Making a tiled map: Using transformed or not?

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1 comment, last by bobthebobert 19 years, 8 months ago
If I am making a tiled map, what should I use transformed or untransformed tiles? It would seem that using transformed would be better, because it wouldn't involve locking and unlocking, but I am not sure. Anyone know?
Be careful about your terms. It sounds like you are getting them fixed up. Transformed means you have already done all of the position and lighting calculations, and that does require locking to scroll the map.

First thing first, are you doing 2D or 3D? I will assume 2D, since that's what it sounds like.

The advantage of using the vertex / pixel pipeline is that you can get things like morphs and alpha blending for pretty much free.

I would go for that but use an orthogonal projection so that it still looks 2D but you can get the effects for free. Look into the ID3DXSprite interface, it can simplify your life a lot.
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I was thinking of using 3D, but only to give it that angled look. Using ID3DXSprite features it is possible to simulate the 3D look I figure?

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