"Intermediate" Direct3D Tutorials?

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2 comments, last by skyfire360 19 years, 6 months ago
Hey again! While I have programmed graphics before using OpenGL, I'm a complete beginner when it comes to Direct3D. After finding myself some basecode from Andypike and Drunkenhyena, I pretty much blundered my way though the code and ended up adding 32 bit color support (is it normal to have a garphics card support only XRGB and not ARGB?), 32 bit z-buffer, and lost device trapping. Because I have a bad habit of looking forward and getting ahead of myself, after drawing my first triangle I looked on down towards the texturing and multitexturing code examples. To my suprise, I found only tutorials on static texturing: no texture matrix code, no multitexture/multipass code, and no bump-mapping code. After wandering around the internet for a while, I found that most of the online tutorial sites around (with the notable exception of UltimateGameProgramming) mainly deal with the low-level, "This is a polygon", "This is a light" kind of tutorials. The few that do deviate from this format usually - like the MSDN examples - go straight into Vertex Shaders and Pixel Shaders. My point is that I'm feeling like I'm missing something in the middle, somewhere between texturing and Pixel Shaders. Of course, it's possible that could be because I'm somewhat intimidated by the power and complexity of Shader code and fail to understand them correctly. Can anyone point me to some mid-level tutorials, or if not, to a good Direct3D (preferably DirectX9) book that would make the Direct3D Pipeline make more sense to me?
I do real things with imaginary numbers
err... don't you have the D3D9 sdk? it had stuff from beginning to the hard stuff
IMHO,what you want to do is spend a lot of time in the SDK docs.

I also started with OGL,and i was looking for similar type of tutorials,but did not find many.

There are a few specialized books such as the ShaderX series(though not really what you would want to jump straight into),though IMO,most directX books don't have a very long life value(if you understand my meaning -:)

btw... its about time some of the DirectX gurus here wrote a decent up-to-date normal mapping tutorial using DirectX9 with hardware(or software) skinned characters....hahah

right now,it would make me happy to find this kind of DX tutorial on google-:)

The best thing i can give you if your coming from OGL,is

which has very good examples in both Opengl,DirectX8 and 9,
and if you study the examples,it might make the learning curve
a bit easier.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies everyone!

Axiverse: Yes and no. I downloaded and installed the DX9 Summer Update 2004 SDK, but upon opening and looking around inside the distribution all I found were articles on Vertex Shaders - I couldn't find any of the old DX8 "this is a polygon" kind of examples/projects. Are they just hidden somewhere in there where I can't find 'em?

AP: Thanks for the support! I'll check out codesampler tonight
I do real things with imaginary numbers

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