Transformed Verticies vs Orthogonal + Position verticies

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1 comment, last by Zipster 19 years, 7 months ago
Like many others here, I have decided to write me a game. I'm not new to programming, but I am very new to graphics programming. My game is going to be 2D so I thought I would start there. I have managed to create a textured quad in Direct3D that will serve as my 2D environment. Currently, my quad is laid out using TransformedTextured verticies, but I think I could have also used an Orthogonal projection matrix for my camera and PositionTextured verticies. Is there any difference between these two in the long run? Will one make my life easier when I start into sprites and animations and whatnot? not sure if it makes any difference, Im working with the C# 2005 beta and managed DirectX 9. thanks in advance
Hi Cosmosis

Direct3D provides a framework for the drawing of sprites without the need for a projection matrix. Check out this link.

Should make the rendering of sprites easier for you.
Quote:Original post by Cosmosis
Currently, my quad is laid out using TransformedTextured verticies, but I think I could have also used an Orthogonal projection matrix for my camera and PositionTextured verticies. Is there any difference between these two in the long run? Will one make my life easier when I start into sprites and animations and whatnot?

Using a transformed vertex means the renderer won't do any transformations on it, because you tell it that everything is taken care of already. On the other hand, untransformed vertices will be transformed by the world, view, and projection matrices.

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