2d menu texturing

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6 comments, last by digitec devil 19 years, 9 months ago
for a 2d menu i use ortogonal rendered planes so i could place them with pixel coodinates on screen. because this planes must match exactly with the background the texture must mapped with no scale. Now comes the difficult part, because the texture images must have a size which is power of 2. So for a button with the size e.g. 80*25 i use a textureimage with the size 128*32 and I use only the this 80*25 pixel of the image. Now i try to map the texture so that this 80*25 pixels are on the plane. But this is realy not a exactly solution to calculate the texture coodinates for showing a part of a texture which should be accurate to pixels it there a bether solution ??? thanks or help and decipher my english
i dont understand correctly but.
jep but how can i do this work

in the normalyway the texturecoords must be from

so i have something like this

when there is a possibility to set the
texcoords in pixel like
this where great ... but in normal way this don't work !
I had this same problem some time ago. I never figured out how... so.. if anyone knows how to fix this plz tell us ;)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pingux/ <-- you know you wanna see my 2D Engine which supports DirectX and OpenGL or insert your renderer here :)
glTexCoord2i (NOT f) will let u specify the numbers as intergers ab\nd not floats.
im not 100% sure if this is what youre after, i still cant see whats wrong with using eg glTexCoord2f(80.0/128.0,0);
80/128 = 0.625
25/32 = 0.78125

So instead of using the range [0,1] for s and t use the range
[0, 0.625] for s and [0, 0.78125] for t.
i do this on this way at the moment but
its no realy nice to calculate this float
values for pixel values, but perhabs the only way :-(

There's nothing wrong with using these values instead of the full 0,1 range. Even those values are interpolated as floating point values for texture lookups, so there's no difference.

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