[.net] .NET Forum FAQ

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27 comments, last by a2ps 19 years, 1 month ago
I'm still waiting for VizOne to post some answers, those questions are very good and would make an excellent FAQ, to bad I don't know german, I'd be over on that site all the time!
I noticed that when all of the languages went ".net"
they all run at the same speed since they compiled down to the same level of code....

this makes a language like visual basic suitable for gaming if one were to use microsofts own game libraries aka directx because there is no speed diference with any language.

open** isn't accessable to any other .net languages except c++
(to any open** programmer's sadness)
then again...
I've recently heard of tao...
it is the medium in which managed code is made into opengl calls
I'd say it's not as easy as dx, but it's doable...
I'm using SDLDotNet and Tao.OpenGL. SDLDotNet is a very nice managed wrapper around SDL that uses events, objects, etc. Tao.OpenGL is the same old OpenGL with everything in the Gl class, so all the old tutorials still apply.

The nice thing is cross-platform-ness. I don't even have to recompile to have my game working on Linux. With my MLib.Timer wrapper around QPF and Environment.TickCount (which returns to the nearest ms on Linux), I can use the same .zip downloadable for Windows and Linux. (Of course the Linux users will want it as a .bz2.)

Oh, and I assume that this won't be the final FAQ, will it? Will someone put everything into FAQ form when we have plenty of info here?
Q - Where should I start?
Q - How do I make a game with .NET?
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Help! my VB6 code won't compile on VB.NET! What happened?
Since it is a .NET forum and a game development site, why not a link to the DirectX download (and perhaps a quick answer on how to install the Managed DX assemblies from the redist.
Jason Olson - Software Developer[ Managed World ]
Good ideas. Guess i should whip out the ol' notepad and finish this up soon (like...this weekend)

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

I'll post what I can translate..meine Deutsche ist aber schlecht..;)

Managed DirectX und OpenGL

Managed DirectX

DE: Wo finde ich Tutoriale zum Thema Managed DirectX?
ENG: Where can I find Managed DirectX Tutorials?

DE: Buchempfehlung
ENG: Books
Managed DirectX 9 (by Tom Miller)


DE: Was ist OpenGL?
ENG: What is OpenGL?

DE: OpenGL ist eine Library zur hardwarebeschleunigten Grafikausgabe, ähnlich wie (Managed) Direct3D. Im Gegensatz zu DirectX unterstüzt OpenGL auch viele andere Plattformen(Linux,Unix,Windows,MacOS,Embedded Controller...). Außerhalb der Spieleprogrammierung hat sich OpenGL zum Quasi Standard für Grafikprogrammierung etabliert. Genauere Informationen zu OpenGL gibt es auf www.opengl.org .
ENG: Long spiel here, but basically explains that OpenGL is cross platform and DirectX isn't. OpenGL can run on multiple platforms (Linux, Unix, Win32, MacOs, etc). For more information on OpenGL, see opengl.org.

DE: Wie greife ich von .net aus auf OpenGL zu?
ENG: How do I use OpenGL with .NET?

DE: Hierzu gibt es 2 Möglichkeiten: Zum Ersten CSGL. Jedoch ist die Entwicklung dieses Projektes eingestellt. Daher sollte man auf das Tao Framework setzen.
ENG: We've got 2 choices: CSGL and Tao

DE: Welche OpenGL Spezifikation werden unterstüzt?
ENG: What's the latest OpenGL specification?

DE: Derzeit wird die OpenGL Spezifikation 1.5 unterstüzt.
ENG: The OpenGL 1.5 specification is the latest.

DE: Welche zusätzlichen Librarys werden unterstüzt?
ENG: What companion/utility library are available?

DE: Es stehen GLU 1.3,GLUT 3.7.6, WGL und verschiedene GL und WGL Extensions zu Verfügung.
ENG: We've got GLU 1.3, GLUT 3.7.6, WGL and the GL extension mechanism.

More to come!
Learn about game programming!Games Programming in C++: Start to Finish
DirectX managed download (SDK):

DirectX Managed runtime (bundled with the 9.0c redist):

Nothing much to installing the redistributable (thank god), just launch it and let it go to work.

Learn about game programming!Games Programming in C++: Start to Finish

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