Indoor scene rendering

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1 comment, last by 19 years, 8 months ago
How should I render dynamic indoor scenes ? BSP ? Octree ? Also if you know any good articles on this it'd be helpful I'm only finding info on outdoor and outdoor/indoor rendering THX in advance / Jower
An Octree is the better one of the two imo.

As modern gfx cards do not need a perfect visibility set, they can prosses huge amounts of data fast, so its better to have some overdraw than to use a lot of cpu power generating a "perfect" visebility set ( as you do with BSP ).

So go for Octree's they are almost to easy to implent and are good for almost everything.

edit: fixed some of my spelling mistakes.
- Me
A BSP tree (or octree for that matter...) doesn't deal with visibility at all. It simply gives perfect front-to-back/back-to-front ordering of polygons relatively quickly. (unless of course we are talking about beam-trees here, which would yield the "perfect" visiblility set you're referring to, given front-to-back sorted polygons)

As the construction process is time-consuming (usually done in a pre-processing step), it won't be able to handle dynamic scenes very well. So I would choose octree too, or something similar like k-d tree, AABB tree etc..., as these are easier/faster to change "on the fly".

- Martin

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