Setting the lexical handler for an MSXML parser

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0 comments, last by rsegal 19 years, 6 months ago
So I've got a block of code like so

if ( SUCCEEDED(m_pParser.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SAXXMLReader40))) ) 
      m_pSAXLexicalHandler = new SAXLexicalHandlerMSXML();
      HRESULT hr = m_pParser->putProperty(L"", (_variant_t)m_pSAXLexicalHandler);

The call to CreateInstance works however the call to putProperty returns E_FAIL which from what I can tell in MSDN means that the parser is in the process of parsing. But I just created it and I haven't told it to process anything yet. Things just aren't making any sense? Anyone have any thoughts.
Rob Segal - Software
Success, I found the solution to my problem searching through google groups. You need to implement QueryInterface for your custom lexical handler that you override from ISAXLexicalHandler.
Rob Segal - Software

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