Just a simple 2D vector

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11 comments, last by Ignifex 19 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I'm pretty new to C++, but an experienced AS programmer, and currently learning a lot about the ways C++ does things. I'm trying to make a simple 2D vector to save some classes in, but I can't seem to do it. Basically, I need multiple levels in which to save multiple classes and the amount of classes per level must be able to grow and shrink. To save just one level I would say like: vector<someclass*> classes(size); But then how do I make this into a 2D-vector? I know i need something like: vector<vector<someclass*>> With arrays it's pretty easy to do, but I don't get it yet when it comes to vectors. How do I do that? Thanks in advance.
vector<vector<some_type> > (note the space between trailing >'s).
Yes! I got it working. Thanks very much!
Hmm... a space...
I have another question and I hope this one's less stupid. I want to put the vector inside a class. I allready read I can't set the size inside the class itself, so I declared the size in the constructor for the class, just using the same syntax as normal for declaring a vector. Now, the class with the vector is inside another class (and I really hope I know how to do that).
The problem is that my vector still doesn't have a size as if it weren't set. So it either doesn't do my constructor (I just used: myclass someclass to declare the class) or the size isn't set the way I did it.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Should look something like this:
#include <vector>#include <iostream>class CInside{  public:    CInside() : mVector(20)    {    }    int Size()    {      return mVector.size();    }  private:    std::vector<int> mVector;};class COutside{  public:    COutside()    {    }    int Size()    {      return mInside.Size();    }  private:    CInside mInside;};int main(){  COutside Outside;  std::cout << Outside.Size();  return 0;}

Is there any major difference between your version and this?
"We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves." - John Locke
Quote:Original post by Ignifex
I have another question and I hope this one's less stupid. I want to put the vector inside a class. I allready read I can't set the size inside the class itself, so I declared the size in the constructor for the class, just using the same syntax as normal for declaring a vector. Now, the class with the vector is inside another class (and I really hope I know how to do that).
The problem is that my vector still doesn't have a size as if it weren't set. So it either doesn't do my constructor (I just used: myclass someclass to declare the class) or the size isn't set the way I did it.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

If i understood what you where saying you mean't something like this (with 2D vectors):

#include <vector>struct containee {};class contained {public:   typedef std::vector< containee >  vec1D;   typedef std::vector< vec1D >      vec2D;   typedef vec2D::size_type          size_type;private:   vec2D matrix_of_containee;public:   contained(size_type rows = 0,             size_type cols = 0,             const containee& c = containee())   : matrix_of_containee(rows, vec1D(cols, c)) {}   //la-la-la};class someclass {   contained c;public:   typedef contained::size_type size_type;   someclass(size_type rows = 0,             size_type cols = 0,             const containee& c = containee())   : c(rows, cols, c) {}};
Ok Agony, I understand everything of your code, except this:
CInside() : mVector(20)
This is the declaration of the size of the vector, but I really don't recognise the syntax here. Just a single : ? And what are the bracelets for?
Thanks for your reply, I'll just try something like this.

Ok I found this is the constructor.
But I need more in my constructor because the class uses other variables as well. Can I just set mVector(20) in my constructor?

Snk_kid, I don't really understand what your code does. What I see in a 2D-vector is simply a vector-a with some other vectors as every item in the vector-a.
Quote:Original post by Ignifex
Ok, I understand everything of your code, except this:
CInside() : mVector(20)
This is the declaration of the size of the vector

Yes but if your using a vector of vector of some type to make a matrix then you probably wont to set the size of coloums/rows aswell like in my above code.

Quote:Original post by Ignifex
but I really don't recognise the syntax here. Just a single : ?

It's called a constructor intializer list, it's how you intialize members & base classes prorperly.

Quote:Original post by Ignifex
Ok I found this is the constructor.
But I need more in my constructor because the class uses other variables as well. Can I just set mVector(20) in my constructor?

Intialize all your members in a intializer list.
Hmm ok thanks! It's all working properly again now.
Just one final question:
Why is the vector set outside the bracelets? Can't it also just be set inside of them?
Yeah, as snk_kid said, it's an initializer list. And it was an inlined constructor as well, but for a normal constructor, you can follow the function name and parameters by a colon, and then a comma separated list of constructors for your member objects, like this:
class CClass{  public:    CClass();    CClass(int AnInt, float AFloat);  private:    int mInt;    float mFloat;    std::vector<int> mVector1;    std::vector<float> mVector2;};CClass::CClass() : mInt(0), mFloat(0.0f), mVector1(0), mVector2(4, 0.0f){  //Any additional stuff}CClass::CClass(int AnInt, float AFloat) : mInt(AnInt), mFloat(AFloat), mVector1(AnInt), mVector2(AnInt, AFloat){  //Any additional stuff}

Also, like snk_kid said, I suppose you wouldn't be able to initialize the internal vector sizes without actually using code from within the constructor body itself, but you could still resize the outside vector (of vectors) to the proper size using the initializer list.

Also, just if you're curious, the reason vector<vector<int>> (without the spaces between the last two >s) doesn't work is because the compiler sees a shift operator (>>) instead of the two close brackets. The space makes it clear that it isn't a shift operator.
"We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves." - John Locke

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