operator new

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11 comments, last by Triglav 19 years, 7 months ago
I am trying to create a game that has many different rooms. Each room will have several objects that contain a description of the object, as well as a few functions that format the description and display it on the screen. I want to create a function for each room that will initilize all the objects in that particular room. Once I exit the initilization function, I will want to call on the object members in a function that decides which room to display. Once I am done with that room, I will destroy all the objects. I know I am going to need to use the operator new, but the book I am learning from only has a few paragraphs on new. Can someone show me how to use new? Here is the code so you can see what I am talking about.

class CItem
/* This is the class that will hold the description as well as the functions to print the descrition to the screen.*/

void InitRoom1(void);
void DestroyRoom1(void);

void InitRoom1(void)
	CItem Room();
	CItem Poster();

/* Not sure what to do here, but I need some way of making the objects created above last outside this funtion.*/

void DestroyRoom1(void)
//This will destroy all objects once I am done with that room

int main()
	int lookingat;	/*this keeps track of what object they  are looking at*/
	InitRoom1();	//Initilize the room

/* How do I keep the objects alive so I can use them here? I don't want to make them static, becasue I want to be able to destroy them.*/
		case 1: room.printdesc();

		case 2: posterprintdesc();

		default: cout << "What are you looking at?";

	return 0;

[Edited by - mrtie_dye on September 8, 2004 12:02:07 AM]
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
I realized I had way too much code to describe what I was doing, so I simplified it some. Hope this helps.
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
CItem * items = new CItem[NUMITEMS];


delete[] items;
CItem * items = new CItem[NUMITEMS];


delete[] items;

I assumed that the first line goes in the InitRoom1 function, the second line goes in main, and the third line goes in the DestroyRoom1 function. When I do this, it gives me an undeclared identifier error for items in the DestroyRoom1 function and in main.
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
keep in mind that if you have this line in your initializtion funciton:
CItem * items = new CItem[NUMITEMS];

the code in your other functions will not be able to see it because it will not be in scope.

What you must do is place the declaration of items:
CItem *items;

Somewhere that all of the functions can then see it.

In your case this would be as a globally accessable variable. You will probably want to just use a global. The following is a mockup of what I'm talking about:
struct some_class {};some_class *global_var;void InitGlobal(){    global_var = new some_class[100];}void UseGlobal(){    ... do something with global_var ...}void DestroyGlobal(){    delete[] global_var;}

edit: fixed code tags
No, man(or woman), you either have to make items global or make it a member in a class. Because what you've done, is declared it inside a function. As soon as that function exits, items is no longer a valid identifier. Its gone out of scope.

EDIT: Darn, just missed it!
Thanks so much for your help. I am almost there. A strange thing happens, though, and I don't know how to find out why. I have included the full code below so you can put it into c++ and see the error message. If you look at the function SnakesRoom(), you will see where I delete pRoom on the last line of the function. If I comment this line out, the program runs fine. If I leave it there, it gives me some strange debug error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <iostream>			#include <windows.h>	#include <string>	using namespace std;class CItem{private:	char* pm_desc;	int* charcount;	static int state;								public:	CItem(char* desc, int charcounted)	{		pm_desc = new char[strlen(desc) + 1];		strcpy(pm_desc, desc);		charcount = new int;		*charcount = charcounted;	}	CItem()	{	}		void DrawLine(string szText, int X, int Y, WORD color)	{			HANDLE OutputH;									COORD position = {X, Y};					OutputH = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);			SetConsoleTextAttribute(OutputH, color);															SetConsoleCursorPosition(OutputH, position);		cout << szText;							}	void DrawBorder()	{		int x = 3;			int y = 2;		DrawLine("*************************************************************************",  x, y, FOREGROUND_BLUE);		for(int i; y < 18; y++)		{			DrawLine("*", x, y,FOREGROUND_BLUE);		}		y = 3;		x = 75;		for(; y < 18; y++)		{			DrawLine("*", x, y,FOREGROUND_BLUE);		}		x= 3;		DrawLine("*************************************************************************",  x, y, FOREGROUND_BLUE);	}			void mf_printdesc()	{		int count = 60;		int currentchar = 0;		cout << endl << endl << endl;				while(count < *charcount)		{			while(pm_desc[count] != ' ' || count > *charcount)				count--;			cout << endl << "\t";			for(;currentchar < count; currentchar++)			{				cout << pm_desc[currentchar];			}						count += 60;		}		cout << endl << "\t";		for(; currentchar < *charcount; currentchar++)		{			cout << pm_desc[currentchar];		}				DrawBorder();		DrawLine("Enter Command: ",  3, 20, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE);		delete[] pm_desc;		delete charcount;	}	};void SnakesRoom(void);void InitSnakeRoom(CItem* pRoom);void SnakesRoom(void){	CItem* pRoom = new CItem[1];	InitSnakeRoom(pRoom);	pRoom[0].mf_printdesc();	delete[] pRoom;}void InitSnakeRoom(CItem* pRoom){	char room[] = {" Description of the room. I have added this sentence in here just so you can see what the mf_printdesc function does."};	char poster[] = {" Description of a poster."};	char* proom = room;	char* pposter = poster;	int charcount;			charcount = (sizeof room) / (sizeof room[0]);	CItem Room(proom, charcount);	charcount = (sizeof poster) / (sizeof poster[0]);	CItem Poster(pposter, charcount);	pRoom[0] = Room;	pRoom[1] = Poster;}int main(){	SnakesRoom();	return 0;}
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
Its a bad idea to re-allocate your CItems every time you go in the room. Besides, do you really need to dynamically allocate them?

However, The error is coming up because you are only allocating 1 CItem, and you try to change 2 of them. Then on the delete, it causes an assertian failure.

To fix this, do this:
CItem * pRoom = new CItem[2]; //allocates 2 CItems

because later on, you do this:

//modifies 2 CItems, one of which was not allocated to you
pRoom[0] = Room;
pRoom[1] = Poster;
Quote:Original post by mrtie_dye
Thanks so much for your help. I am almost there. A strange thing happens, though, and I don't know how to find out why. I have included the full code below so you can put it into c++ and see the error message. If you look at the function SnakesRoom(), you will see where I delete pRoom on the last line of the function. If I comment this line out, the program runs fine. If I leave it there, it gives me some strange debug error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

NO NO NO! when you are using C++, use it, not C! try this:
#include <iostream>			#include <windows.h>	#include <string>	using namespace std; // this line is really shitty, use "using cout" insteadclass CItem{  // your CItem object};class SnakesRoom : public CItem{  // your SnakesRoom object};int main(){	SnakesRoom room1(); // nice	return 0;}

[Edited by - Triglav on September 8, 2004 3:19:34 AM]
Triglav - Member of TAJGA Team
Quote:Original post by Triglav

int main()
SnakesRoom room1(); // nice
return 0;

SnakesRoom room1(); is actually a function declaration, it doesnt create an instance of SnakesRoom .

SnakesRoom room1; //nicer


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