DX8.1 SDK Download?

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2 comments, last by MichaelT 19 years, 8 months ago
I think microsoft removed it from there site. Every link that points to the sdk is dead or goes to a different page. Anyone know another site i could get it from?
I had the same problem, did a GOOGLE search and found it here - http://metalab.uniten.edu.my/~chteoh/CMPB474/Software/Microsoft/

If that link doesn't work, do a search for dx81sdk_full.exe which is the name of the full distribution file. There are still copies floating around the net.

I have the libs, header files and docs (from dx 1 - 9c) from dx2 to dx9c. I have all sdks except dx1 (which I believe was never public) and 6 & 6.1 (cant seem to find them anywhere :/ but i have the docs and h. & .lib files so it's ok ) and i found them all on the net. I just used google for a while ;) (I can't remember exactly but I think icarusindie have some older ones too)
No no no no! :)
If you need 6/6.1 I have them lying aorund, although I do not know how I oculd get them to you

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