Vertex Processing

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1 comment, last by Arseperin 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I was just reading this book called programmings rpgs with directx, 2nd edition. The author used software vertex processing in one of the parameters to create a device. But i checked out the sdk documentation and found out that hardware vertex processing is also a valid parameter. So, I was wondering which one is better to use and what's the difference between them?
Hardware processing is definetly better to use. When software vertex procesing is specified, all the lighting calculations, and transformations (T&L: transform and lighting) are done on the CPU. This is a waste when you have graphics cards that can do this for you and leave the CPU free to do other things.

You can check the D3DCAPS9 structure (see the IDirect3D9::GetDeviceCaps() function in the sdk docs) to see if the card you have supports hardware T&L.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, IFooBar.

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