Scrolling/Wraping issues....

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0 comments, last by Jaye05 19 years, 9 months ago
I've been working on this for about 2 days now. My iso engine is rendering tiles that are 2:1 (46x23) from Left to Right and Top to Bottom. The render looks fine until I start moving about. The map doesn't wrap around correctly. I'm trying to wrap it along both axis so the map seems like the world is round. The Y Axis wrap is beautiful. However the X axis is.... another story... if I cross it from (0,0) to (99, 0) (the otherside) it puts me on tile number 9999 (which I should be on tile 99) (y*MaxX)+x (0*100)+99 = 99. I've got a screenshot of the render and each tile has it's number in the map array on top of it. maybe someone can help me... It's basically if you take notebook paper and wrap it around so the lines touch and run endlessly around... then shift the lines either up or down a row and it's like a candy cane's stripe... that I think is the issue. My render code.... (using SDL) I can't really paste the code here... it formats weird... but I'll try int BaseWidth = mTiles.GetWidth(); int BaseHeight = mTiles.GetHeight(); int MapX = mMap.GetXDim(); int MapY = mMap.GetYDim(); int thing = sizeof(mMap.mMap); for(int layer=0;layer < mMap.GetZDim();layer++) { //Let's get to our start location... //The camera is in the center... we've got to find the Top Left cell. int StartY = mCam.GetCamPos().y-CamOffsetY; int StartX = mCam.GetCamPos().x-CamOffsetX; CellCounter = (((StartY)*MapX)+(StartX))*(layer+1); tmpY=0; tmpY -= BaseHeight/2; //Screen coords tmpX= 0; IsOdd = mCam.IsOdd(); for(int y=0;y < MapY;y++) { if(IsOdd) { tmpX-=BaseWidth/2; IsOdd=false; } else IsOdd=true; for(int x=0; x < MapX; x++) { //Scroll the map around... if(CellCounter>=(MapX*MapY)*(layer+1)) { CellCounter-=(MapX*MapY)*(layer+1); } if(CellCounter<0) { CellCounter+=(MapX*MapY)*(layer+1); } if(x<mCam.GetXView() && y<mCam.GetYView() && mMap.mMap[CellCounter].mTile > 0) { int YOffset=mTiles.GetHeight(mMap.mMap[CellCounter].mTile) - BaseWidth/2; int LayerOffset=mMap.mMap[CellCounter].mHeight*BaseHeight; TileDest.x = tmpX; TileDest.y = tmpY-YOffset-LayerOffset; TileSource.x=0; TileSource.y=0; TileSource.w=BaseWidth; TileSource.h=mTiles.GetHeight(mMap.mMap[CellCounter].mTile); //So there aren't poky corners... if(x==mCam.GetXView()-1) { if(IsOdd) TileSource.w -= BaseWidth/2; } if(y==mCam.GetYView()-1) { TileSource.h -= BaseHeight/2; } SDL_BlitSurface(mTiles.GetTile(mMap.mMap[CellCounter].mTile), &TileSource, mScreen, &TileDest); drawString(mScreen, mSplashFont, tmpX, tmpY, "%d", CellCounter); } CellCounter++; tmpX+=BaseWidth; } tmpX=0; tmpY+=BaseHeight/2; } } Thanks Jaye
Fixed it! instead of wrappnig CellCounter I wrap StartX and StartY before sending them to CellCounter. I increment StartX and Y in their appropriate loops and set CellCounter once every X loop to the new X Y... it wokrs perfectly!

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