Code wont compile

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16 comments, last by jakpandora 19 years, 6 months ago
I made some modifications to a sample game that came with"game programming all in one" and made some errors. Heres the code:

// Game Programming All In One, Second Edition
// Source Code Copyright (C)2004 by Jonathan S. Harbour
// Chapter 4 - Tank War Game

#include "tankwar.h"

// drawtank function
// construct the tank using drawing functions
void drawtank(int num)
    int x = tanks[num].x;
    int y = tanks[num].y;
    int dir = tanks[num].dir;
    //draw tank body and turret
    rectfill(screen, x-11, y-11, x+11, y+11, tanks[num].color);
    rectfill(screen, x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, 7);
    //draw the treads based on orientation
    if (dir == 0 || dir == 2)
        rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x-11, y+16, 8);
        rectfill(screen, x+11, y-16, x+16, y+16, 8);
    if (dir == 1 || dir == 3)
        rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x+16, y-11, 8);
        rectfill(screen, x-16, y+16, x+16, y+11, 8);
    //draw the turret based on direction
    switch (dir)
        case 0:
            rectfill(screen, x-1, y, x+1, y-16, 8);
        case 1:
            rectfill(screen, x, y-1, x+16, y+1, 8);
        case 2:
            rectfill(screen, x-1, y, x+1, y+16, 8);
        case 3:
            rectfill(screen, x, y-1, x-16, y+1, 8);

// erasetank function
// erase the tank using rectfill
void erasetank(int num)
    //calculate box to encompass the tank
    int left = tanks[num].x - 17;
    int top = tanks[num].y - 17;
    int right = tanks[num].x + 17;
    int bottom = tanks[num].y + 17;

    //erase the tank
    rectfill(screen, left, top, right, bottom, 0);

// movetank function
// move the tank in the current direction
void movetank(int num)
    int dir = tanks[num].dir;
    int speed = tanks[num].speed;

    //update tank position based on direction
        case 0:
            tanks[num].y -= speed;
        case 1:
            tanks[num].x += speed;
        case 2:
            tanks[num].y += speed;
        case 3:
            tanks[num].x -= speed;

    //keep tank inside the screen
    if (tanks[num].x > SCREEN_W-22)
        tanks[num].x = SCREEN_W-22;
        tanks[num].speed = 0;
    if (tanks[num].x < 22)
        tanks[num].x = 22;
        tanks[num].speed = 0;
    if (tanks[num].y > SCREEN_H-22)
        tanks[num].y = SCREEN_H-22;
        tanks[num].speed = 0;
    if (tanks[num].y < 22)
        tanks[num].y = 22;
        tanks[num].speed = 0;

// explode function
// display random boxes to simulate an explosion
void explode(int num, int x, int y)

    int n;

    //retrieve location of enemy tank
    int tx = tanks[!num].x;
    int ty = tanks[!num].y;
    //is bullet inside the boundary of the enemy tank?
    if (x > tx-16 && x < tx+16 && y > ty-16 && y < ty+16)

    //draw some random circles for the "explosion"
    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x+16, y+16, rand() % 16);

    //clear the area of debris
    rectfill(screen, x-16, y-16, x+16, y+16, 0);

// updatebullet function
// update the position of a bullet
void updatebullet(int num)
    int x = bullets[num].x;
    int y = bullets[num].y;

    if (bullets[num].alive)
        //erase bullet
        rect(screen, x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, 0);        

        //move bullet
        bullets[num].x += bullets[num].xspd;
        bullets[num].y += bullets[num].yspd;
        x = bullets[num].x;
        y = bullets[num].y;

        //stay within the screen
        if (x < 5 || x > SCREEN_W-5 || y < 20 || y > SCREEN_H-5)
            bullets[num].alive = 0;

        //draw bullet
        x = bullets[num].x;
        y = bullets[num].y;
        rect(screen, x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, 14);        

        //look for a hit
        if (getpixel(screen, bullets[num].x, bullets[num].y))
            bullets[num].alive = 0;
            explode(num, x, y);

        //print the bullet's position
        textprintf(screen, font, SCREEN_W/2-50, 1, 2, 
            "B1 %-3dx%-3d  B2 %-3dx%-3d", 
            bullets[0].x, bullets[0].y, 
            bullets[1].x, bullets[1].y);


// checkpath function
// check to see if a point on the screen is black
int checkpath(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3)
    if (getpixel(screen, x1, y1) || 
        getpixel(screen, x2, y2) ||
        getpixel(screen, x3, y3))
        return 1;
        return 0;

// clearpath function
// verify that the tank can move in the current direction
void clearpath(int num)
    //shortcut vars
    int dir = tanks[num].dir;
    int speed = tanks[num].speed;
    int x = tanks[num].x;
    int y = tanks[num].y;
        //check pixels north
        case 0:
            if (speed > 0)
                if (checkpath(x-16, y-20, x, y-20, x+16, y-20))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
                //if reverse dir, check south
                if (checkpath(x-16, y+20, x, y+20, x+16, y+20))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
        //check pixels east
        case 1:
            if (speed > 0)
                if (checkpath(x+20, y-16, x+20, y, x+20, y+16))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
                //if reverse dir, check west
                if (checkpath(x-20, y-16, x-20, y, x-20, y+16))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
        //check pixels south
        case 2:
            if (speed > 0)
                if (checkpath(x-16, y+20, x, y+20, x+16, y+20 ))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
                //if reverse dir, check north
                if (checkpath(x-16, y-20, x, y-20, x+16, y-20))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
        //check pixels west
        case 3:
            if (speed > 0)
                if (checkpath(x-20, y-16, x-20, y, x-20, y+16))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;
                //if reverse dir, check east
                if (checkpath(x+20, y-16, x+20, y, x+20, y+16))
                    tanks[num].speed = 0;

// fireweapon function
// configure a bullet's direction and speed and activate it
void fireweapon(int num)
    int x = tanks[num].x;
    int y = tanks[num].y;

    //ready to fire again?
    if (!bullets[num].alive)
        bullets[num].alive = 1;

        //fire bullet in direction tank is facing
        switch (tanks[num].dir)
            case 0:
                bullets[num].x = x;
                bullets[num].y = y-22;
                bullets[num].xspd = 0;
                bullets[num].yspd = -BULLETSPEED;
            case 1:
                bullets[num].x = x+22;
                bullets[num].y = y;
                bullets[num].xspd = BULLETSPEED;
                bullets[num].yspd = 0;
            case 2:
                bullets[num].x = x;
                bullets[num].y = y+22;
                bullets[num].xspd = 0;
                bullets[num].yspd = BULLETSPEED;
            case 3:
                bullets[num].x = x-22;
                bullets[num].y = y;
                bullets[num].xspd = -BULLETSPEED;
                bullets[num].yspd = 0;

// forward function
// increase the tank's speed
void forward(int num)
    if (tanks[num].speed > MAXSPEED)
        tanks[num].speed = MAXSPEED;

// backward function
// decrease the tank's speed
void backward(int num)
    if (tanks[num].speed < -MAXSPEED)
        tanks[num].speed = -MAXSPEED;

// turnleft function
// rotate the tank counter-clockwise
void turnleft(int num)
    if (tanks[num].dir < 0)
        tanks[num].dir = 3;

// turnright function
// rotate the tank clockwise
void turnright(int num)
    if (tanks[num].dir > 3)
        tanks[num].dir = 0;

// getinput function
// check for player input keys (2 player support)
void getinput()
    //hit ESC to quit
    if (key[KEY_ESC])
        gameover = 1;
    //WASD / SPACE keys control tank 1
    if (key[KEY_W])
    if (key[KEY_D])
    if (key[KEY_A])
    if (key[KEY_S])
    if (key[KEY_SPACE])
    //arrow / ENTER keys control tank 2
    if (key[KEY_UP]) 
    if (key[KEY_RIGHT])
    if (key[KEY_DOWN])
    if (key[KEY_LEFT])
    if (key[KEY_ENTER])

    //short delay after keypress        

// score function
// add a point to the specified player's score
void score(int player)
    //update score
    int points = ++tanks[player].score;

    //display score
    textprintf(screen, font, SCREEN_W-70*(player+1), 1, BURST,
        "P%d: %d", player+1, points);

// setuptanks function
// set up the starting condition of each tank
void setuptanks()
    //player 1
    tanks[0].x = 30;
    tanks[0].y = 40;
    tanks[0].dir = 1;
    tanks[0].speed = 0;
    tanks[0].color = 9;
    tanks[0].score = 0;

    //player 2
    tanks[1].x = SCREEN_W-30;
    tanks[1].y = SCREEN_H-30;
    tanks[1].dir = 3;
    tanks[1].speed = 0;
    tanks[1].color = 12;
    tanks[1].score = 0;

// setupdebris function
// set up the debris on the battlefield
void setupdebris()
    int n,x,y,size,color;

    //fill the battlefield with random debris
    for (n = 0; n < BLOCKS; n++)
        x = BLOCKSIZE + rand() % (SCREEN_W-BLOCKSIZE*2);
        y = BLOCKSIZE + rand() % (SCREEN_H-BLOCKSIZE*2);
        size = (10 + rand() % BLOCKSIZE)/2;
        color = makecol(rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255);
        rectfill(screen, x-size, y-size, x+size, y+size, color);


// setupscreen function
// set up the graphics mode and game screen
void setupscreen()
    //set video mode    
    int ret = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, 800, 600, 0, 0);
    if (ret != 0) {

    //print title
    textprintf(screen, font, 1, 1, BURST, 
        "Tank War - %dx%d", SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

    //draw screen border        
    rect(screen, 0, 12, SCREEN_W-1, SCREEN_H-1, TAN);
    rect(screen, 1, 13, SCREEN_W-2, SCREEN_H-2, TAN);

//Game message
//The message that appears at the start of the game
void gamemessage(void)
    allegro_message("Welcome to Tank War! The game where you fight against a freind in Tanks!");

//Main game
//This function runs the game
void rungame(void)
    //game loop
        //erase the tanks
        //check for collisions
        //move the tanks
        //draw the tanks

        //update the bullets
        //check for keypresses
        if (keypressed())

        //slow the game down (adjust as necessary)
//Title screen
//This function creates the title screen
void title_screen(void)
    texout_centre(screen, font, "Welcome to Tank war!", SCREEN_W/2, 50, 14);
    if (key[KEY_ENTER])

// main function
// start point of the program
void main(void)
    //initialize everything

    //end program

I get the following error: 567 C:\Dev-Cpp\Allegro projects\Tank War\main.c [Warning] static declaration for `WinMain' follows non-static originally, I got an eror from my rungame() function, and nothing from this.After changing a few things, I get an error form END_OF_MAIN but not run game. could somebody tell me how to fix the problem I have now, and also if there is something wrong with my rungame() function, so I dont get errors from it later? Thanks!
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
At first glance, the while loop in your rungame() function seems to be missing a closing curly brace. Try adding one to the end of the function or where the while block should end.

I'm not familiar with Allegro, is END_OF_MAIN() your function or Allegro's? You haven't posted the code for that function.
- CheeseMonger
Apart from that... void main() isn't valid... use int main()

Try removing the semicolon after END_OF_MAIN(). The Allegro documentation doesn't indicate a semicolon, and since it is a macro it is unclear what effect that semicolon may have on the expanded.

If you're using MSVC 6, select all of your code (Ctrl+A) and then have it auto-formatted (Alt+F8). This can reveal improper scope and nesting sometimes. Make sure that all braces are matched. (I don't know the auto-format keyboard shortcut for MSVC 7+.)
ok,thanks for the help. I dont know if what you said will help(I can fix my code at the moment) but I hope it works. END_OF_MAIN(), has a semicoloon after it in the book im using, and has never caused a problem before. void main is also used in the book, and it works fine. I will change it though. I will add the extra curly brace after the rungame function. thanks!
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
I fixed everything but now I get a new error;

[Linker error] undefined reference to `texout_centre'

any help? I never got this error before
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
could someone help?
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
could someone help?
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
Looks to be a typo.

Undefined reference means you're generally calling a function that doesn't exist...
I dont know what type of typo it could be. im typing it exaclty as it is in the book im using. even when I type other things like text_justify i get errors.
______________________________My website: Quest Networks

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