error msg?

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6 comments, last by stormrunner 19 years, 7 months ago
well, I have been sitting still for two days now.. I get this error msg: c:\documents and settings\hans-petter harveg\mine dokumenter\mine prosjekter\d3d9 engine\anim.h(47) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'cTGA' when I compile this code:

#include "tga.h"


typedef struct Frame {
	AnimVertexStruct_t		sCustomVertex;

	TGA   cTGA;
} Frame_t, *pFrame;

Hans-Petter Harveg
macro magic?
Hans-Petter Harveg
The error could be on any of the lines before "cTGA;", or even in the definition of the TGA type. So post the code.

It takes a while to come to grips with the way C (and C++) process source code. Error messages do not indicate where a parse error occured, but rather where it was detected.
aha! ok, I can see why you have a superman logo, hehe :)

this post is really long, hehe
#ifndef _TGA_H_#define	_TGA_H_#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include "debug.h"//#pragma pack 1typedef struct TGAHeader{	unsigned char	vIDLength;	unsigned char	vColorMapType;	unsigned char	vImageType;	unsigned short	vCMapStart;	unsigned short	vCMapLength;	unsigned char	vCMapDepth;	unsigned short	vXOffset;	unsigned short	vWidth;	unsigned short	vHeight;	unsigned char	vPixelDepth;	unsigned short	vYOffset;	unsigned char	vImageDescriptor;} TGAHeader_t;typedef TGAHeader_t* TGAHeader_p;//#pragmaclass TGA{public:	void		Load(const char* pzFilename, bool flip);	void		Delete(void);	int			getWidth();	int			getHeight();	char*		getFilename();	char*		pzFilename;//private:	TGAHeader_t	sHeader;	int*		pBitmap;};#endif	// TGA_H

//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // (C) 2003 by Sushi, All rights reserved.// // File			: anim.h// // Author		: Hans-Petter Harveg. <>// // Description	: Header for the anim class// // Note			: (...)// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#ifndef ANIM_H#define ANIM_H//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Includes//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <d3d9.h>#include <d3dx9math.h>#include "tga.h"//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Defines//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------#define ANIM_MAX_FRAMES		256#define ANIM_PLAYONCE		0#define ANIM_LOOP			1#define ANIM_NUMVERTIES		4#define ANIM_CUSTOMVERTEX	D3DFVF_XYZ|D3DFVF_TEX1struct AnimVertexStruct_t {	D3DXVECTOR3 position;	// Position of the anim	FLOAT       tu, tv;		// The texture coordinates};typedef struct Frame {	TGA						cTGA;					// TGA file	LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9	g_pVertexBuffer;		// Vertexbuffer	LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9		g_pTexture;				// Texture	AnimVertexStruct_t		sCustomVertex;			// Vertex structure for the anim	float					vDelay;					// Frame delay	bool					isNulltransparent;		// transparancy boolean for the frame} Frame_t, *pFrame;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Anim class//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------class Anim {	public:		Anim();								// Constructor		Anim(char* pzFileName);								// Constructor		virtual ~Anim();							// Destructor													void	Load(char *pzFilename);		// Loads the anim/sprite		void	Render(void);				// Render the anim/sprite		void	Play(int vNewFlags);		// Playes the anim/sprite		Frame_t*	spFrame;				// Anim frame info		void Anim::setViewport(int vX, int vY, int vWidth, int vHeight);		void setPosition(float vXPos,float vYPos,float vZPos);		void setRotation(float vXRot, float vYRot, float vZRot);		void setScale(float vScaleX, float vScaleY, float vScaleZ);		void setMaterial(float r, float g, float b, float a);	private:		void	CalculateFrames( int iFrame );		void	CalculateMatrixes(void);	// Calculate transformations, rotations and size		void	ParseScript(void);			// Parse thrught the anim script		D3DXVECTOR3 sPosition;		D3DXVECTOR3 sRotation;		D3DXVECTOR3 sScale;		D3DMATERIAL9	sMaterial;		int		vWidth,vHeight;				// Size of anim/sprite		int		isMaterial;		int		vViewportWidth;		int		vViewportHeight;		int		vSTime;		int		vCurrentFrame;				// Current frame		bool	isLooping;		int		vFlags;		int		nFrames;					// Number of frames};#endif // ANIM_H
Hans-Petter Harveg
Quote:Original post by sushi-one

right click on TGA and choose 'go to definition of TGA'
It seems like it has nothing to do with the TGA class at all.. now I got anoter error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Hans-Petter Harveg\Mine dokumenter\Mine prosjekter\D3D9 Engine\anim.cpp(33) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'PCH creation point'

Does this has anything to do with Visual Studio?

Hans-Petter Harveg
pch means "pre-compiled header", and that error usually means that something is wrong with your class declaration or definition and the program can't compile it. once i had 32 pch creation errors, all for various sins i shall not mention. so check your classes and ensure everything matches. just out of curiosity, shouldn't the line (in the Anim class in anim.h) that reads :
void Anim::setViewport(params)
be simply
void setViewport(params) ?
- stormrunner

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