
Started by
62 comments, last by Michael Tanczos 19 years, 9 months ago

//// htmlArea v1.[05] - Copyright (c) [2002] interactivetools.com, inc.// A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields.//// For more information visit:// http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea////* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : editor_generate  Description : replace textarea with wysiwyg editor  Usage       : editor_generate("textarea_id",[height],[width]);  Arguments   : objname - ID of textarea to replace                w       - width of wysiwyg editor                h       - height of wysiwyg editor\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function editor_generate(objname,w,h) {  // Default Settings  _editor_url = 'include/';  var imgURL = 'images/editor/'; //_editor_url + 'images/';       // images url  // set size to specified size or size of original object  var obj    = document.all[objname];  if (!w) {    if      (obj.style.width) { width = obj.style.width; }      // use css style    else if (obj.cols)        { width = (obj.cols * [8]) + [22]; }  // col width + toolbar    else                      { width = '[100]%'; }               // default  }    if (!h) {    if      (obj.style.height) { height = obj.style.height; }   // use css style    else if (obj.rows)         { height = obj.rows * [17] }       // row height    else                       { height = '[200]'; }              // default  }  // Check for IE [5].[5]+ on Windows  var Agent, VInfo, MSIE, Ver, Win32, Opera;  Agent = navigator.userAgent;  VInfo = Array();                              // version info  VInfo = Agent.split(";")  MSIE  = Agent.indexOf('MSIE') > [0];  Ver   = VInfo[[1]].substr([6],[3]);  Win32 = Agent.indexOf('Windows') > [0] && Agent.indexOf('Mac') < [0] && Agent.indexOf('Windows CE') < [0];  Opera = Agent.indexOf('Opera') > -[1];  if (!MSIE || Opera || Ver < [5].[5] || !Win32) { return; }  var editor = ''  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[0] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="padding: [1] [0] [0] [0]" width=' + width + ' unselectable="on"><tr><td>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on">\n'  + ' <tr>\n'  + '  <td style="border-width: [0]; padding: [2] [0] [0] [3];">\n'  + '   <select id="_' +objname+ '_FontName" onChange="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on">\n'  + '   <option value="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Arial</option>\n'  + '   <option value="courier new, courier, mono">Courier New</option>\n'  + '   <option value="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif">Georgia</option>\n'  + '   <option value="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Tahoma</option>\n'  + '   <option value="times new roman, times, serif">Times New Roman</option>\n'  + '   <option value="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Verdana</option>\n'  + '   <option value="wingdings">WingDings</option>\n'  + '   </select>'  + '  </td>\n'  + ' </tr>\n'  + '</table>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on">\n'  + ' <tr>\n'  + '  <td style="border-width: [0]; padding: [2] [1] [0] [0];">\n'  +    '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontSize" onChange="editor_action(this.id)" style="width:38px"  unselectable="on">\n'  + '   <option value=[1]>[1]</option><option value=[2]>[2]</option><option value=[3]>[3]</option><option value=[4]>[4]</option><option value=[5]>[5]</option><option value=[6]>[6]</option><option value=[7]>[7]</option>\n'  + '   </select>\n\n'  + '  </td>\n'  + ' </tr>\n'  + '</table>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'  +    '<button title="Bold" id="_' +objname+ '_Bold" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_format_bold.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Italic" id="_' +objname+ '_Italic" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_format_italic.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Underline" id="_' +objname+ '_Underline" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_format_underline.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  + '</td></tr></table>\n'// uncomment to add these buttons  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'  +    '<button title="Strikethrough" id="_' +objname+ '_StrikeThrough" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_format_strike.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Subscript" id="_' +objname+ '_SubScript" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_format_sub.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Superscript" id="_' +objname+ '_SuperScript" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_format_sup.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  + '</td></tr></table>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'  +    '<button title="Justify Left" id="_' +objname+ '_JustifyLeft" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_align_left.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Justify Center" id="_' +objname+ '_JustifyCenter" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_align_center.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Justify Right" id="_' +objname+ '_JustifyRight" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_align_right.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  + '</td></tr></table>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on" unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'  +    '<button title="Ordered List" id="_' +objname+ '_InsertOrderedList" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_list_num.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Bulleted List" id="_' +objname+ '_InsertUnorderedList" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_list_bullet.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  +    '<button title="Decrease Indent" id="_' +objname+ '_Outdent" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_indent_less.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Increase Indent" id="_' +objname+ '_Indent" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_indent_more.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  + '</td></tr></table><BR><BR>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;"  unselectable="on" unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'  +    '<button title="Font Color" id="_' +objname+ '_ForeColor" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_color_fg.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Background Color" id="_' +objname+ '_BackColor" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_color_bg.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  + '</td></tr></table>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;" unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'  +    '<button title="Horizontal Rule" id="_' +objname+ '_InsertHorizontalRule" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_hr.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Insert Web Link" id="_' +objname+ '_CreateLink" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_link.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  +    '<button title="Insert Image" id="_' +objname+ '_InsertImage" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_image.gif" unselectable="on">\n'  + '</td></tr></table>\n'  + '<table border=[0] cellspacing=[2] cellpadding=[0] bgcolor="buttonface" style="float: left;" unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: inset 1px;">\n'//  +    '<button title="View HTML Source" id="_' +objname+ '_HtmlMode" class="btn" onClick="editor_setmode(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_html.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  // -----------  // CAUTION: You may NOT remove or hide this button.  If displays the "About this editor" popup  // and is required by the license agreement for the editor.  +    '<button title="About this editor" id="_' +objname+ '_about" class="btn" onClick="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on"><img src="' +imgURL+ 'ed_about.gif" unselectable="on"></button>'  // -----------  + '</td></tr></table>\n'  + '</td></tr></table>\n'  + '<textarea ID="_' +objname + '_editor" style="width:' +width+ '; height:' +height+ '; margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px;"></textarea>'  + '<input type="hidden" name="' +objname+ '" value="">'//  + '<textarea ID="' +objname+ '" rows=[12] cols=[80]></textarea>'  ;  // create editor  var contents = document.all[objname].value;             // get original contents  document.all[objname].outerHTML = editor;               // create editor frame  document.all['_'+objname+'_editor'].value = contents;   // set contents  editor_setmode('_' +objname+ '_HtmlMode', 'init');      // switch to wysiwyg mode}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : editor_action  Description : perform an editor command on selected editor content  Usage       :  Arguments   : button_id - button id string with editor and action name\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function editor_action(button_id) {  var BtnParts = Array();  BtnParts = button_id.split("_");  var objname    = button_id.replace(/^_(.*)_[^_]*$/, '$[1]');  var cmdID      = BtnParts[ BtnParts.length-[1] ];  var button_obj = document.all[button_id];  var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];  // check editor mode (don't perform actions in textedit mode)  if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') { return; }  var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;  _editor_focus(editor_obj);  // execute command for font pulldowns  var idx = button_obj.selectedIndex;  if (idx != null) {    var val = button_obj[ idx ].value;    editdoc.execCommand(cmdID,[0],val);  }  // execute command for fgcolor & bgcolor buttons  else if (cmdID == 'ForeColor' || cmdID == 'BackColor') {    // figure our optimal window placement for popup dialog    var posX    = event.screenX;    var posY    = event.screenY + [20];    var screenW = screen.width;                                 // screen size    var screenH = screen.height - [20];                           // take taskbar into account    if (posX + [232] > screenW) { posX = posX - [232] - [40]; }       // if mouse too far right    if (posY + [164] > screenH) { posY = posY - [164] - [80]; }       // if mouse too far down    var wPosition   = "dialogLeft:" +posX+ "; dialogTop:" +posY;    var oldcolor = _dec_to_rgb(editdoc.queryCommandValue(cmdID));    var newcolor = showModalDialog(_editor_url + "select_color.html", oldcolor,                                   "dialogWidth:238px; dialogHeight: 187px; "                                   + "resizable: no; help: no; status: no; scroll: no; "                                   + wPosition);    if (newcolor != null) { editdoc.execCommand(cmdID, false, "#"+newcolor); }  }  // execute command for buttons  else {    // subscript & superscript, disable one before enabling the other    if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'subscript' && editdoc.queryCommandState('superscript')) { editdoc.execCommand('superscript'); }    if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'superscript' && editdoc.queryCommandState('subscript')) { editdoc.execCommand('subscript'); }    // insert link    if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'createlink'){      editdoc.execCommand(cmdID,[1]);    }    // insert image    else if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'insertimage'){      showModalDialog(_editor_url + "insert_image.html", editdoc, "resizable: no; help: no; status: no; scroll: no; ");    }    // insert image    else if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'about'){      var html = '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>About</TITLE>\n'               + '<style>\n'               + '  html,body,textarea { font-family: verdana,arial; font-size: 9pt; };\n'               + '</style></HEAD>\n'               + '<BODY style="background: threedface; color: #[000000]"  topmargin=[5] leftmargin=[12]>\n\n'               + '<span style="font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 28px; letter-spacing: -2px;">htmlArea</span> by interactivetools.com<br>\n'               + 'A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields.<br>\n\n'               + '<p><textarea style="width:[100]%; height:120px" readonly>\n'               + 'Copyright (c) [2002] interactivetools.com, inc.\n\n'               + 'Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\n'               + 'a) The above copyright notice, this permission notice, and the "About this editor" button that appears as a question mark in the editor interface, shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n'               + 'b) The "About this editor" button that appears as a question mark ("?") in the editor interface must always be visible in the editor interface and bring up the original "About" dialog window when clicked.\n\n'               + 'c) The "About" dialog window and its contents, including the link to interactivetools.com can not be amended.\n\n'               + 'THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n'               + '</textarea>\n\n'               + '<p>For more information visit:<br>\n'               + '<a href="http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/" target="_blank">http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/</a><br><br>\n'               + '</body></html>\n\n';      var popup = window.open('', 'ColorPicker',                  "location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no," +                  "height=[275],width=[450],resizable=no,scrollbars=no");      popup.document.write(html);    }    // all other commands    else {      editdoc.execCommand(cmdID);    }  }  editor_updateUI(objname);}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : editor_updateUI  Description : update button status, selected fonts, and hidden output field.  Usage       :  Arguments   : objname - ID of textarea to replace                runDelay: -[1] = run now, no matter what                          [0]  = run now, if allowed                        [1000] = run in [1] sec, if allowed at that point\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function editor_updateUI(objname,runDelay) {  var editor_obj  = document.all["_" +objname+  "_editor"];       // html editor object  if (runDelay == null) { runDelay = [0]; }  var editdoc, editEvent;    // setup timer for delayed updates (some events take time to complete)  if (runDelay > [0]) { return setTimeout(function(){ editor_updateUI(objname); }, runDelay); }  // don't execute more than [3] times a second (eg: too soon after last execution)  if (this.tooSoon == [1] && runDelay >= [0]) { this.queue = [1]; return; } // queue all but urgent events  this.tooSoon = [1];  setTimeout(function(){    this.tooSoon = [0];    if (this.queue) { editor_updateUI(objname,-[1]); };    this.queue = [0];    }, [333]);  // [1]/[3] second  // check editor mode and update hidden output field  if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') {                       // textedit mode    document.all[objname].value = editor_obj.value;                           // update hidden output field    return;  } else {                                                                 // WYSIWYG mode    editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;                          // get iframe editor document object    editEvent = editor_obj.contentWindow.event;    _fix_placeholder_urls(editdoc);    document.all[objname].value = editdoc.body.innerHTML;                     // update hidden output field  }  // update button states  var IDList = Array('Bold','Italic','Underline','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','InsertOrderedList','InsertUnorderedList');  for (i=[0]; i<IDList.length; i++) {                                 // for each button    var button_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +IDList];    // get button object    if (button_obj == null) { continue; }                           // if no btn obj???    var cmdActive = editdoc.queryCommandState( IDList );    if (!cmdActive)  {                                  // option is OK      if (button_obj.className != 'btn') { button_obj.className = 'btn'; }      if (button_obj.disabled  != false) { button_obj.disabled = false; }    } else if (cmdActive)  {                            // option already applied or mixed content      if (button_obj.className != 'btnDN') { button_obj.className = 'btnDN'; }      if (button_obj.disabled  != false)   { button_obj.disabled = false; }    }  }  // Loop over font pulldowns  var IDList = Array('FontName','FontSize');  for (i=[0]; i<IDList.length; i++) {    var cmdActive = editdoc.queryCommandState( IDList );    var button_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +IDList];   // button object    button_obj.disabled = false;  }  // Get Font Name and Size  var fontname = editdoc.queryCommandValue('FontName');  var fontsize = editdoc.queryCommandValue('FontSize');  if (fontname != null) { fontname = fontname.toLowerCase(); }  // Set Font face pulldown  var fontname_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_FontName"];  if (fontname == null) { fontname_obj.value = fontname; }  else {    var foundfont;    var fonts = fontname_obj.length;    for (i=[0]; i<fonts; i++) {      var thisfont = fontname_obj.text.toLowerCase();      if (thisfont == fontname) {        fontname_obj.selectedIndex = i;        foundfont = [1];      }    }    if (foundfont != [1]) { fontname_obj.value = fontname; }     // for fonts not in list  }  // Set Font size pulldown  var fontsize_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_FontSize"];  if (fontsize == null) { fontsize_obj.value = fontsize;}  else {    for (i=[0]; i<[7]; i++) {      var thissize = fontsize_obj.text;      if (thissize == fontsize) { fontsize_obj.selectedIndex = i; }    }  }}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : editor_setmode  Description : change mode between WYSIWYG and HTML editor  Usage       : editor_setmode(object_id, mode);  Arguments   : button_id - button id string with editor and action name                mode      - init, textedit, or wysiwyg\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function editor_setmode(button_id, mode) {  var BtnParts = Array();  BtnParts = button_id.split("_");  var objname     = button_id.replace(/^_(.*)_[^_]*$/, '$[1]');  var cmdID       = BtnParts[ BtnParts.length-[1] ];  var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];  var editdoc;    // set below  // define different editors  var TextEdit   = '<textarea ID="_' +objname + '_editor" style="width:' +editor_obj.style.width+ '; height:' +editor_obj.style.height+ '; margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px;"></textarea>';  var RichEdit   = '<iframe ID="_' +objname+ '_editor"    style="width:' +editor_obj.style.width+ '; height:' +editor_obj.style.height+ ';"></iframe>';  //  // Switch to TEXTEDIT mode  //  if (mode == "textedit" || editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'iframe') {    editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;    var contents = editdoc.body.createTextRange().htmlText;    editor_obj.outerHTML = TextEdit;    editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];    editor_obj.value = contents;    editor_updateUI(objname);    // disable buttons    var IDList = Array('Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','SubScript','SuperScript','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','InsertOrderedList','InsertUnorderedList','Outdent','Indent','ForeColor','BackColor','InsertHorizontalRule','CreateLink','InsertImage');    for (i=[0]; i<IDList.length; i++) {                                // for each button      var button_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +IDList];   // get button object      if (button_obj == null) { continue; }                          // if no btn obj???      button_obj.className = 'btnNA';      button_obj.disabled = true;    }    // disable font pulldowns    var IDList = Array('FontName','FontSize');    for (i=[0]; i<IDList.length; i++) {      var button_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +IDList];   // button object      if (button_obj == null) { continue; }                          // if no btn obj???      button_obj.disabled = true;    }    // set event handlers    editor_obj.onkeypress  = function() { editor_updateUI(objname); }    editor_obj.onkeyup     = function() { editor_updateUI(objname); }    editor_obj.onmouseup   = function() { editor_updateUI(objname); }    editor_obj.ondrop      = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, [100]); }     // these events fire before they occur    editor_obj.oncut       = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, [100]); }    editor_obj.onpaste     = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, [100]); }    editor_obj.onblur      = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, -[1]); }    // update hidden output field    document.all[objname].value = editor_obj.value;    _editor_focus(editor_obj);  }  //  // Switch to WYSIWYG mode  //  else {    var contents = editor_obj.value;    // create editor    editor_obj.outerHTML = RichEdit;    editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];    // get iframe document object    editdoc    = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;    // set editor contents (and default styles for editor)    editdoc.open();    editdoc.write(''      + '<html><head>\n'      + '<style>\n'      + 'body { background-color: #2C2C30; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Verdana"; font-size: x-small; } \n'      + '</style>\n'      + '</head>\n'      + '<body contenteditable="true" topmargin=[1] leftmargin=[1]>'      + contents      + '</body>\n'      + '</html>\n'      );    editdoc.close();	editdoc.execCommand('ForeColor', false, "#FFFFFF");	    // enable buttons    var IDList = Array('Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','SubScript','SuperScript','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','InsertOrderedList','InsertUnorderedList','Outdent','Indent','ForeColor','BackColor','InsertHorizontalRule','CreateLink','InsertImage');    for (i=[0]; i<IDList.length; i++) {      var button_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +IDList];      if (button_obj == null) { continue; }      button_obj.className = 'btn';      button_obj.disabled = false;    }    // set event handlers    editdoc.onkeypress     = function() { editor_updateUI(objname); }    editdoc.onkeyup        = function() { editor_updateUI(objname); }    editdoc.onmouseup      = function() { editor_updateUI(objname); }    editdoc.body.ondrop    = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, [100]); }     // these events fire before they occur    editdoc.body.oncut     = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, [100]); }    editdoc.body.onpaste   = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, [100]); }    editdoc.body.onblur    = function() { editor_updateUI(objname, -[1]); }    // set initial value    editor_obj.onload      = function() { editdoc.body.innerHTML = document.all[objname].value; }    // update hidden output field    _fix_placeholder_urls(editdoc);    document.all[objname].value = editdoc.body.innerHTML;                     // update hidden output field    // bring focus to editor    if (mode != 'init') {             // don't focus on page load, only on mode switch      _editor_focus(editor_obj);    }  }  // Call update UI  if (mode != 'init') {             // don't update UI on page load, only on mode switch    editor_updateUI(objname);  }}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : _editor_focus  Description : bring focus to the editor  Usage       : editor_focus(editor_obj);  Arguments   : editor_obj - editor object\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function _editor_focus(editor_obj) {  // check editor mode  if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') {         // textarea    var myfunc = function() { editor_obj.focus(); };    setTimeout(myfunc,[100]);                                     // doesn't work all the time without delay  }  else {                                                        // wysiwyg    var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;            // get iframe editor document object    var editorRange = editdoc.body.createTextRange();           // editor range    var curRange    = editdoc.selection.createRange();          // selection range    if (curRange.length == null &&                              // make sure it's not a controlRange        !editorRange.inRange(curRange)) {                       // is selection in editor range      editorRange.collapse();                                   // move to start of range      editorRange.select();                                     // select      curRange = editorRange;    }  }}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : _dec_to_rgb  Description : convert dec color value to rgb hex  Usage       : var hex = _dec_to_rgb('[65535]');   // returns FFFF00  Arguments   : value   - dec value\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function _dec_to_rgb(value) {  var hex_string = "";  for (var hexpair = [0]; hexpair < [3]; hexpair++) {    var byte = value & 0xFF;            // get low byte    value >>= [8];                        // drop low byte    var nybble2 = byte & 0x0F;          // get low nybble ([4] bits)    var nybble1 = (byte >> [4]) & 0x0F;   // get high nybble    hex_string += nybble1.toString([16]); // convert nybble to hex    hex_string += nybble2.toString([16]); // convert nybble to hex  }  return hex_string.toUpperCase();}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : _fix_placeholder_urls  Description : editor make relative urls absolute, this change them back                if the url contains a placeholder ("***")  Usage       : _fix_placeholder_urls(editdoc)  Arguments   : editdoc - reference to editor document\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function _fix_placeholder_urls(editdoc) {  var i;  // for links  for (i=[0]; i < editdoc.links.length; i++) {    editdoc.links.href = editdoc.links.href.replace(/^[^*]*(\*\*\*)/, "$[1]");  }  // for images  for (i=[0]; i < editdoc.images.length; i++) {    editdoc.images.src = editdoc.images.src.replace(/^[^*]*(\*\*\*)/, "$[1]");  }}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Function    : editor_insertHTML  Description : insert string at current cursor position in editor.  If                two strings are specifed, surround selected text with them.  Usage       : editor_insertHTML(objname, str1, [str2], reqSelection)  Arguments   : objname - ID of textarea                str1 - HTML or text to insert                str2 - HTML or text to insert (optional argument)                reqSelection - ([1] or [0]) give error if no text selected\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */function editor_insertHTML(objname, str1,str2, reqSel) {  var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];    // editor object  if (str1 == null) { str1 = ''; }  if (str2 == null) { str2 = ''; }  // for non-wysiwyg capable browsers just add to end of textbox  if (document.all[objname] && editor_obj == null) {    document.all[objname].focus();    document.all[objname].value = document.all[objname].value + str1 + str2;    return;  }  // error checking    if (editor_obj == null) { return alert("Unable to insert HTML.  Invalid object name '" +objname+ "'."); }  _editor_focus(editor_obj);  var tagname = editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase();  var sRange; // insertHTML for wysiwyg iframe  if (tagname == 'iframe') {    var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;    sRange  = editdoc.selection.createRange();    var sHtml   = sRange.htmlText;    // check for control ranges    if (sRange.length) { return alert("Unable to insert HTML.  Try highlighting content instead of selecting it."); }    // insert HTML    var oldHandler = window.onerror;    window.onerror = function() { alert("Unable to insert HTML for current selection."); return true; } // partial table selections cause errors    if (sHtml.length) {                                 // if content selected      if (str2) { sRange.pasteHTML(str1 +sHtml+ str2) } // surround      else      { sRange.pasteHTML(str1); }             // overwrite    } else {                                            // if insertion point only      if (reqSel) { return alert("Unable to insert HTML.  You must select something first."); }      sRange.pasteHTML(str1 + str2);                    // insert strings    }    window.onerror = oldHandler;  }  // insertHTML for plaintext textarea  else if (tagname == 'textarea') {    editor_obj.focus();    sRange  = document.selection.createRange();    var sText   = sRange.text;    // insert HTML    if (sText.length) {                                 // if content selected      if (str2) { sRange.text = str1 +sText+ str2; }  // surround      else      { sRange.text = str1; }               // overwrite    } else {                                            // if insertion point only      if (reqSel) { return alert("Unable to insert HTML.  You must select something first."); }      sRange.text = str1 + str2;                        // insert strings    }  }  else { alert("Unable to insert HTML.  Unknown object tag type '" +tagname+ "'."); }  // move to end of new content  sRange.collapse(false); // move to end of range  sRange.select();        // re-select}/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

I'm done trying to break things.
Chess is played by three people. Two people play the game; the third provides moral support for the pawns. The object of the game is to kill your opponent by flinging captured pieces at his head. Since the only piece that can be killed is a pawn, the two armies agree to meet in a pawn-infested area (or even a pawn shop) and kill as many pawns as possible in the crossfire. If the game goes on for an hour, one player may legally attempt to gouge out the other player's eyes with his King.
I was just testing out the new syntax highlighter.. I wrote it to support c/c++,c#,vb,vbscript,jscript,&#106avascript,x86 assembly, and java.<br><br>---<br>Michael Tanczos<br>
Just one line. . .

Cool, the css changes depending on the browser used. I'm going to have to change my user agent string to read something other than IE3 to use this wonderful new feature, though.
Chess is played by three people. Two people play the game; the third provides moral support for the pawns. The object of the game is to kill your opponent by flinging captured pieces at his head. Since the only piece that can be killed is a pawn, the two armies agree to meet in a pawn-infested area (or even a pawn shop) and kill as many pawns as possible in the crossfire. If the game goes on for an hour, one player may legally attempt to gouge out the other player's eyes with his King.
int main(void) {  return 0;}
This is borked. The post above didn't have the [] surrounding the 0 when I made the post. It's showed up in a couple of other people's posts as well.
Quote:Original post by SiCrane
This is borked. The post above didn't have the [] surrounding the 0 when I made the post. It's showed up in a couple of other people's posts as well.

WHoooooooooops.. late change. I used to only show numbers if they were an index of an array, but later changed the code to highlight all numbers. Forgot to take out the brackets. =P

Michael Tanczos

"""simpleminded session save/restore based on an idea by Gerrit Hollreadline module required! (implies won't work on Windows)mark the beginning of a session by calling mark().  Save the currentsession since the last mark() call by calling save().  Load a savedsession by calling load().load from your PYTHONSTARTUP file as    from save_session import mark, save, load"""__all__ = ['mark', 'save', 'load']try:    import readlineexcept ImportError:    raise ImportError, "session save/restore requires readline module"import osimport sys# needs to match the filename the user uses!_histfile = os.path.expanduser("~/.pyhist")# where we save sessions_session_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.pysession")# mark with something valid at the interpreter but unlikely to be executed# by the user_marker = '((1.0+999.0j, "mark", 999.0-1.0j))'def save():    """save the readline history since last call to mark()"""    end = readline.get_current_history_length() - 1    session = []    item = readline.get_history_item(end)    while item != _marker:        session.insert(0, item+"\n")        end -= 1        item = readline.get_history_item(end)            file(_session_file, 'w').writelines(session)    print >> sys.stderr, "saved session to", _session_filedef load():    """load the last session saved by a call to save()"""    try:        execfile(_session_file, sys._getframe(1).f_globals)    except:        print >> sys.stderr, ("Session load failed. Check for error in %s" %                              _session_file)    else:        print >> sys.stderr, "loaded session from", _session_filedef mark():    """mark the start of a new session to save later"""    readline.add_history(_marker)#!/usr/bin/env python"""Demonstrate one heuristic approach to determining a string's encoding."""import sysdef decode_heuristically(s, enc=None, denc=sys.getdefaultencoding()):    """Try interpreting s using several possible encodings.    The return value is a three-element tuple.  The first element is either an    ASCII string or a Unicode object.  The second element is 1    if the decoder had to punt and delete some characters from the input    to successfully generate a Unicode object."""    if isinstance(s, unicode):        return s, 0, "utf-8"    try:        x = unicode(s, "ascii")        # if it's ascii, we're done        return s, 0, "ascii"    except UnicodeError:        encodings = ["utf-8","iso-8859-1","cp1252","iso-8859-15"]        # if the default encoding is not ascii it's a good thing to try        if denc != "ascii": encodings.insert(0, denc)        # always try any caller-provided encoding first        if enc: encodings.insert(0, enc)        for enc in encodings:            # Most of the characters between 0x80 and 0x9F are displayable            # in cp1252 but are control characters in iso-8859-1.  Skip            # iso-8859-1 if they are found, even though the unicode() call            # might well succeed.            if (enc in ("iso-8859-15", "iso-8859-1") and                re.search(r"[\x80-\x9f]", s) is not None):                continue            # Characters in the given range are more likely to be             # symbols used in iso-8859-15, so even though unicode()            # may accept such strings with those encodings, skip them.            if (enc in ("iso-8859-1", "cp1252") and                re.search(r"[\xa4\xa6\xa8\xb4\xb8\xbc-\xbe]", s) is not None):                continue            try:                x = unicode(s, enc)            except UnicodeError:                pass            else:                if x.encode(enc) == s:                    return x, 0, enc        # nothing worked perfectly - try again, but use the "ignore" parameter        # and return the longest result        output = [(unicode(s, enc, "ignore"), enc) for enc in encodings]        output = [(len(x), x) for x in output]        output.sort()        x, enc = output[-1][1]        return x, 1, encdef decode_by_counting(s, enc=None, denc=sys.getdefaultencoding(),                       _str="strict"):    """Try interpreting s using several possible encodings.    The return value is as above for decode_heuristically but uses    a different method from David Eppstein:    http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-April/215185.html    """    if isinstance(s, unicode):        return s, 0, "utf-8"    try:        x = unicode(s, "ascii")        # if it's ascii, we're done        return s, 0, "ascii"    except UnicodeError:        encodings = ["utf-8","iso-8859-1","cp1252","iso-8859-15"]        # if the default encoding is not ascii it's a good thing to try        if denc != "ascii": encodings.insert(0, denc)        # always try any caller-provided encoding first        if enc: encodings.insert(0, enc)        scores = []        for enc in encodings:            try:                x = unicode(s, enc, _str)            except UnicodeError:                score = -len(s)            else:                score = len([c for c in x if c.isalnum() or c.isspace()])            scores.append((score, x, enc))        if scores:            scores.sort()            score, x, enc = scores[-1]            return x, 0, enc        if _str == "strict":            x, punt, enc = return decode_by_counting(s, enc, denc, "ignore")            return x, 1, enc                    ## This file contains the Python code from Program 4.9 of# "Data Structures and Algorithms# with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python"# by Bruno R. Preiss.## Copyright (c) 2003 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng.  All rights reserved.## http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus7/programs/pgm04_09.txt#class DenseMatrix(Matrix):    def __init__(self, rows, cols):        super(DenseMatrix, self).__init__(rows, cols)        self._array = MultiDimensionalArray(rows, cols)    def __getitem__(self, (i, j)):        return self._array[i,j]    def __setitem__(self, (i, j), value):        self._array[i,j] = value    # ...# Vigenere Cipher Program##import everythingimport os, os.path, string#Pretty Titleprint "*************************************"print "*       Vigenere Coder / Decoder    *"print "*************************************"print# Get input directory, see if it exists, and change into itdef get_dir():    directory = raw_input("Path to text file directory: ")    if not os.path.isdir(directory):        print "Invalid directory"        directory = get_dir()    return directorydirectory = get_dir()os.chdir(directory)#Get filename, test for filedef get_file():    input_file = raw_input("Name of text file: ")    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):        print "Invalid  file name."        input_file = get_file()    return input_filein_file = get_file()# Open and read input textsource = open(in_file, "r")source_txt = source.read()source.close()#put in standard case to make encode easieritem = string.lower(source_txt)#Encode or decode?cypher = raw_input("[E]ncode or [D]ecode: ")cypher = string.upper(cypher)#prepare outfileout_name = raw_input("Name of Output File: ")outfile = open(out_name, "a")out_text = []#Request Code / Decode Keykey = raw_input("Cypher Key: ")key = string.lower(key)#make len(keyword) equal len(item)padded_key = keywhile len(padded_key) < len(source_txt):    padded_key = padded_key + key#convert padded_key to ascii numbernum_key = []for p in padded_key:    num_p = ord(p)    num_key.append(num_p)#convert source_txt to ascii numbernum_source = []for i in source_txt:    num_i = ord(i)    num_source.append(num_i)#add num values togethernum_cypher = []index = 0for num in num_source:    if cypher == "E":        new_num = num_source[index] + num_key[index]    elif cypher == "D":        new_num = num_source[index] - num_key[index]    else:        pass    #Adjust for numbers too big    if new_num > 255:        new_num = (new_num - 255)    elif new_num < 0:        new_num = (new_num + 255)    else:        pass    num_cypher.append(new_num)    index = index + 1        #convert ascii num to letterscypher_chr = ""for nc in num_cypher:    cypher_chr = cypher_chr + chr(nc)#Write new text to out fileoutfile.write(cypher_chr)outfile.close()#Tell them we are all done nowif cypher == "E":    print "Text encrypted."elif cypher =="D":    print "Text decoded."else:    print "I don't know what happened.  Probably nothing."
degenerate python source test case:

"""a multiline string literal containing a " characterheck throw in a ' character while we're at it"""import sys"""a multiline string literal containing a " characterheck throw in a ' character while we're at it"""

'''a multiline string literal containing a ' characterheck throw in a " character while we're at it'''import sys'''a multiline string literal containing a ' characterheck throw in a " character while we're at it'''

-> Eats one of the '

Oh by the way, is there a way to fix line continuations ( \ at end of line), it screws with multiline preprocessor macros.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan

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