Whats better, DirectSound8 or OpenAL?

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5 comments, last by RobTheBloke 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I was wondering what people think is better, directsound8 or openAL? I've already learned directsound and ive got 3d sound etc going. But I was thinking of using openAL, because later on it would be easier to port my game engine into non directx
If your not trying to go cross platform its simply a matter of prefrence.

just in case you care on widows openal is a wrapper for directsound
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
and openAL has EAX support in it. That really only matters on the newer creative labs cards though.
Beer - the love catalystgood ol' homepage
Some cards have native Windows OpenAL drivers that offer lower latency than DSound.
Quote:Original post by Dredge-Master
and openAL has EAX support in it. That really only matters on the newer creative labs cards though.

isn't correct, a big amount of motherboards and soundcards supports eax and some already eax2.
Quote:Original post by Dredge-Master
and openAL has EAX support in it. That really only matters on the newer creative labs cards though.

Isn't creative in control of something like 75% of the sound card market?

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I'd worry less if i were you. I always abstract whatever API i'm using so it sits behind my own interface. As long as the API doesn't *contaminate* the rest of your code, it will be easy to switch to another API when you finally do a port. You can always do cleverer things later like alter the source files to say load DLL's to switch API's, or add in extra resource management when needed....

As an example, this was a wrapper i originally wrote for fmod to get linux support, however I changed the Win32 version to DirectX to get away from the licensing issue. The interface remained the same, but none of my engine changed.... (this is actually overdue for a bit of a re-facture soon, so it's not the *ideal* interface, may give you some hints though....)

/*! *	This library is dependant on libfmod, liblua, liblualib & libLuaBinder.  *	If you do not want lua function bindings within your code, add the option  *	-DNO_LUA in the COMPILER options for the library makefile. This will remove  *	the dependancies with the lua scripting language. * *	I made lots of changes to the way in which this works on Sunday 18-1-04.  *	Basically made the code deterministic (ie, I can now predict when the sound *	will finish as apposed to being told at an unknown time).  * *	I've also added some 3D sound functions to the end of the code which is nice. * *	(c) Rob Bateman	2004 */#ifndef __SOUND_PLAYBACK__H__#define __SOUND_PLAYBACK__H__#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif	/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*	 *	 *	 *					---===###	SIMPLE(ish) SOUND FX		###===---	 *	 *	 *	Sound FX gets a little bit more complex than the simple mp3 playback routines.	 *	I've tried to keep it as simple as possible but due to the nature of sound a bit	 *	of explaination may come in handy:	 *	 *	1. You must use the SoundLoad function to load the sound effects that you will	 *	   be using in your game. You can load as many sounds up as you wish, but bear	 *	   in mind that more sounds = more memory usage. Each sound loaded will return	 *	   a unique integer ID (SoundInstance typedef below).	 *	 *	2. At any one time, the engine is set up to allow playback of up to 64 sounds.	 *	   (one of these will be the mp3 stream). When a sound is requested to begin	 *	   playback, it will be set to play in a spare channel.... This is to allow for	 *	   the same sound to played a number of times simultaneously...	 *	 *	3. The SoundPlay() function takes a SoundInstance ID and returns the channel id	 *	   of where this has been set to play. This is only really of use if you want to	 *	   set the volume etc of the sound, or if you have set the sound to be looping	 *	   in which case you'll probably want to store this number so you can stop it	 *	   again (alternatively you can call SoundStopAll() to stop all sounds from	 *	   playing back).	 *	 *	4. If you have finished with a sound you can un-load them with the SoundDelete()	 *	   or SoundDeleteAll functions.	 *	 *	One thing I have not really taken account for is what happens when all the	 *	channels are currently playing something back. If that does happen then I ignore	 *	the request (I'll leave that for you to sort out if you face the problem)	 *	\*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/	/*!	 *	A typedef for a Loaded Sound File	 */	typedef unsigned short SoundInstance;	/*!	 *	A typedef for a Sound Channel in which the sound has been set to play	 */	typedef int SoundChannel;	/*!	 *	\brief	This function was added for a number of reasons. Primarily if I left	 *			The code using FSOUND_IsPlaying() we would have a problem in that 	 *			the game engine I'm writing would become non deterministic, ie I 	 *			cannot predict when the sound will finish playing. This has a drastic 	 *			knock on effect for anycode using the SoundIsPlaying function. To	 *			avoid this hassle I've altered the code to approximate the length of	 *			The sound when playback starts. This means I have no now update the sound	 *			system so I know when the sounds have actually finished. Bit of a pain, 	 *			but it IS WORTH THE EFFORT!	 *	\param	dt	-	the time since last called.	 */	void SoundUpdate(float dt);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function loads a sound file into memory. Note that there is no point	 *			loading the same sound more than once!	 *	\param	filename	-	the name of the sound to load	 *	\return	a unique ID of the sound	 */	SoundInstance SoundLoad(char filename[]);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function un-loads the specified sound file.	 *	\param	Sound	-	the sound instance to unload	 */	void SoundDelete(SoundInstance Sound);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function deletes all currently loaded sounds.	 */	void SoundDeleteAll();	/*!	 *	\brief	This function plays the sound in the first available free channel.	 *	\param	Sound	-	the sound to play	 *	\return	The channel in which it is playing.	 */	SoundChannel SoundPlay(SoundInstance Sound);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function plays the sound in the first available free channel.	 *	\param	Sound	-	the sound to play	 *	\return	The channel in which it is playing.	 */	SoundChannel SoundPlayLooping(SoundInstance Sound);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to query whether a specific sound channel is playing	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\return	1 if true, 0 if no sound playing	 */	int SoundIsPlaying(SoundChannel Channel);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function pauses the specified sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 */	void SoundPause(SoundChannel Channel);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function un-pauses the specified sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 */	void SoundUnPause(SoundChannel Channel);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function pauses all sounds (useful for pause etc..)	 */	void SoundPauseAll();	/*!	 *	\brief	This function un-pauses all sounds	 */	void SoundUnPauseAll();	/*!	 *	\brief	This function stops playback of the specified channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 */	void SoundStop(SoundChannel Channel);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function stops playback of all loaded sounds	 */	void SoundStopAll();	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to set the volume level of a specific sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\param	Volume	-	the new volume level between 0 and 1	 */	void SoundSetVolume(SoundChannel Channel,float Volume);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to get the volume level of a specific sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\return	The volume level from 0 to 1	 */	float SoundGetVolume(SoundChannel Channel);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to set the panning amount of a specific sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\param	Pan		-	the panning amount from -1 to 1	 */	void SoundSetPan(SoundChannel Channel,float Pan);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to get the panning amount of a specific sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\return	the panning amount from -1 to 1	 */	float SoundGetPan(SoundChannel Channel);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to set the frequency amount of a specific sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\aparam	Freq	-	The new frequency - should be in the range 100->705600	 */	void SoundSetFrequency(SoundChannel Channel,int Freq);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function allows you to get the frequency amount of a specific sound channel	 *	\param	Channel	-	the ID of the sound channel	 *	\return The frequency of the channel	 */	int SoundGetFrequency(SoundChannel Channel);	/*	 *###########################################################################################	 *	 *									3D Sound Functions	 *	 *	There are 3 main setting functions for the 3D sound engine, basically specify the doppler,	 *	shift, distance factor and rolloff factor. I very much doubt you will ever need to change	 *	these. 	 *	 *	On a per frame basis you will have to calculate the position of the listener and the 	 *	positions of the sounds. The functions SoundSetListener and SoundSetPosition should 	 *	do this quite nicely for you. 	 *	 *	Once you have updated all of the sounds' positions etc, call SoundUpdate() which will	 *	do all of the 3D processing for you. Ideally then you will need to calculate the changes	 *	In sound speeds and positions in your idle and call SoundUpdate there also. Thats basically 	 *	all you need for 3D sound, Nice. Have fun coding! 	 *	 *###########################################################################################	 */	/*!	 *	\brief	This function sets the number of units per meter. The default is 1. If your	 *			world units were feet, then this value should be 3.48. If each of your world	 *			units were centimeters then this value should be 100. 	 *	\param	The distance factor for the world units	 */	void SoundSetDistanceFactor(float Distance);	/*! 	 *	\brief	This function sets the effect of the doppler shift. To emulate real world,	 *			A value of 1 should do it. A higher value will make this more pronounced. 	 *			fyi - a doppler shift is the change in pitch of a sound when it moves at speed;	 *			for example when a police car speeds past you (just in case you didn't know...)	 *	\param	The doppler shift factor	 */	void SoundSetDopplerFactor(float dopplershift);	/*! 	 *	\brief	Normally a sound's volume will dropoff at the rate of 1/distance. To make this 	 *			drop off faster, increase the factor's value. 	 *	\param	The rolloff factor	 */	void SoundSetRollOffFactor(float dopplershift);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function sets the listener speed, direction & orientation. Basically the 	 *			listener is your ears in the world, normall the same movement as the camera.	 *	\param	pos	-	the world space position of the listener	 *	\param	vel	-	the velocity of the listener, measured in units per second	 *	\param	dir	-	the forward direction of the listener as unit length vector	 *	\param	up	-	a unit length vector descrbing up.	 *	\note	The velocity of the listener can change from the direction simply because you 	 *			may be strafing.	 */	void SoundSetListener(float pos[],float vel[],float dir[],float up[]);	/*!	 *	\brief	This function sets the position and speed of the specified sound.	 *	\param	ch	-	the sound channel to affect	 *	\param	pos	-	the world space position of the listener	 *	\param	vel	-	the velocity of the listener, measured in units per second	 */	void SoundSetPosition(SoundChannel ch,float pos[],float vel[]);	#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif

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