Code wont compile

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16 comments, last by jakpandora 19 years, 6 months ago
I finally fixed it, and didnt get any erros or warnings, however, whenever I run the game, I get a message saying "Tank War.exe has encountered an error and needs to close" and gets me an option to send it to microsoft and all that other stuff. How should I fix it? heres my updated code:

#include "tankwar.h"#include "allegro.h"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// drawtank function// construct the tank using drawing functions/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void drawtank(int num){    int x = tanks[num].x;    int y = tanks[num].y;    int dir = tanks[num].dir;        //draw tank body and turret    rectfill(screen, x-11, y-11, x+11, y+11, tanks[num].color);    rectfill(screen, x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, 7);        //draw the treads based on orientation    if (dir == 0 || dir == 2)    {        rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x-11, y+16, 8);        rectfill(screen, x+11, y-16, x+16, y+16, 8);    }    else    if (dir == 1 || dir == 3)    {        rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x+16, y-11, 8);        rectfill(screen, x-16, y+16, x+16, y+11, 8);    }        //draw the turret based on direction    switch (dir)    {        case 0:            rectfill(screen, x-1, y, x+1, y-16, 8);            break;        case 1:            rectfill(screen, x, y-1, x+16, y+1, 8);            break;        case 2:            rectfill(screen, x-1, y, x+1, y+16, 8);            break;        case 3:            rectfill(screen, x, y-1, x-16, y+1, 8);            break;    }    }/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// erasetank function// erase the tank using rectfill/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void erasetank(int num){    //calculate box to encompass the tank    int left = tanks[num].x - 17;    int top = tanks[num].y - 17;    int right = tanks[num].x + 17;    int bottom = tanks[num].y + 17;    //erase the tank    rectfill(screen, left, top, right, bottom, 0);}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// movetank function// move the tank in the current direction/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void movetank(int num){    int dir = tanks[num].dir;    int speed = tanks[num].speed;    //update tank position based on direction    switch(dir)    {        case 0:            tanks[num].y -= speed;            break;        case 1:            tanks[num].x += speed;            break;        case 2:            tanks[num].y += speed;            break;        case 3:            tanks[num].x -= speed;    }    //keep tank inside the screen    if (tanks[num].x > SCREEN_W-22)    {        tanks[num].x = SCREEN_W-22;        tanks[num].speed = 0;    }    if (tanks[num].x < 22)    {        tanks[num].x = 22;        tanks[num].speed = 0;    }    if (tanks[num].y > SCREEN_H-22)    {        tanks[num].y = SCREEN_H-22;        tanks[num].speed = 0;    }    if (tanks[num].y < 22)    {        tanks[num].y = 22;        tanks[num].speed = 0;    }}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// explode function// display random boxes to simulate an explosion/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void explode(int num, int x, int y){    int n;    //retrieve location of enemy tank    int tx = tanks[!num].x;    int ty = tanks[!num].y;        //is bullet inside the boundary of the enemy tank?    if (x > tx-16 && x < tx+16 && y > ty-16 && y < ty+16)        score(num);    //draw some random circles for the "explosion"    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)    {        rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x+16, y+16, rand() % 16);        rest(1);    }    //clear the area of debris    rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x+16, y+16, 0);   }/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// updatebullet function// update the position of a bullet/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void updatebullet(int num){    int x = bullets[num].x;    int y = bullets[num].y;    if (bullets[num].alive)    {        //erase bullet        rect(screen, x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, 0);                //move bullet        bullets[num].x += bullets[num].xspd;        bullets[num].y += bullets[num].yspd;        x = bullets[num].x;        y = bullets[num].y;        //stay within the screen        if (x < 5 || x > SCREEN_W-5 || y < 20 || y > SCREEN_H-5)        {            bullets[num].alive = 0;            return;        }        //draw bullet        x = bullets[num].x;        y = bullets[num].y;        rect(screen, x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, 14);                //look for a hit        if (getpixel(screen, bullets[num].x, bullets[num].y))        {            bullets[num].alive = 0;            explode(num, x, y);        }        //print the bullet's position        textprintf(screen, font, SCREEN_W/2-50, 1, 2,             "B1 %-3dx%-3d  B2 %-3dx%-3d",             bullets[0].x, bullets[0].y,             bullets[1].x, bullets[1].y);    }}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// checkpath function// check to see if a point on the screen is black/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int checkpath(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3){    if (getpixel(screen, x1, y1) ||         getpixel(screen, x2, y2) ||        getpixel(screen, x3, y3))        return 1;    else        return 0;}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// clearpath function// verify that the tank can move in the current direction/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void clearpath(int num){    //shortcut vars    int dir = tanks[num].dir;    int speed = tanks[num].speed;    int x = tanks[num].x;    int y = tanks[num].y;        switch(dir)    {        //check pixels north        case 0:            if (speed > 0)            {                if (checkpath(x-16, y-20, x, y-20, x+16, y-20))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            }            else                //if reverse dir, check south                if (checkpath(x-16, y+20, x, y+20, x+16, y+20))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            break;                    //check pixels east        case 1:            if (speed > 0)            {                if (checkpath(x+20, y-16, x+20, y, x+20, y+16))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            }            else                //if reverse dir, check west                if (checkpath(x-20, y-16, x-20, y, x-20, y+16))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            break;                    //check pixels south        case 2:            if (speed > 0)            {                if (checkpath(x-16, y+20, x, y+20, x+16, y+20 ))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            }            else                //if reverse dir, check north                if (checkpath(x-16, y-20, x, y-20, x+16, y-20))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            break;                    //check pixels west        case 3:            if (speed > 0)            {                if (checkpath(x-20, y-16, x-20, y, x-20, y+16))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            }            else                //if reverse dir, check east                if (checkpath(x+20, y-16, x+20, y, x+20, y+16))                    tanks[num].speed = 0;            break;    }}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fireweapon function// configure a bullet's direction and speed and activate it/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void fireweapon(int num){    int x = tanks[num].x;    int y = tanks[num].y;    //ready to fire again?    if (!bullets[num].alive)    {        bullets[num].alive = 1;        //fire bullet in direction tank is facing        switch (tanks[num].dir)        {            //north            case 0:                bullets[num].x = x;                bullets[num].y = y-22;                bullets[num].xspd = 0;                bullets[num].yspd = -BULLETSPEED;                break;            //east            case 1:                bullets[num].x = x+22;                bullets[num].y = y;                bullets[num].xspd = BULLETSPEED;                bullets[num].yspd = 0;                break;            //south            case 2:                bullets[num].x = x;                bullets[num].y = y+22;                bullets[num].xspd = 0;                bullets[num].yspd = BULLETSPEED;                break;            //west            case 3:                bullets[num].x = x-22;                bullets[num].y = y;                bullets[num].xspd = -BULLETSPEED;                bullets[num].yspd = 0;        }    }}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// forward function// increase the tank's speed/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void forward(int num){    tanks[num].speed++;    if (tanks[num].speed > MAXSPEED)        tanks[num].speed = MAXSPEED;}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// backward function// decrease the tank's speed/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void backward(int num){    tanks[num].speed--;    if (tanks[num].speed < -MAXSPEED)        tanks[num].speed = -MAXSPEED;}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// turnleft function// rotate the tank counter-clockwise/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void turnleft(int num){    tanks[num].dir--;    if (tanks[num].dir < 0)        tanks[num].dir = 3;}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// turnright function// rotate the tank clockwise/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void turnright(int num){    tanks[num].dir++;    if (tanks[num].dir > 3)        tanks[num].dir = 0;}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getinput function// check for player input keys (2 player support)/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void getinput(){    //hit ESC to quit    if (key[KEY_ESC])        gameover = 1;        //WASD / SPACE keys control tank 1    if (key[KEY_W])        forward(0);    if (key[KEY_D])        turnright(0);    if (key[KEY_A])        turnleft(0);    if (key[KEY_S])        backward(0);    if (key[KEY_SPACE])        fireweapon(0);                //arrow / ENTER keys control tank 2    if (key[KEY_UP])         forward(1);    if (key[KEY_RIGHT])        turnright(1);    if (key[KEY_DOWN])        backward(1);    if (key[KEY_LEFT])        turnleft(1);    if (key[KEY_ENTER])        fireweapon(1);    //short delay after keypress            rest(15);}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// score function// add a point to the specified player's score/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void score(int player){    //update score    int points = ++tanks[player].score;    //display score    textprintf(screen, font, SCREEN_W-70*(player+1), 1, BURST,        "P%d: %d", player+1, points);}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setuptanks function// set up the starting condition of each tank/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void setuptanks(){    //player 1    tanks[0].x = 30;    tanks[0].y = 40;    tanks[0].dir = 1;    tanks[0].speed = 0;    tanks[0].color = 9;    tanks[0].score = 0;    //player 2    tanks[1].x = SCREEN_W-30;    tanks[1].y = SCREEN_H-30;    tanks[1].dir = 3;    tanks[1].speed = 0;    tanks[1].color = 12;    tanks[1].score = 0;}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setupdebris function// set up the debris on the battlefield/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void setupdebris(){    int n,x,y,size,color;    //fill the battlefield with random debris    for (n = 0; n < BLOCKS; n++)    {        x = BLOCKSIZE + rand() % (SCREEN_W-BLOCKSIZE*2);        y = BLOCKSIZE + rand() % (SCREEN_H-BLOCKSIZE*2);        size = (10 + rand() % BLOCKSIZE)/2;        color = makecol(rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255);        rectfill(screen, x-size, y-size, x+size, y+size, color);    }}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setupscreen function// set up the graphics mode and game screen/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void setupscreen(){    //set video mode        int ret = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, 800, 600, 0, 0);    if (ret != 0) {        allegro_message(allegro_error);        return;    }    //print title    textprintf(screen, font, 1, 1, BURST,         "Tank War - %dx%d", SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);    //draw screen border            rect(screen, 0, 12, SCREEN_W-1, SCREEN_H-1, TAN);    rect(screen, 1, 13, SCREEN_W-2, SCREEN_H-2, TAN);   }///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Game message//The message that appears at the start of the game/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void gamemessage(void){    allegro_message("Welcome to Tank War! The game where you fight against a freind in Tanks!");}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Main game//This function runs the game///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void rungame(void){    install_timer();    srand(time(NULL));    setupscreen();    setupdebris();    setuptanks();        //game loop    while(!gameover)    {        //erase the tanks        erasetank(0);        erasetank(1);                //check for collisions        clearpath(0);        clearpath(1);                //move the tanks        movetank(0);        movetank(1);                //draw the tanks        drawtank(0);        drawtank(1);        //update the bullets        updatebullet(0);        updatebullet(1);                //check for keypresses        if (keypressed())            getinput();        //slow the game down (adjust as necessary)        rest(30);    }}  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Title screen//This function creates the title screen//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void title_screen(void){    textout_centre(screen, font, "Sample of textout_centre function",         SCREEN_W/2, 50, 14);    if (key[KEY_ENTER])        rungame();    }/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main function// start point of the program/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void main(void){    //initialize everything    allegro_init();    gamemessage();    install_keyboard();    text_mode(-1);     title_screen();         //end program    allegro_exit();}END_OF_MAIN();

Any help?
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
Learn to use your ide's debugger.
DerAnged is right. And this is the perfect time to learn.

Try starting by stepping through the code until the error occurs. The last instruction you stepped over will have generated it, though it may not have necesarily have caused it.
- CheeseMonger
well, ok. Will that really help any? I think the problem is surfacing from the wierd way I have my code structured. could that be the problem? in the mean time, ill guess illl try to figure out the dev c++ debugger...

*EdiT* I debugged it, and it said "an access violation(segment vault) has araised in your program" right after the message "welcome to tank war!" appears at the very beggining of the program.
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
i dont know allegro, but it seems that you haven't checked if the keyboard works before you called the keyboard
from the allegro manual:
Quote: Note that on some platforms the keyboard won't work unless you have set a graphics mode, even if this function returns a success value before calling set_gfx_mode. This can happen in environments with graphic windowed modes, since Allegro usually reads the keyboard through the graphical window (which appears after the set_gfx_call). Example:
      allegro_init();      install_timer();      install_keyboard();      /* We are not 100% we can read the keyboard yet! */      if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0)         exit(1);      /* Now we are guaranteed to be able to read the keyboard. */      readkey();
I still get the same problem, even when I do that.
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
You should know that Game Programming All in One has ALOT of errors in the code. The thing simply does not work.
I thought I should mention im using game programming all in one second edition, which, according to several people, is much better then the first. Cany anyone help me with this problem? there has to be a solution...
______________________________My website: Quest Networks

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