Full Screen Issues

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3 comments, last by smittix 19 years, 6 months ago
I have a window that is running at full screen, but if you move the mouse to the top and drag, it will grab the top of the window and actually allow you to drag and/or minimize. Direct Input is enabled and I was wondering if there was a way to fix the problem so the mouse can only interact within the window.
Ya, I'm having the same issue. I'm using BCB6 w/o DirectImput, and I can drag parts of the screen around. Are you using DD or D3D?
I'm using D3D, but I have found the problem. In the creation of the window I had it set for "WS_EX_TOPMOST". I changed it to "WS_POPUP" and it works perfect.
I'm using DD. Any way to do that in DD?
Yeah, the part of the code you change isn't part of D3D or DD, it's in the actual creation of the application window. Just look through the code till you see something like this:

HWND hwnd = 0;
hwnd = ::CreateWindow("Window Name", "Title",
0, 0, width, height,
0 , 0 , hInstance, 0 );

And just change that third part to "WS_POPUP".

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