Ok now what do i do

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7 comments, last by Toolmaker 19 years, 9 months ago
ok i have the code for the php for a login but what do i do with it?
Include it on your page?
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Do you have any PHP/programming knowledge? It's obvious you need to work out some workflow.

I did it like this:
$Action = GetPostField("action", null); // Custom made function switch ($Action){    case null:        ShowLoginForm();        break;    case "login":        $Username = GetPostField("username", null);        $Password = GetPostField("password", null);        // Check username/password stored in db        if (CheckLogin($Username, $Password) == TRUE)        {            // Store cookie for auto login            StoreCookie($Username, $Password);            // Forward to mainpage            header("location: index.php");        }        else        {            ErrorMessage("Invalid username/password");            ShowLoginForm();        }        break;}

Well, sort of... I have no idea if it works, but my login code looked something like that. Consider using sessions though.


On this subject, does anyone know of any place where they have a beginner's PHP tutorial on logins, etc (for someone who can already program in C++)?
"Learn as though you would never be able to master it,
hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
ok but do i have to make a dialoge box for them to type in and if so how?
i have no php or programing knoledge i just no basic java script and i know html @ toolmaker
Give me 30 minutes, I am working out an example for you.


cant you use the .htaccess file for a login dialog? or isnt it supported on you http-server? just wondering...

Ok, I wrote an HTML page that contains a "login dialog" and a Submit button. When you call ShowLoginForm(), you should output this code in that function.

When you click "Submit", it will call "login.php?action=login".

<center>    Please login<br><br>    <form name="login" action="login.php" method="post">        <table border="0">            <tr>                <td width="100px">Username</td>                <td width="250px"><input type="text" size="30" name="username"/></td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td width="100px">Password</td>                <td width="250px"><input type="password" size="30" name="password"/></td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td colspan="2" align="center">                    <input type="submit" text="login">                </td>            </tr>        </table>    </form></center>

Because you know nothing about PHP, I suggest you go to the link below and follow the tutorial.


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