glslang multitexturing

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2 comments, last by _the_phantom_ 19 years, 6 months ago
hi. how do I specify which texture unit ( TEXTURE0_ARB, TEXTURE1_ARB, ... ) to use during glsl process? if i simply define a texture sampler by "uniform sampler2D s;" the first texture unit is used. how can i reference to another texture unit? thanks in advance
our new version has many new and good features. sadly, the good ones are not new and the new ones are not good
just set the sampler to the texture unit number you want to use via the set uniform function (0 = texunit 0, 1 = texunit 1 etc) and then use them in the GLSL code.

in the fragment shader you have to define sampler2D-s like this:
uniform sampler2D basetexture;
uniform sampler2D bumptexture;

From the opengl code:
gl.glUseProgramObjectARB( normalShaderObj );
int baseTexture = gl.glGetUniformLocationARB( normalShaderObj, "basetexture".getBytes() );
gl.glUniform1iARB( baseTexture, 0 ); // 0 is GL.GL_TEXTURE0_ARB
int bumpTexture = gl.glGetUniformLocationARB( normalShaderObj, "bumptexture".getBytes() );
gl.glUniform1iARB( bumpTexture, 1 ); // 1 is GL.GL_TEXTURE1_ARB

Hopefully, this might help.
note: the above code is C#, so some of that stuff isnt required when dealing with C++

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