[java] Why Sun develop JOGL ?

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4 comments, last by GameDev.net 19 years, 6 months ago
why people don't like java 3D ? Why Sun develop JOGL ? I read a book, it said, java 3D is built on top of OpenGL with OOP style. So the question will be, Why Sun develop JOGL ? The JOGL is OOP ? Thanks
Sun did not develop JOGL. JOGL is a community project hosted on Javagaming.org. People don't use Java3D because it is/was slow.
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Actually as far as I know, jogl will become a part of JRE in the future.

Jogl is an OpenGL binding whereas Java3D is a scenegraph. Java3D consists of high-level objects and it has collision detection etc. OpenGL is just a high-performance interface to your graphics card (non-OOP).
JOGL as part of the JRE? Cool, that means that Xith (a more game-oriented version of Java3D) will then be "clean" java.

Personally, I think this JOGL stuff is about 5 years overdue. You have two platform agnostic systems, and yet nobody makes a standard way for them to interoperate? Java really missed the boat on a lot of such features.
-- Single player is masturbation.
Quote:Original post by CaptainJester
Sun did not develop JOGL. JOGL is a community project hosted on Javagaming.org. People don't use Java3D because it is/was slow.

That's disingenuous - Sun did most of the work for this, and continues to run the project (last time I checked, only Sun staff had administrator status on the project, even though they accept patches from anyone in the commmunity).

So...Sun is basically trying to share the development cost and share the early-releases years earlier than if they kept it closed development, but be under no illusions: they have a huge involvement in JOGL.
Quote:Original post by Pxtl
JOGL as part of the JRE? Cool, that means that Xith (a more game-oriented version of Java3D) will then be "clean" java.

Cleanliness is now fast becoming irrelevant. This is not a trivial statement to explain, but it revolves around a couple of issues:

1. Webstart makes cleanliness invisible to the user and irrelevant save for the "request full permissions" dialog

2. Sun is moving the JRE to a partial-download, modular-install system, so that users will be less able to distinguish between getting "standard" java components and "3rd party" ones. OF course, that "request permissions" dialog will still be there for non-Sun extensions...

Personally, I think this JOGL stuff is about 5 years overdue. You have two platform agnostic systems, and yet nobody makes a standard way for them to interoperate? Java really missed the boat on a lot of such features.

JOGL is still the worst of the two competing OpenGL java bindings - LWJGL is still more reliable. So, perhaps we ought to be talking about LWJGL?

That aside, Sun's executives have never liked the idea of java as a client technology, partly because it's impossible for them to make money out of client stuff (they are a server company)...or at least that's what they used to believe. In recent years, someone gave them a Clue, and they have prioritised client-side features. There is a huge question mark over whether they have done this too late, and whether history will mark java down as one of the few great opportunities to unseat Microsoft's dominance (not destroy them, just make them less of a massive monster) which was wasted because of general blinkeredness by Sun's senior management. Certainly, IBM used to get very pissed off with Sun for faffing about and failing to do with Java what java was capable of!

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