Position the models in the scene behind and far each other

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11 comments, last by Colossus_1 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I'm developing a 3d scene assembler where the user can position the models in the scene dragging them with mouse, the problem: I want to position for example two models of an house. The second one should be position behind the first far from it. With gluUnproject I have the OpenGL coordinates of the mouse. The problem is that the Z value doesn't changhe when I move ahead in the scene to position the second house very far behind the first. The code I use to get the OpenGL coordinates is this:

        GLint viewport[4];
	GLdouble mvmatrix[16], projmatrix[16];
	GLint realy;									//  OpenGL y coordinate position  
	GLdouble wx, wy, wz;							//  returned world x, y, z coords  

	glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
	glGetDoublev (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvmatrix);
	glGetDoublev (GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmatrix);
	realy = viewport[3] - (GLint) event->pos().y() - 1;

	float depth;
	glReadPixels( event->pos().x() , realy , 1 , 1 , GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT , GL_FLOAT , &depth);

	gluUnProject ((GLdouble) event->pos().x(), (GLdouble) realy, depth, mvmatrix, projmatrix, viewport, &wx, &wy, &wz);

Obviously I miss something, what ? [Edited by - Colossus_1 on August 26, 2004 2:58:52 AM]
ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
Make sure that the projection matrix contains the projection transformation used to render the scene, and that the modelview matrix contains the viewing transformation used.
Thank you TomasH for your reply. To "go ahead and back in the scene" I use gluLookAt, how can I get the modelview matrix (the one used by gluLookAt) so to pass it to gluUnProject ?

ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
Just do as you're doing now, but make sure that gluLookAt is actually still on the modelview matrix.
One way you could get the problem you're having is if you do something like this:
glLoadIdentity();glPushMatrix();gluLookAt( ... );// Render sceneglPopMatrix();glGetDoublev (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvmatrix);

I can't say if this really is the problem without seeing more of your code [smile]
Ok, this is the part who initialises OpenGL:

void GLWidget::initializeGL(){	glClearColor( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 );	glEnable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL);	glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);	glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);	glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);	glEnable(GL_SMOOTH);	glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);	glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);	PositionCamera ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 6 , 0.0 , 1.5 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 );}

this is the part who resizes the viewport:

void GLWidget::resizeGL( int w, int h ){	glViewport( 0, 0, (GLint)w, (GLint)h );	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );	glLoadIdentity();	gluPerspective(45.0f,(GLfloat)w/(GLfloat)h, 0.5f , 5000.0f);}

this is the part who draws the scene with your kind help:

void GLWidget::paintGL(){	glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );	glLoadIdentity();	CameraLook();	for ( std::map< unsigned int , string >::iterator i= GLWindow->DisplayList_Map.begin(); i != GLWindow->DisplayList_Map.end(); i++)	{		glPushMatrix();			glCallList ( i->first );		glPopMatrix();	}}

and finally the part who reads the mouse coords:

void GLWidget::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *event ){	mouseX = event->pos().x();	mouseY = event->pos().y();	UpdateCamera();		GLint viewport[4];	GLdouble mvmatrix[16], projmatrix[16];	GLint realy;	GLdouble wx, wy, wz;	glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);	glGetDoublev (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvmatrix);	glGetDoublev (GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmatrix);	realy = viewport[3] - (GLint) event->pos().y() - 1;	float depth;	glReadPixels( event->pos().x() , realy , 1 , 1 , GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT , GL_FLOAT , &depth);	gluUnProject ((GLdouble) event->pos().x(), (GLdouble) realy, depth, mvmatrix, projmatrix, viewport, &wx, &wy, &wz); 	printf ("\r%f   %f   %f\n", wx , wy , wz );      }

Hope this helps !
ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
I assume CameraLook() just calls gluLookAt? In that case it looks correct, I think. What does UpdateCamera() do?
Yes, CameraLook() calls gluLookAt while updateCamera just cross and normalize the vectors of the camera. I modified the code like this:

void GLWidget::resizeGL( int w, int h ){	glViewport( 0, 0, (GLint)w, (GLint)h );	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );	glLoadIdentity();	gluPerspective(45.0f,(GLfloat)w/(GLfloat)h, 0.5f , 5000.0f);	glGetDoublev ( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmatrix ); // Added this}void GLWidget::paintGL(){	glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );	glLoadIdentity();	CameraLook();	//Draw3DSGrid();	for ( std::map< unsigned int , string >::iterator i= GLWindow->DisplayList_Map.begin(); i != GLWindow->DisplayList_Map.end(); i++)	{		glPushMatrix();			glCallList ( i->first );		glPopMatrix();		glGetDoublev (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvmatrix); //Added this	}}

Shall I get the viewport also in the same manner ?
ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
Quote:Original post by Colossus_1
Yes, CameraLook() calls gluLookAt while updateCamera just cross and normalize the vectors of the camera.

[oh] Why do you "cross and normalize" at that point?
Shouldn't you call PositionCamera after the unproject, by the way?

Quote:I modified the code like this:

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

Shall I get the viewport also in the same manner ?

You could get the viewport and projection matrix like that, if you prefer. It should work even if you keep them in the mouseMoveEvent function, though.
For the modelview matrix, that definitely isn't right. If you want to get it outside the mouseMoveEvent function, you should put it right after CameraLook(), not inside the loop.
Quote:Original post by TomasH
Why do you "cross and normalize" at that point?
Shouldn't you call PositionCamera after the unproject, by the way?

PositionCamera inits the vectors that gluLookAt uses, I call it only twice, at the beginning to give a camera the initial position and when I want to reset it. Why should I call this function after gluUnProject ? I don't need to move the camera when getting the mouse coords or I need ??

ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
Sorry, I was thinking you wanted to move the camera there... [rolleyes]
Anyway, the I still want to know about updateCamera..

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