your engine interface

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0 comments, last by Metron 19 years, 8 months ago
I would like to know how you have written the interface of your 3D/game engine you have e.g. 1) split in classes #include <Engine\RenderSystem.h> #include <Engine\World.h> cRenderSystem *rs; <- this would do the rendering cWorld *world; <- this would be the scenegraph WinMain(...) { rs = new cRenderSystem; world = new cWorld; rs->Initialize(...); ... cEntity *ent = world->CreateEntity( "data\\spaceship.mesh" ); // and the main render loop would go here while( 1 ) { ent->Rotate(0.0f, 1.2f, 0.0f); world->Update(); rs->Update(); ... } } 2) or you have one access class to the main thing #include <Engine.h> cEngine *Engine; cWorld *world; WinMain(...) { Engine = new cEngine; Engine->Initialize(...); ... world = Engine->CreateWorld(...); cEntity *ent = world->CreateEntity( "data\\spaceship.mesh" ); // and the main render loop would go here while( 1 ) { ent->Rotate(0.0f, 1.2f, 0.0f); world->Update(); rs->Update(); ... } } 3) or using a namespace instead of the main class #include <Engine.h> cRenderSystem *rs; <- this would do the rendering cWorld *world; <- this would be the scenegraph WinMain(...) { rs = Engine::CreateRenderSystem(); world = Engine::CreateWorld(); rs->Initialize(...); ... cEntity *ent = world->CreateEntity( "data\\spaceship.mesh" ); // and the main render loop would go here while( 1 ) { ent->Rotate(0.0f, 1.2f, 0.0f); world->Update(); rs->Update(); ... } } 4) or something else.

actually, you can do it in whatever way you want as long as it fits your needs.

Personally, I'm a friend of seperating what can be seperated. Means that I have a renderkernel with functions that handle ie. the renderstate management, the textures and the drawcalls. If I have to pass an objevt to this renderkernel it's done via pure virtual interfaces. My textures are IImages which only have a few access functions which are needed by the renderkernel to push the texture content into ie. the directx surfaces. I also have interfaces for Vertex- and Indexbuffers.

The pure virtual interfaces are implemented in my basic engine library which also contains a world management system, load/save functions and useful implementation such as a 2D output class.

Based on the base engine (specially the 2D output class) I have implemented my gui system.

And so on... and so on...

So I tend to say that 1) is the way I did it except the fact, that I do a heavy use of plug-in dlls.


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