Finding Arbitrary Points on a Heightmap

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3 comments, last by 19 years, 7 months ago
Greetings and Salutations, I have created a heightmap using a grayscale image to generate points. These points are then saved to a file. When it becomes necissary to display this map, I load the points in this file into a 2D array of points. The following is some quick psudo-code as I don't have the source right in front of me at the moment :) The structure is something like this:

typedef struct
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

The array would look somthing like this:

Point3D HeightMap[200][200];

Anyway, to draw the map I simply itterate thrugh the array and use GL_QUADS and glVertex3f, like so:

for(int x=0; x < 200; x++)
    for(int y=0; y < 200; y++)
        glVertex3f(HeightMap[x][y].x, HeightMap[x][y].y, HeightMap[x][y].z);

Works great. But now, I wan't to be able to find an arbitrary point on this mesh and determin it's height. This is so I can make a little character be able to realisticaly go up mountains, down hills, etc. I would imagine that to do this I should find the nearest vertex to the character, then calculate a slope using that vertex and the midpoint of the other two verticis in the triangle where the character stands. Am I close on this? Also, does anyone know any good tutotials on doing things like this? Thanks alot in advance!
"I would imagine that to do this I should find the nearest vertex to the character, then calculate a slope using that vertex and the midpoint of the other two verticis in the triangle where the character stands. Am I close on this?"

Sounds like you do know what you do need to do. With 3 points you can define a plane, and simply intersect that with a line going in the Y direction.
Hey Skow,

Guess I'm smarter than I gave myself credit for :)

Im gonna give that a shot then after I get off work. In the meantime however, if anyone can offer some sample code or tutorials out there, that could be helpfull as well.

Thanx a bunch!
Well this isn't somthing complex enough to ahve a tutorial for, you just need to review your math and get at it. I myself would have review getting an equation of a plane from 3 points (though I've done it in the past).

Finding the y value when you know the x & z value is really easy once you get the plane equation.

Good luck

for position (x,y,z)

percentage into the map

realmapwidth/realmapheight are the real coordinates of the endpoints of the map (if the map is not starting at the origin this will have to be translated)

px = x/realmapwidth
pz = z/realmapheight

mapwidth/mapheight are the dimensions of the heightmap (ie hm[200][200])

xcell = (int)(px*mapwidth)
zcell = (int)(pz*mapwidth)

nx = (px*mapwidth)-xcell
nz = (pz*mapwidth)-zcell

so the 4 points around it

h[0] = hm[xcell][zcell]
h[1] = hm[xcell+1][zcell]
h[2] = hm[xcell+1][zcell+1]
h[3] = hm[xcell][zcell+1]

then bi-lerp

(h[0]*nx + h[1]*(1.0 - nx))*nz +
(h[2]*nx + h[3]*(1.0 - nx))*(1.0 - nz)

or something similar to that...
pressed for time

something is backwards I am sure...

but hope that helps

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