DevIL Image Saving

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1 comment, last by Prozak 19 years, 6 months ago
Ok, I give up. The Image Library seems quite simple, and I got it to work to load jpg/png/tga files rather quickly, but for the life of me, I can't get it to save. This is an outline of my code:

ILuint  ih; // Image Handle
ILboolean  res; // Result
UINT	size; // Size in bytes of image buffer

ilGenImages(1, &ih);

// R->bpp is "bits per pixel"
size = R->Width * R->Height * (R->bpp /8);

ilSetInteger( IL_IMAGE_WIDTH, R->Width );
ilSetInteger( IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, R->Height );
ilSetInteger( IL_IMAGE_BITS_PER_PIXEL, R->bpp );
ilSetInteger( IL_IMAGE_BPP, (R->bpp/8)); // Bytes per pixel
ilSetInteger( IL_IMAGE_SIZE_OF_DATA, size);

res = ilSetData( R->Buffer ); // Buffer where image is
res = ilSave(IL_PNG, RF->name);	// Save as PNG

ilDeleteImages(1, &ih);

R->Buffer already has the image there, from a call to glReadPixels, which succeeds, as I can save to BMPs, etc. The result of this is that the image file is saved as a 1x1 image... Also, all the values passed are correct... i don't know if i'm missing something here...
As far as I know you can't set the width etc. using ilSetInteger - have a look at the DevIL codes...use ilTexImage instead.

Here's the code I use:
bool GuiWin32::SystemSaveImageData(const char *pszFilename, GuiImageData &sData){	// Check parameters	if (!pszFilename || !sData.pData) return true;	// Get image typ	ILenum nType;	char szEnding[64];	GetFilenameEnding(pszFilename, szEnding);	if ((nType = ilGetTypeLoad(szEnding)) == IL_TYPE_UNKNOWN)		return true; // Unkown type!	// Get the format	int nFormat;	switch (sData.nComponents) {		case 1:  nFormat = IL_LUMINANCE; break;		case 3:  nFormat = IL_RGB;		 break;		case 4:  nFormat = IL_RGBA;		 break;		default: return true;	}	// DevIL variables	ILuint ImageName;	// Save the image	ilEnable(IL_FILE_OVERWRITE);	ilGenImages(1, &ImageName);	ilBindImage(ImageName);	ilTexImage(sData.nWidth, sData.nHeight, 1, sData.nComponents, nFormat,			   IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sData.pData);	// Save image	ilSave(nType, (const ILstring)pszFilename);    // Check if everything was ok    ILenum PossibleError = ilGetError();    if (PossibleError != IL_NO_ERROR) {		ilDeleteImages(1, &ImageName);		return true;	}	// Delete image	ilDeleteImages(1, &ImageName);	return false;}

Rate ++

Thank you, that was quite helpful.

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