Speed Optimization

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16 comments, last by sinistrx 23 years, 6 months ago
Ok I''ve tried all the tricks in the book for speed optimization (keeping math down to simple math like +-*/ by using lookup tables, good state mgmt, calllists, etc.) is there any surefire way to speed up your programs? I have about 3 or 4 objects in my scene as it stands and it''s going way to slow. I can post the code it''s very very beta though.
Hmm... not much I can suggest other than to look at the methods you''re using: are they the best methods, could you be doing it with less operations? You could also have a look at www.intel.com -- they have a thing that lets you check where your processing power is going, then concentrate on bumming the parts of the program which consume the most speed.
You must avoid states changes.

Search the OpenGL website or SGI one to see what you should do.

Basically load a texture and compute every object using this texture. Texture change has the heavier cost.

Theen, MAterial change are costy, so group by Material too.

Look for other optimisations tricks on the web sites mentionned before.

Good luck.

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
the first + most important rule of game programming
Premature optimization is the root of all evil" (Donald Knuth).

u are aware that
"keeping math down to simple math like +-*/ by using lookup tables" can sometime actually slow down a program

What you could do is render at every time and calculate physics and stuff one out of 5 ...
You will increase framerate and Physics not loose too much ...

Or untesselate your objects
(you can find me on IRC : #opengl on undernet)
Write it all in PC Assembly language and link directly with the OpenGL source code. Oh and if you do this let me know because you''ll be busy for a while but you will be the MAN!
Chad Schmidt
I''m not sure if that helps, but if you use Visual C++ and run your programs in debug build, try building it for release and run it. Debug builds are very good at finding errors but they can make a program pretty slow.

My suggestion is to get rid of as many if statements as you can in any inner loops you have. If necessary perform a bunch of arithmetic and logical operations on your variables if this will do it... For instance if you know var is either 0 or 1 the following code is better than an if statement in general;

newvalue = var * value1 + (1 - var) * value2;
is faster in general
newvalue = value1;
newvalue = value2;

Of course... only start optimizing when its necessary.. as a previous poster stated premature optimization is the root of all evil. And optimizations like the above tend to confuse people for an unnecessary gain in performance. The above method can work wonders though where it works... I was writing a driver this summer and was able to double performance by removing 2 if statements in my inner-most loop. It was an easy situation to optimize ... I knew 99% of the cpu time was in 20 lines of code... but still a wonderful improvement.

Oh... and lookup tables aren''t as good as they once were since modern computers have relatively slow access to main memory. Think about it... a 500 Mhz CPU... 100 Mhz RAM. 5 CPU cycles per memory cycle. About 4 memory cycles to read a datum in memory = 20 CPU cycles just to get a value. Cache helps this problem... but if your lookup table is bigger than your cache you''ve just screwed yourself.

I didn''t even think to use the Release instead of Debug, god I feel like an ass now!!! Anyways, delta-z if I can do opengl code in full assembly language I think that would be the point where people start thinking I''m an android. (:

Give Microsoft a few years and we''ll probably have Visual ASM, won''t that be the day. (:

Well ok I just ran it under Win32 Release, I think I''m probably the only one who would notice the speed difference since I''ve compiled it about 21734271563412674537216543.2 times, but I have all my textures and state changes are grouped as best as they can be. The main bad thing is that I''m using glusphere in the program but I don''t know how you would make your own code to be the same as
glusphere(quadratic,vector[3],3,2); where vector[3] is incremented 0.003 each time through. I took out the lookup tables too but no speed difference, any other suggestions?
Avoid using function you don''t know the source of.

Make sure to use triangle strips or fans (I never remember which of the two is the best).

Try to create a sphere your self and store it in your own table.
Look if it increase the speed or not.

Do you use lighting ?
Which kind ?

Not many ideas on how to improve your code, but maybe if you explain a little bit further what kind of scenes and effects you''re using...

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-

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