my external symbols are pouting at me

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3 comments, last by cdrw 19 years, 8 months ago
extern D3DCAPS9 m_d3dCaps; // Caps for the device extern LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 m_pd3dDevice; // The D3D rendering device when i try to use these two here as externals they wont link up for me and are "unresolved external symbols" visual c++
"am i supposed to be able to do sh_t with this?" oink snort
they didnt post right,

theres supposed supposed to be like 4 tabs worth of space bettwen the word extern and the devices listings,

is that why?
"am i supposed to be able to do sh_t with this?" oink snort
no thats not why
"am i supposed to be able to do sh_t with this?" oink snort
If you want whitespace you have to use source tags. Defining something as extern doesn't create an instance of it, it simply "imports" an existing instance, you stll have to somewhere write

D3DCAPS9 m_d3dCaps; // Caps for the device
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 m_pd3dDevice; // The D3D rendering device
ohhhhhhh yeah i forgot that detail!

"am i supposed to be able to do sh_t with this?" oink snort

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