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3 comments, last by Evil Steve 19 years, 6 months ago
y0 I'm using C++ and am wanting to output the score of player one and player two. The players each have their own class and in the class is the declaration "int score;" and in the constructor it's set to 0. I want to know how i could display their score with the TextOut() function? I know how to output strings and the like but outputting integers? and what about a string and an integer?...
You can only output a string. If you want an integer or anything else, you need to make it into a string first. For example:
char szBuffer[256];int nScore = 42;sprintf(szBuffer,"Player One: %d points",nScore);TextOut(hDC,0,0,szBuffer,strlen(szBuffer));

Use a function called:

Do something like,

char buffer[80];
int score = 24;
itoa(score, buffer, 10);

Look up the function in MSDN for reference

Thanks alot.

In the itoa() func. what is the last value used for?
Thats the radix (base). 10 = base 10 (decimal). You can use it to output in binary if you set the radix to 2, or hex if you set it to 16, and so on.

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