simple problems for a simple man

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12 comments, last by Troublesome 19 years, 6 months ago
ok this is gonna make me sound like a real noob but we all gotta start somewhere, im trying to complie an example of some directplay code but i get this error and havent got a clue how fix it: c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:11: dplay8.h: No such file or directory c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:14: dxutil.h: No such file or directory

Life will be significantly easier if you provide some code! ;-) But I got a couple of ideas:

- try #include <dplay8.h> instead of #include "dplay8.h"
- install die DirectX SDK

Hope that helps!

-----------------------------"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning..." -- Rich Cook"...nobody ever accused English pronounciation and spelling of being logical." -- Bjarne Stroustrup"...the war on terror is going badly because, if you where to compare it to WWII, it's like America being attacked by Japan, and responding by invading Brazil." -- Michalson
Looks to me like you need to add the DirectX header files path to your project references. How you do this will vary depending on what IDE you are using, in Visual Studio.NET you can go to the Tools menu, then Options which will open up a dialog box. Chose the 'Projects' folder on the left of the dialog box and then select VC++ Directories. Now on the right of the dialog, in the combo box titled 'Show Directories For:' select Include Files. Then you want to add anew line by clicking on the button with a folder picture on it. Then browse to the DirectX include path on your hard drive, from the looks of it you need to go to "C:\dxsdk\include\"

Your compiler should then find the header files you require. You may also need to add the path to the DirectX library files. Do this in the same way, except chose Library Files instead of Include Files and navigate to "C:\dxsdk\lib\"

If you are using a different IDE, post which one it is and someone else will be able to tell you how to do the same thing with it.
Life is all about expression, so express yourself.
i have the sdk installed thats where in geting the examples and heres the code:

#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <dplay8.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "dxutil.h"
#include "resource.h"

#ifdef UNDER_CE
#include <aygshell.h>
#endif // UNDER_CE

IDirectPlay8Peer* g_pDP = NULL; // DirectPlay peer object
HWND g_hDlg = NULL; // UI dialog handle
HINSTANCE g_hInst = NULL; // Program instance handle

TCHAR g_strAppTitle[MAX_PATH] = {0};

HRESULT InitDirectPlay();
HRESULT ListServiceProviders();
void OutputError( TCHAR* str, HRESULT hr = 0 );
void CleanupDirectPlay();
INT_PTR CALLBACK MainDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
HRESULT WINAPI DirectPlayMessageHandler(PVOID pvUserContext, DWORD dwMessageId, PVOID pMsgBuffer);

LPTSTR pCmdLine, INT nCmdShow )
// Load application title
LoadString( hInst, IDS_APP_TITLE, g_strAppTitle, MAX_PATH );

#if defined(WIN32_PLATFORM_PSPC) && (_WIN32_WCE >= 300)

HWND hWndFound = NULL;


if( g_strAppTitle )
hWndFound = FindWindow( TEXT("Dialog"), g_strAppTitle );

if( hWndFound )
SetForegroundWindow( hWndFound );
return FALSE;
#endif // Pocket PC * POCKET PC *

g_hInst = hInst;



if( FAILED( hr = InitDirectPlay() ) )
OutputError( TEXT("Failed to initialize DirectPlay.")
TEXT("\n\nThe sample will now exit.") );
goto LCleanup;


DialogBox( hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN), NULL, MainDlgProc );




return 0;

INT_PTR CALLBACK MainDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch( msg )
// Set title bar name
SendMessage( hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) g_strAppTitle );

#if defined(WIN32_PLATFORM_PSPC) && (_WIN32_WCE >= 300)

memset( &shidi, 0, sizeof(SHINITDLGINFO) );
shidi.dwMask = SHIDIM_FLAGS;
shidi.hDlg = hDlg;

SHInitDialog( &shidi );

#endif //Pocket PC * POCKET PC *

HICON hIcon;
g_hDlg = hDlg;

hIcon = LoadIcon( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_MAIN ) );
SendMessage( hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) hIcon );
SendMessage( hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM) hIcon );

if( FAILED( ListServiceProviders() ) )
OutputError( TEXT("An error occured during provider enumeration.")
TEXT("\n\nThe sample will now exit.") );
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 );

return TRUE;

switch( LOWORD(wParam) )
case IDOK:
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 );
return TRUE;

return FALSE;

HRESULT WINAPI DirectPlayMessageHandler( PVOID pvUserContext, DWORD dwMessageId,
PVOID pMsgBuffer)
return S_OK;


HRESULT ListServiceProviders()
DWORD i = 0;
DWORD dwItems = 0;
DWORD dwSize = 0;
TCHAR strBuf[256] = {0};

hr = g_pDP->EnumServiceProviders(NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSize, &dwItems, 0);

OutputError( TEXT("Failed Enumerating Service Providers"), hr );
goto LCleanup;


if( FAILED( hr = g_pDP->EnumServiceProviders(NULL, NULL, pdnSPInfo, &dwSize, &dwItems, 0 ) ) )
OutputError( TEXT("Failed Enumerating Service Providers"), hr );
goto LCleanup;

pdnSPInfoEnum = pdnSPInfo;
for ( i = 0; i < dwItems; i++ )
DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToGenericCch( strBuf, pdnSPInfoEnum->pwszName, 256 );
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( g_hDlg, IDC_PROVIDERS ),


if( 0 == dwItems )
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( g_hDlg, IDC_PROVIDERS ),
LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) TEXT("No service providers found") );

hr = S_OK;


return hr;

HRESULT InitDirectPlay()

if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectPlay8Peer, NULL,
(LPVOID*) &g_pDP ) ) )
OutputError( TEXT("Failed Creating the IDirectPlay8Peer Object"), hr );
return hr;

if( FAILED( hr = g_pDP->Initialize(NULL, DirectPlayMessageHandler, 0 ) ) )
OutputError( TEXT("Failed Initializing DirectPlay"), hr );
return hr;

return S_OK;

void CleanupDirectPlay()

if( g_pDP )
g_pDP->Close( 0 );


void OutputError( TCHAR* str, HRESULT hr )
TCHAR strBuf[256] = {0};

if( hr )
_stprintf( strBuf, TEXT("%s: 0x%X"), str, hr );
_stprintf( strBuf, TEXT("%s"), str );

MessageBox( g_hDlg, strBuf, TEXT("DirectPlay Sample"), MB_OK );

I dont know what you mean by IDE but i guess you mean compiler if so im using DEV-C++
fist off i wanna say thanx to mosh (it worked) :) but now i got this error c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:14: dxutil.h: No such file or directory
Right, if you do a search for 'dxutil.h' on your computer, then when you have found it, copy it and paste it in the folder where your project is, i think its "C:\dxsdk\samples\C++\directplay\tutorial_1\tut01\" or something like that anyway.

After you've done that, try compiling again and if it still doesnt work try adding the file to your project via the Dev-C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment). I can't remember how to do this with Dev-C++ as I haven't used it for years but it should be something like File.. add existing item, or whatever you'll find it.
Life is all about expression, so express yourself.
I tried copying the file to the project folder but i got even more errors and i cant add the file the way you sadi :( any other ideas guys ? I really need help here, oh and thanx again mosh :)
Just remembered, using Dev-C++ can be a right turd to get working with DirectX properly. After you copied that file into your projects directory, did you still get the "cannot open '...\dxutil.h'" error message? Or was that gone and lots of other messages have come up? With Dev-C++, if i remember correctly, you have to download and install a package from the Tools menu and Package Manager. I'm not 100% certain on that but I think its about right.
Life is all about expression, so express yourself.
here are the errors i get there is 31 in total

C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:775: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:775: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:785: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:785: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:800: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:800: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:821: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:821: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:834: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:834: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:846: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:846: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:859: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:859: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:869: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:869: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:882: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:882: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:892: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:892: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:905: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\objidl.h:905: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
In file included from C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleauto.h:77,
from C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\ole2.h:7,
from C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:13,
from c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:11:
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oaidl.h:399: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oaidl.h:399: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
In file included from C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\ole2.h:25,
from C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:13,
from c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:11:
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:71: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:71: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:82: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:82: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:94: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:94: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:109: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:109: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:139: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:139: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:150: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:150: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:165: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:165: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:181: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:181: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:202: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:202: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:217: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:217: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:228: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:228: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:241: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:241: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:257: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:257: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:273: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:273: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:284: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:284: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:299: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\oleidl.h:299: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
In file included from C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:15,
from c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:11:
C:\DXSDK\Include\dpaddr.h:271: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dpaddr.h:271: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DXSDK\Include\dpaddr.h:304: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dpaddr.h:304: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
In file included from c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:11:
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:980: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:980: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1025: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1025: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1073: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1073: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1094: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1094: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1114: `com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks
C:\DXSDK\Include\dplay8.h:1114: warning: `com_interface' attribute directive ignored
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:44: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `INT_PTR' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:44: warning: `__stdcall__' attribute directive ignored
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:44: parse error before `('
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp: In function `INT _tWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *, HINSTANCE__ *, TCHAR *, int)':
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:83: `COINIT_MULTITHREADED' undeclared (first use this function)
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:83: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:83: for each function it appears in.)
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:83: implicit declaration of function `int CoInitializeEx(...)'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:95: `MainDlgProc' undeclared (first use this function)
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp: At top level:
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:114: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `INT_PTR' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:114: warning: `__stdcall__' attribute directive ignored
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:114: redefinition of `int INT_PTR'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:44: `int INT_PTR' previously declared here
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:114: parse error before `('
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:136: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `g_hDlg' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:136: conflicting types for `int g_hDlg'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:29: previous declaration as `struct HWND__ * g_hDlg'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:136: `hDlg' was not declared in this scope
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:139: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `hIcon' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:139: conflicting types for `int hIcon'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:135: previous declaration as `struct HICON__ * hIcon'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:139: initialization to `int' from `HICON__ *' lacks a cast
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:140: `hDlg' was not declared in this scope
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:140: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `SendMessageA' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:140: `int SendMessageA' redeclared as different kind of symbol
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\winuser.h:2788: previous declaration of `LRESULT SendMessageA(HWND__ *, unsigned int, unsigned int, long int)'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:140: initializer list being treated as compound expression
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:141: `hDlg' was not declared in this scope
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:141: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `SendMessageA' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:141: redefinition of `int SendMessageA'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:140: `int SendMessageA' previously defined here
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:141: initializer list being treated as compound expression
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:144: parse error before `if'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:148: `hDlg' was not declared in this scope
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:148: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `EndDialog' with no type
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:148: `int EndDialog' redeclared as different kind of symbol
C:\DEV-C_~1\Include\winuser.h:2527: previous declaration of `BOOL EndDialog(HWND__ *, int)'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:148: initializer list being treated as compound expression
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:149: parse error before `}'
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp: In function `HRESULT ListServiceProviders()':
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:220: passing `int' to argument 1 of `GetDlgItem(HWND__ *, int)' lacks a cast
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:221: `SendMessageA' cannot be used as a function
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:227: passing `int' to argument 1 of `GetDlgItem(HWND__ *, int)' lacks a cast
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:228: `SendMessageA' cannot be used as a function
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp: In function `void OutputError(TCHAR *, long int = 0)':
c:\dxsdk\samples\c__~1\direct~4\tutori~1\tut01_~1\enumsp.cpp:301: passing `int' to argument 1 of `MessageBoxA(HWND__ *, const CHAR *, const CHAR *, unsigned int)' lacks a cast

i had a look in the tools tab and clicked packages but there is no download option i guess i have to find em my self, do you know a compiler that works well with dx ?

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