sprite animation

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10 comments, last by CC Ricers 19 years, 9 months ago
how would i go about making an animation for sprites? i understand the animation is basically a lot of frames of the sprite in differing positions (duh), but how do i get them to do that, then insert them into my game? im doing it in SDL... gibson thanks!
ok, first make the animation like this:
frame 1 picture frame 2 picture ...
then, to switch what frame you are blitting, change the source rectangle's x value to match what frame you are on
put all this in a callback function for a timer, I haven't figured out how to do that yet :)
once you have all the frames, its pretty easy. lets say your animation is 2 frames, of a person walking...

SDL_Surface *walk_1;
SDL_Surface *walk_2;

better yet, stick them in an array.

SDL_Surface *walking_frames[2];

now, lets say you have a function call blit_img() which took a surface to blit and the coordinates to blit it to. you just switch up which surface you send this function... you could do this:

static int counter = 0;if(character_is_walking){    blit_img(walking_frames[cntr],x_pos,y_pos);    cntr++;    if(cntr >= total_frames)         cntr = 0;}

do you see whats done here? you just flip which frame to play... this is very basic, though. this switches the image each frame, where you should do it based on time. just use SDL_GetTicks() to get the time, and increment cntr based on that. of course, a vector would be best for this situation if you know how to use them, since you dont have to track how many frames you have, plus they are much nicer in general. i would strongly recommend to learn vectors before doing an animation system (they are easy to learn...)

FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG
try this site :
yeah i know how to do like walking or somthing similar, i was wondering about a full blown, say, attack animation, where there are up to 20 frames. could i use the SDL_GetTicks() and just have the animations in the array blit in the order of the Tick and also write a simple calculation for xy positioning?

if that is the way to do it, is that the most efficient way to?

thanks again!
sorry that was me, didnt log in.

a question to tack onto that one

is there any way to import .PNG or .TGA files into SDL? how? gracias.
well, there really isn't a "most efficient" way of doing it, but one way is to create of vector of a list/vector of frames, and have some way of determining the starting index of each action (which contains x amount of frames), and then yes, like you said, just use SDL_GetTicks() and blit another image when enough time has passed.
for other image formats [besides .bmps], look into the sdl_image library :
Picking up on Graveyard Filla's code, I'm getting the idea of blitting the surface every time a new frame is called. I can get implement SDL_GetTicks() on my own from there. But how would you load the images from the array? This is all I can think off the top of my head right now:

SDL_Surface *walking_frames[1];
walking_frames[1] = SDL_LoadBMP("frame1.bmp");

That seems too slow, loading them from the disk on every frame. There must be a better way I'm not aware of.

New game in progress: Project SeedWorld

My development blog: Electronic Meteor

If you are feeling more serious about it, i suggest when you get your hard coded animation running, try out saving animation in XLM files and use a parser to parse it and take frame sets out of it, this will make life easy for one time work.

I am using it and also Raymond Jacobs of Ethereal Darkness is using XML for saving animation sets for his upcoming Morning's Wrath.

Well don't try unless you got something running and up!
::- Hear the beauty of silence -::
classes are an amazing thing:

here is my SDL animation class that i made for a game a while ago...

//ANIMATION CLASS FOR SPRITE#include "cSDL.h"#pragma once//AnimationState Struct////////////////typedef struct {	int            CurrentFrame;	int            XCellPosition;	int            YCellPosition;	int            frames;	unsigned int   AnimationSpeed;} AnimationState;/////////////////////////////////////////ANIMATION STATE ENUM/////////////////enum SPECIAL_ANIM_STATE{	MOVEDOWN = 0,	MOVEUP,	MOVELEFT,	MOVERIGHT,};/////////////////////////////////////////ANIMATION CLASS//////////////////////class cAnimation{public:	//Constructor and Destructor	cAnimation();	~cAnimation();	//Cell co-ordinates//////////	int           myXCell;	//Animation Properties///////	int            AnimationSpeed;	Uint32         LastFrameTime;	Uint32		   ChangeBackTime;	bool		   animTimer;	int			   lastAnim;		//Directional Facing/////////	int           move_right;	int           move_left;	int           move_up;	int           move_down;	//Special	int			  get_hit;	/////////////////////////////	AnimationState* AnimationStates;	int           AnimationStateCount;	int           CurrentAnimationState;	//Simple Advance frame	void AdvanceFrame();	//Starts Animation Ticker	void StartAnimTicker();	void SetAnimationWithTime(int animation, Uint32 time);};///////////////////////////////////////

and here is the animatoin.cpp
//CANIMATION IMPLEMENTATION//INCLUDE#include "cAnimation.h"//CONSTRUCTORS//////////////////cAnimation::cAnimation(){	AnimationStates = NULL;  	CurrentAnimationState = 0;	myXCell = 0;	move_up = 0;	move_down = 0;	move_left = 0;	move_right = 0;	animTimer = false;};cAnimation::~cAnimation(){	delete AnimationStates;	AnimationStateCount = 0;};//////////////////////////////////Starts animation ticker///////void cAnimation::StartAnimTicker(){	LastFrameTime = SDL_GetTicks();}//////////////////////////////////Advance Frame/////////////////void cAnimation::AdvanceFrame(){	//Gets current time	Uint32 current = SDL_GetTicks();	//Tests for next frame	if(current - LastFrameTime >= AnimationStates[CurrentAnimationState].AnimationSpeed)	{		//Resets Frame time		LastFrameTime = current;				//Tests and calculates multiple frame skips		if((current - LastFrameTime) / AnimationStates[CurrentAnimationState].AnimationSpeed > 1)			myXCell += int((current - LastFrameTime) / AnimationStates[CurrentAnimationState].AnimationSpeed);		else		{			//Advances Frame			myXCell++;		}		if(myXCell >= AnimationStates[CurrentAnimationState].frames)			myXCell = 0;	}	if(SDL_GetTicks() >= ChangeBackTime && animTimer)	{		animTimer = false;		CurrentAnimationState = lastAnim;	}}////////////////////////////////void cAnimation::SetAnimationWithTime(int animation, Uint32 time){	lastAnim = CurrentAnimationState;	this->CurrentAnimationState = animation;	ChangeBackTime = SDL_GetTicks() + time;	animTimer = true;}

hope looking over that stuff helps. i havent used this code in a while so i kinda dont even know what it does. this is designed as a "has a" class for object sprites. the animation class i believe just takes care of texture rect coordinates, and switching the frame based on passed time (SDL_GetTicks()).
---------Coming soon! Microcosm II.

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