Emergent Intelligence

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72 comments, last by Nathaniel Hammen 19 years, 7 months ago
Quote:Original post by Ferretman
......this is the worse kind of emergent behavior that seems to breed in forums....

As I know, emergent behavior is surely defined as what the Timkin's say at academia. At this early day, industry seems still in the darkness. Maybe industry will win this game, but at this time, I select to stand with Timkin.
Just my $0.02 and why not add a little fuel to the fire. This is from a 1999 paper in the journal Artificial Life. Reference and abstract:

Ronald, E. M., M. Sipper, et al. (1999). "Design, observation, surprise! A test of emergence." Artif Life 5(3): 225-39.
The field of artificial life (Alife) is replete with documented instances of emergence, though debate still persists as to the meaning of this term. We contend that, in the absence of an acceptable definition, researchers in the field would be well served by adopting an emergence certification mark that would garner approval from the Alife community. Toward this end, we propose an emergence test, namely, criteria by which one can justify conferring the emergence label.

Anyone else care to contribute an example of their emergent behaviours? IIRC, Timkin, I remember reading a post of yours having to due with corners in mazes. Care to re-cap for those who may have missed it?

Quote:Original post by Timkin
I was referring to your most recent response to an AP, in which you made sarcastic remarks about a lack of credentials. If this wasn't an attack, then I've misinterpreted it. My apologies if that is the case.
It wasn't the case... notice the use of the "sarcasm" tags. Those were specifically put there to show that I was rolling my eyes at the whole "credential" thing.

Quote:I made no such claims as to the clarity or exactness of my definitions. [snip] Go back and read my original post and please point out where I claimed that my definition was 'crystal clear', if you believe otherwise.
You told me I was "wrong" with the added implication that anyone who says otherwise is incorrect as well.

Quote:Original post by InnocuousFox
(Interestingly, other people came in to post in support of my definition - or rather my summation of the definition as held by many in the industry.)

Quote:You keep mentioning this 'many in the industry', yet you had to pull a few quotes off google
I didn't "have to" do anything. That was an idle search just for the sake of saking.
Quote:... which you clearly misrepresent through your own lack of knowledge of the depth of literature in this field - and claim that these quotes support your comments because someone else agreed with you.
I didn't misrepresent anything. I copied and pasted them complete with links to the original source. It wasn't a bloody thesis, Timkin. Get over it.

Quote:Original post by InnocuousFox
I can't seem to find how I was dismissing anyone or anything -
To quote you form your first post in this thread:
Quote:"Emergent behavior" is really just a fancy way of saying "a coincidence that really looked cool"

This is particularly dismissive of what EB is and of the years of work that has gone into understanding it; particularly since most literature describes EB as not coincidence, but rather something that arises from evolution or design.
And again, I clarified later that I was speaking soley in terms of the game development world and how the term is used colloquially in that world. (Note that my reporting of this usage has been backed up by others in this thread... and yet you seem to be "dismissing them.)

Quote:Ask Craig Reynold's how many different rules and combinations he had to try before he found 3 that gave him flocking behaviours! It certainly wasn't a coincidence that those three gave him the that behaviour. He chose those rules exactly because they DID provide that behaviour.
This is so incredibly irrelevant to the conversation that it is ludicrous. I never in this post dismissed any research. Notice that I didn't say that arriving at these algorithms is a random collection of events and coincidences. Sheesh... it is amazing what you manage to read into things!

Quote:Original post by InnocuousFox
just merely passing along an observation of how the term is often used in our industry

Ah, so it's your industry?

our: The plural nominative case of the pronoun of the first person; the word with which a person in speaking or writing denotes a number or company of which he is one, as the subject of an action expressed by a verb.

Therefore, at a minimum, YOU and I become "we". The posessive of "we" is "our". Certainly I was including far more than you and I, but the term still relates. YOU were the one who then claimed it was "your industry" (meaning "my" industry). It was YOU who removed YOURSELF from the collective posessive pronoun that I used. Why is this hard?

Quote:It's not an industry in which academics participate and contribute?
I claimed nothing of the sort.
Quote:Are you claiming that all games technology is developed and implemented in games companies, or consulting firms like yours?
I claimed nothing of the sort.
Quote:Certainly, most games are implemented in said companies... but where do you think they get the technology from?
I never claimed anything to the contrary of this point.
Quote:Of course, as is often seen in the industry, someone using the technology doesn't mean that they understand it. Look at ANNs as a perfect example.
This is irrelevant to the topic.
Quote:Further to this, you think that anyone that doesn't put a sig in their post with a company name in it doesn't work in your industry! Now THAT'S presumptive.
I claimed nothing of the sort.

Quote:Actually Dave, you go out of your way to bash those with credentials, particularly those working in academic or research areas.
I do nothing of the sort. (more later)
Quote:Anyone on the receiving end of your long-standing disgruntled attitude to these people certainly has a right to feel attacked, because it's not a one-off event with you... it's something you continually raise whenever you get the chance. You're so hung up on attacking people who have credentials that you forget that having them actually means something in the real world.
Putting aside the point that you have implied a helluva lot of motive on my part, you are missing the point of the times that I have "bashed" here. Those are largely the situations where someone comes in asking for a simple, introductory answer to something which he/she/it may be attempting for the first time - and they are answered by some with the most complicated, involved, high-level, doctoral, cutting-edge techniques. They are blown away... not that the material, in and of itself, is incorrect or not useful... but that, to the person in question, it IS useless. My complaint is always that people need to have a sense of scope on this board - not only of size and complexity for the issue at hand (AS MEASURED BY THE SKILLS OF THE PERSON ASKING THE QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE), but of what is appropriate for the genre as a whole. Among some, that level of perception is often significantly lacking.

This is NOT an academic AI board.
This is NOT an AI R&D board.
This is NOT a board where the participants have taken the pre-requisite courses.

Quote:Of course, you also like attacking people that don't know anything (the so-called 'noobs' who visit this site).
I don't recall doing this. What I do, on occassion, is ask them (and others) to qualify their questions a little better - or to take their focus away from the "tool selection" and pay more attention to "problem definition". Attack? I don't think so.

Oh, and "Mr. Theory & Research"... surely you know that it's not correct to continue to make assumptions regarding something of which you have no direct knowledge. You would lose points for the continual use of phrases like "you also like". Unless you have some method of caputuring me giggling away as I type the alleged offending posts, you don't know a damn thing about what "I like", motives, etc. Please, since I trust that you are making an effort to approach this logically, stop making statements that only serve as an attempt to color perceptions of my participation here.

Quote:Perhaps you just like denigrating people for what they do or don't know.

And perhaps you like typing 10,000 word responses to people with questions along the lines of "how do I make my tank move?" Shall we analyze YOUR motives in doing that or simply report on the group perception of the altitude of your nasal intakes above the mean surface level of the sea?

Quote:This is not the first thread in which you've made remarks about people using definitions too much... or snide comments like 'fine-tuning their little definitions or theorems'.
Yep. It's also not the first thread in which it happened that people used them too much. We seem to have found a cause/effect link.

Quote:You also continually accuse people who use definitions of not actually doing anything useful in industry.
Actually I seem to recall pointing out that endless rehashing of what a definition "should be" doesn't do anything useful in the thread meant to answer a production question rather than a theoretical one. There is a large difference.

Quote:Your comments about 'our industry' and the 'land of academia' make it perfectly apparent that you think its an 'us (you) versus them (academics)' war and that simply because you make games (a game) that you must be right.
Since I had to point out to you the flawed premise of your interpretation of my use of English pronouns, this is no longer relevant.

Quote:There is no us versus them. There are a lot of people working on similar problems from different perspectives, often with different aims, but generally with similar techniques. Definitions should be universal (but generally aren't, mostly do to misunderstanding or misrepresentation).
I have never contested this point. You are in error if you believe that I have.

Quote:Since you're obviously ignorant of what each of us here has done and is doing, perhaps you should stop making such ignorant and blatantly rude comments suggesting that we are 'doing nothing'.
Again, my contention is that there is a paucity of "scope awareness". My "rude comments" simply are observations that the disussions occasionally take on an intellectual elitist air that has little to do with the root purpose of the thread. In your shock and amazement that you have gone way over the heads of the original posters, you can get quite offensive as well, sir.

Quote:Interestingly enough, rather than simply challenge my initial response and ask me to produce references to back up my statements/definitions, you chose to cast aspersions about people who use definitions.
Unfortunately, I did not record all the roundtables, lectures, panels and discussions that I attended at GDC. That would be convenient. Thankfully, there are some who have come to this very thread to point out that their understanding and observation of the subject matches mine. On the whole, however, I didn't really give a crap about "proving" anything to you. I, for one, wasn't writing a research paper on the subject so I didn't figure I needed to have a freakin' bibliography and footnotes. Again, get over it.

Quote:Perhaps we should turn the spotlight on you Dave and ask you what YOU are doing in the AI or Games industry, other than still making that same airport game (which by your own admission doesn't use AI but rather a few tuned response curves and mathematics).
If you like... but that is hardly relevant here, is it? Incidentally, I can't remember claiming that my game doesn't use AI. I suppose it depends on you God damn definition of Artificial Intelligence, doesn't it? *sigh*

Writing the AI to generate the best possible combination of thousands of flights to/from hundreds of cities using hundreds of aircraft of a dozen different types, speeds, ranges and capacities all the while taking into account time zones, prevailing winds, airport curfew hours, passenger departure/arrival time travel patterns, the need for connecting flight banks at hubs, taking into account limited gate space, airport arrival/departure traffic limitations AND the Great Bloody Circle Route... is no small task. Of course, some of the people here were awful bloody impressed by the first cut of AI that I had written - when the actually freakin' saw it.
Quote:Have you published any peer-reviewed articles, or developed any new algorithms or techniques of note? Have you contributed anything useful to the body of knowledge held by the field? Given a presentation at a professional conference? Actually implemented any AI that has had to survive in the real world? Is your entire contribution to this field merely that you log into this site occasionally and offer up spurious information, flippant comments and abuse? It certainly appears that way... and according to your standards, that's enough to judge someone by. Perhaps we should just judge you as 'not doing anything useful' and make snide comments about people from the 'land of Intrinsic Algorithm'.
I'm sorry... which of those was a requirement for calling a spade a spade? Which one of those little check-boxes of yours was a requirement, without which I would be disqualified from proposing how to do the AI for shot selection in pool? Simulating stock market fluctuations and particpant buying/selling behavior? What do I have to get published/approved in order for me to have a damn good algorithm for AI player bidding strategies in Texas Hold'em poker? My stuff works. It works well. 'Nuff said.

Quote:Or perhaps, for something unique, you might try arguing a point based on its merits, rather than denigrating your opponents.
Sorry that I have to denigrate your last statement... but now you are just being rediculous.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Apologies in advance, this is a brain dump over a few compiles.

I think part of the confusion here is due to fact that emergence has become a buzz word in the game industry. To public relations people, press, and gamers, emergence means 'cool things that happen unpredictably/randomly' or 'gameplay options'. Games which lead to this definition include Dues Ex and Grand Theft Auto.

Part of the confusion is the viewer; a game player who doesn't know what is happening behind the scene may see emergence everywhere, even though designers have a tight leash on what is happening.

Developers also frequently create artificial interactions to simulate emergence, frequently after seeing a cool event occur. For instance, in Half-Life, when an AI is gibbed, it has a 1 in 20 chance of its head flying in the players direction (instead of a random direction).

In game developement, emergence is seen as the opposite of scripting. While this is certainly true in ways, this certainly expands its definition to include anything systemic.

Several developers I have talked with (game designers and AI programmers) are trying to trim back the open ended definitions. This is resulting in the industry developing its own set of words to describe games which 'encourage emergence'. A recent term I have seen tossed around to describe the potential for emergence in games is 'possibility space'.

Developers are paying attention to self-organization, complex theory, non linear dynamics, etc. Most of the developers I have talked with want to avoid 'contaminating' a useful term by expanding its definition or contradicting established literature.
That actually clarifies quite a bit. Shall we term this phenomenon "definition drift"?

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Quote:Original post by InnocuousFox
Shall we term this phenomenon "definition drift"?

Right. It is surely "definition drift". I agree with you.

Something on dawn, and we are praying for it.
From "AI Game Development" by our pal Alex J. Champandard, Chapter 43, page 584:

Quote:A Definition of Emergence

Emergence can be tricky to define, because capturing all the intuitive examples of emergence with a single plain-English definition is difficult. Here's a reasonable definition - even if overly generic:

Emergence occurs when complex patterns arise from simple processes combined in a straighforward fashion.

A few examples help illustrate emergence in a more intuitive fashion. In each case, low-level rules cause patterns in the higher-level behavior:

** The movement patterns created by a flock of birds, a school of fish, or a group of cyclists. Locally, the individuals avoid each other while staying close, but the groups coordinate to flow smoothly around obstacles.

** The evolution of intelligence to increase changes of survival is a pattern that arises from the maniupulation of genes.

** Neural networks produce high-level cognition from collections of simple neurons.

** Daily trading drives patterns in the economy.

** The flow of traffic based on the desire of individuals in their automobiles.

Although these examples provide insight into emergence, they also open up gray areas. The next section investigates these issues, and the following subsections present the types of emergence.
(If you want more, buy the book.)

Now... I repost my initial comment here:
Quote:"Emergent behavior" is really just a fancy way of saying "a coincidence that really looked cool". If you build an agent based model where each agent is thinking for itself using rules to define it's own behavior, sometimes these agents may do things that seem to be working with each other. In fact, there IS no cooperation happening - each agent is only secondarily aware of the other agents (if that), but they have started to do things "near" each other that makes them look like they are cooperating.

With a simple flocking behavior, this can be seen as each "boid" doing it's own thing... (i.e. the rules for moving with the world objects but not coliding with the world objects) and yet the perceived result is that they are moving "together".

In RTS games, there is a high degree of perceived emergent behavior. This happens when simple rules for each agent (unit) is designed in such a way that it tends to compliment other units' simple rules.
Aside from the flipant use of the word "coincidence" - which I already acknowledged and apologized for - what is the problem with what I said? It sounds an awful lot like what ol' A.J. said... and he's a published author ( <-note credential). Add him to the list behind people like Will Wright and Peter Molyneux. (I don't know if they have written books or not... but you may have heard of them anyway.)

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Quote:Original post by Ferretman
No one ant knows it's building an anthill...they're just each stacking pebbles on each other.

Why is it that you folk keep suggesting I was saying anything other than this in my original post? Here it is again so there's absolutely NO confusion:

...emergent behaviour is (typically) the result of nonlinear feedback mechanisms within sub-units of an entity that aren't specifically encoded to produce these 'emergent' outputs...

This is exactly the definition (albeit with different wording) of the quotes posted by Dave and of the definitions you will find if you look in the literature... even such mundane literature as the dictionary! What I took aim at was the statement that EB was coincidence that looked good. Sure, EB is typically identified by patterns at a system level - which might look good - and these patterns aren't coded explicitly at an entity level, but it is simply NOT coincidence that these patterns are there. To say so is to clearly misunderstand what is happening in such systems. Take the anthill for example. No one ant knows its making an ant hill. However, each ant does know how to climb a pile with a pebble and drop it at the top. The patterns at the system level arise because of the causality of the interactions at the entity level and the design of the entities themselves. If they didn't, then there must be an external hand forcing the system to produce the pattern... and since we're talking about closed systems when discussing EB, then we can reject this. Thus, that behaviour is IN the system because of the entities design or evolution. We call it EB because the pattern is NOT EXPLICITLY coded at the entity level... but you simply cannot suggest that the pattern isn't indirectly coded into the system, no matter what your name is.

(Actually, the ant hill is a bad example for only EB, because it actually shows cooperation and self-organisation as well, when you consider the ant-pebble closed system. The ants cooperate by not all trying to pile their pebbles at the same time and by following each other to the same location... and the ant-pebble system shows more structure and organisation with time) A better example of EB would be a slime (gelatinous organism). The cells in the slime don't explicitly encode the slimes structure or physical properties at the slime level, but its the cells design and interaction with its neighbouring cells that creates the system properties.

Further to this, people should not make the common mistake (even among academics) of mistaking EB for Self-Organisation. They are subtly different beasts, even though they are often found together. Self-organisation is sometimes coincidental, EB is not.

Quote:Original post by Ferretman
EB is a happy thing that comes from assigning motivations and seeing patterns in what is ultimately random or slightly directed behavior.

'Happy thing'? lol. Now you're saying that EB is a property of the observer!? Are you sure you want to say that? So an ant colony requires someone to watch it for it to be a colony. If we all turn away, they go back to being just a whole lot of ants living close to each other (which is what Dave was saying in his first post about entities acting 'near' each other). Emergent behaviours are system properties, not observer properties. Almost any definition you could find online supports that... let's pull one up...Webster's Online Dictionary

Quote:Ref: Websters Online Dictionary
An emergent behaviour or emergent property is shown when a number of simple entities (agents) operate in an environment, forming more complex behaviours as a collective. A system made of several things can host properties which the things themselves do not have. For instance, consider two points on a plane. These points will have a distance between them. This distance is not itself a property, but exists in the relation between the points. Emergent properties can arise not only between things in the system, but between other emergent properties. The number and subtlety of these properties can be very much greater than the number of things.

(bolding added by me)

To anyone that suggests that EB is a coincidence of the system noticed by the observer, I challenge you to provide a definition that supports it. So far, no one has done that other than to throw around a few known names in the games industry and suggest that they are right because they had a discussion with these people. It seems quite apparent to me that many arguing for 'coincidence' are simply not seeing what is actually going on in these systems.


[Edited by - Timkin on August 21, 2004 8:26:41 AM]
Quote:Original post by InnocuousFox
Aside from the flipant use of the word "coincidence" - which I already acknowledged and apologized for

You certainly haven't corrected your definition or apologised (indeed, you certainly don't appear to believe you have anything to apologise for), other than to say that you may have been flippant, terse or over-compensating in your original post (over-compensating for what?).

Quote:Original post by InnocuousFox
what is the problem with what I said? It sounds an awful lot like what ol' A.J. said...

No. It doesn't. Indeed, what you said was that

Quote:"Emergent behavior" is really just a fancy way of saying "a coincidence that really looked cool".

This is positing emergence in the observers eyes. Alex certainly doesn't say that anywhere. You're also positing that EB is a coincidental property:

Quote:do things "near" each other that makes them look like they are cooperating

Again, this is wrong (although I agree there's no explicit cooperation going on here). EB exists because of the system design (the causal rules governing the system); because the behaviour of the individual entities and their interactions has built into it the properties required to produce the observed patterns at the system level.

I'm very well aware of the use of the English language thank you. The use of the word 'our' has another very common usage, one of possesive ownership: 'our thing' for the collective, 'my thing' for the singular. It's used in an exclusionary manner (with reference to the listener/reader) and that's EXACTLY how you came across in your post, whether you intended to or not.

As for me assuming a hell of a lot of motivation on your part, I don't have to assume anything. Your posting history and comments like 'Mr Theory & Research', 'land of academia', 'real world', 'little definitions and theories' clearly ascribe a motivation to you; one of disdain for research and the people that do it. You've made it quite clear, even in your most recent post, that you don't believe there is a place for 'theory' or 'academic AI' in these boards. It's not your place to decide what content does and does not belong here, so get over it and leave people to post what they like. If they make a mistake, feel free to correct them. Feel free to post your own ideas and knowledge... but for heavens sake, stop criticising people. Why do you think they (and me) get pissed off at you?

As for me being 'Mr Theory & Research', you're now making it very clear that you have no idea about me or what I do. As for your comments about this not being an academic AI board, or an AI R&D board, you are right in part. This is a board to discuss all things related to Game AI. Funnily enough, academic AI and AI R&D do have something to say about how to make good game AI. To ignore these very important areas leads to very boring, repetitive and basically crap game AI that has been around far too long in this industry (and continues to get into current games). Attempting to convey complex topics to readers in lay terms is not something I do to try and 'elevate my nasal passages' as you put it, but rather to try and share some knowledge with people so that they too might see the depth of possibilities in their game AI. Sure, some of it is going to go over their heads, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be posted or discussed. Seeing that there is more to a topic is often enough to spur people to go away and read up on it and learn more about it. To treat everyone like a moron and to give them only the most basic, naive approaches to game AI is not going to advance this industry one iota.


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