg_fps should be your average frame rate
oops, include above should be
#include <time.h>
<font face="comix" size="30" color="#ff0000>#include

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CSStopExecution = false;
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Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/''BlinkTV_Button'',/*URL*/''img/button_blink-tv.gif'',/*URL*/'''',/*URL*/'''','''');<br>CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/''Fenix-TX_Button'',/*URL*/''img/button_fenix-tx.gif'',/*URL*/'''',/*URL*/'''','''');<br>CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/''TextBox'',/*URL*/''img/text_generic.gif'',/*URL*/'''',/*URL*/'''','''');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430044A0''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TheBigPicture'',/*URL*/ ''img/TBP-guys.jpg'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430047C2''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TheBigPicture'',/*URL*/ ''img/TBP-girl.jpg'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430049C4''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TheBigPicture'',/*URL*/ ''img/TBP-clinic.jpg'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430059D7''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_TRL.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005A88''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_generic.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005BF9''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_roids.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005CE10''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_generic.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005D911''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_tour.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005E612''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_generic.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005F113''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_loserkids.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B43005FF14''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_generic.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430060A15''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_blink-tv.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430061516''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_generic.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430062017''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_fenix-tx.gif'');<br>CSAct[/*CMP*/ ''B430063018''] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/*CMP*/ ''TextBox'',/*URL*/ ''img/text_generic.gif'');<br><br>// –&gt;<br><br>function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0<br>,winName,features);<br>}<br>//–&gt;<br>&lt;/script><br></csactiondict> <br>&lt;style type="text/css"><br>&lt;!–<br>p { font-size: 11px; margin: 8px 0px}<br>–&gt;<br></style><br></head><br><br> <body bgcolor="white" link="black" alink="black" vlink="black" onload="CSScriptInit();"><br> <center><br> <span class="10pixel"></span> <br> &lt;table cool width="603" height="314" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" gridx="1" showgridx usegridx gridy="1" showgridy usegridy><br> &lt;tr height="1" cntrlrow> <br> &lt;td width="1" height="1">&lt;/td><br> &lt;td width="19" height="1"><spacer type="block" width="19" height="1">&lt;/td><br> &lt;td width="66" height="1"><spacer type="block" width="66" height="1">&lt;/td><br> &lt;td width="32" height="1"><spacer type="block" 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