Normals in loaded meshs !!?!?!?

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0 comments, last by Hamster 19 years, 9 months ago
Hi, when ever i load a q3 bsp or 3ds file etc and tell opengl to draw the normals of the faces with GL_POINTS, theres always a clump of points sitting somewhere in the map .... in a sphere shape. Why is this ?!?
Normals are vectors which point straight out of the surface they are attatched to and cannot really be drawn with points. If you try to they will all appear in a sphere around the origin, as normals are always of length one (or ought to be), and in a complex mesh normals will be pointing in more or less all directions. If you want to render normals on your vertices I'd suggest drawing GL_LINES from the vertex to a point at vertex + normal.

The standard graphical use for normals is lighting. Look up tutorials on this if you're not sure what to do.

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