Shadow Projection

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1 comment, last by Hermes 19 years, 6 months ago
Hi,i'm intereasted in making a hard shadow(using a projection matrix) .I tryed a formula but i didn't get the result i've expected so i wouldn't mind if you gave me an explanation. A*x+B*y+C*z+D=0; And the projection matrix would be the one below:

|1      0    0     0|
|0      1    0     0|
|0      0    1     0|    
|-A/D  -B/D  -C/D  0|

My problem is that i have a floor at y=-1.0f on which i want to project my object.I said that the equation of the plane is in this case "y+1=0" i hope i'm right.

The algorithm given is:
float P[16]={1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,0}; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glPushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT); glTranslatef(lx,ly,lz);/* why translating into the light position?*/ D=D+A*lx+B*ly+C*lz;/* what is this for?*/ P[3]=-A/0.999*D;/*what is this for*/ P[7]=-B/0.999*D; P[11]=-C/0.999*D; glMultMatrixf(P); glTranslatef(-lx,-ly-lz);[looksaround]
glPopAttrib(); glPopMatrix(); Since i don't understand it i can't find the error i'm making so please explain to me what is going on in this algorithm or if you have a better way to do it and know well the algorithm please give it to me,some explanation won't hurt.Also i can't understand where the matrix comes from Thanks for your help.
Well, I don't know that I can explain each part of that, but I can give you a general idea of what is being done. You basically have similar triangles. You are projecting onto a plane. There is a plane parallel to that plane that contains the point being projected. Call L the position of the light, P the point projected, P' the projection, D the nearest point on the plane containing P to L and D' the nearest point on the plane containing P' to L. So |D'-L|/|D-L|=|P'-L|/|P-L| where |x| is the magnitude of vector x. So P'-L=|D'-L|/|D-L|*(P-L).
Keys to success: Ability, ambition and opportunity.
ThankX for your answer for a while i was thinking about P' as the projection of P not as beeing cast from the light source
   |P  |  |P' then     /P  / / P'

You've been of great help.

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