2 Devices, 1 Texture?

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5 comments, last by Kibble 19 years, 9 months ago
Hello All, I'm making an editor in C#. I need to render ascene to a texture and then render the texture to screen. I can do that on my computer just fine and its very fast. The Problem is my partner has a super slow Celeron 1.5ghz no grahpics card. So I have to render to the texture using a software device for his computer b/c I'm using shaders. I then want to render the texture of the scene to the screen using a hardware device so it'll be fast. Is it impossible to share a texture btw 2 different devices? Is it possible to changes the device from software rendering to hardware rendering? Any Suggestions? Joe
Q1) I don't think this is possible. (Why not create another texture-object?)
Q2) pDevice->Reset( presentParams ); Read the DirectX documentation for more information on this function.
2 devices can't share a resource. You would likely have to do something like Lock both textures and copy the bits with the CPU. But this is likely to be so slow that it's unusable.

Stay Casual,KenDrunken Hyena
Quote:Pipo DeClown wrote:
Q1) I don't think this is possible. (Why not create another texture-object?)
Q2) pDevice->Reset( presentParams ); Read the DirectX documentation for more information on this function.

pDevice->Reset cannot chage device type, only parameters
You should only ever have one device for your program, unless you are dealing with multiple monitors.

I'm not exactly sure what you are saying, but it sounds like all you have to do is try to create a hardware device and if that fails create a software device instead.
____________________________________________________________AAAAA: American Association Against Adobe AcrobatYou know you hate PDFs...
Check out IDirect3DSwapChain*, or I guesss it would be Microsft.DirectX.Direct3D.SwapChain or something like that for C#. Then you will have one device.
Crap that was me. What happened to the warning?

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