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4 comments, last by The_Nerd 19 years, 5 months ago
Alright, I have a very weird texture problem. I build up the font characters for my GL print function. Each character is a little OpenGL list. Inside the list is the quad, and the texture bound to the quad. It's nice and compiled. Now when I print a string, everything works fine, every thing that is, except anything after the print function! For some reason, every polygon I render after the print function has the texture of the last character, no matter what I do (glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2d); glBind(MY_BLOODY_TEXTURE_THAT_IS_NOT_THE_LAST_CHARACTER);). Also, calling glDeleteTextures on my glGenTextures list causes a SEGV at the end of the program. I got allot of code, so I just want to ask if you guys have any ideas before I start posting it.
-- I waz here --
Quote:Original post by The_Nerd
For some reason, every polygon I render after the print function has the texture of the last character, no matter what I do (glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2d); glBind(MY_BLOODY_TEXTURE_THAT_IS_NOT_THE_LAST_CHARACTER);).

Yep, we're going to need to see some code before we can determine the problem. Could be a number of things. :)

Quote:Also, calling glDeleteTextures on my glGenTextures list causes a SEGV at the end of the program.

I don't think glDeleteTextures is safe to call inside of a display list.

Quote:I got allot of code, so I just want to ask if you guys have any ideas before I start posting it.

*braces self* Alright! Make sure you only post the relevant stuff, of course. :)
Function to build a font character:
bool make_dlist (FT_Face Face, uint16 Ch, Ner3DFont *Fnt){	static Ner3DImage *TempImage=VID_NewImage();	if (!TempImage) return false;	if(FT_Load_Glyph(Face, FT_Get_Char_Index(Face, Ch), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)) return false;	//Move the face's glyph into a Glyph object.    FT_Glyph Glyph;    if(FT_Get_Glyph(Face->glyph, &Glyph)) return false;	//Convert the glyph to a bitmap.	FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&Glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, 0, 1 );    FT_BitmapGlyph Bitmap_Glyph = (FT_BitmapGlyph)Glyph;	//This reference will make accessing the bitmap easier	FT_Bitmap& Bitmap=Bitmap_Glyph->bitmap;	//Use our helper function to get the widths of	//the bitmap data that we will need in order to create	//our texture.	int16 uiWidth = next_p2(Bitmap.width);	int16 uiHeight = next_p2(Bitmap.rows);	//Allocate memory for the texture data.	GLubyte* Expanded_Data = new GLubyte[ 2 * uiWidth * uiHeight];	//Here we fill in the data for the expanded bitmap.	//Notice that we are using two channel bitmap (one for	//luminocity and one for alpha), but we assign	//both luminocity and alpha to the value that we	//find in the FreeType bitmap. 	//We use the ?: operator so that value which we use	//will be 0 if we are in the padding zone, and whatever	//is the the Freetype bitmap otherwise.	for(uint16 uiJ=0;uiJ<uiHeight;uiJ++)		for(uint16 uiJJ=0;uiJJ<uiWidth;uiJJ++)			memset(&Expanded_Data[2*(uiJJ+uiJ*uiWidth)], (uiJJ>=Bitmap.width||uiJ>=Bitmap.rows)?0:Bitmap.buffer[uiJJ+Bitmap.width*uiJ], 2);    TempImage->New(uiWidth, uiHeight, 32);	memcpy(TempImage->Buffer, Expanded_Data, uiWidth*uiHeight*4);	TempImage->uiFlags=NER3D_IMG_CLAMPX|NER3D_IMG_CLAMPY;	TempImage->Bind(GL_RGBA, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA);//With the texture created, we don't need to expanded data anymore    delete [] Expanded_Data;	//So now we can create the display list	glNewList(Fnt->uiListBase+Ch,GL_COMPILE);	//glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,Fnt->uiTextureBase[Ch]);	VID_BindGLTexture(TempImage->iGLIndex);	TempImage->Free();	//first we need to move over a little so that	//the character has the right amount of space	//between it and the one before it.	glTranslatef(Bitmap_Glyph->left,0,0);	//Now we move down a little in the case that the	//bitmap extends past the bottom of the line 	//(this is only true for characters like 'g' or 'y'.	glPushMatrix();	glTranslatef(0,(0-Bitmap_Glyph->top)+DEFAULT_CHAR_WIDTH,0);	//n3dDebug("%c = %d/%d", Ch, Bitmap_Glyph->top, Bitmap.rows);	//Now we need to account for the fact that many of	//our textures are filled with empty padding space.	//We figure what portion of the texture is used by 	//the actual character and store that information in 	//the x and y variables, then when we draw the	//quad, we will only reference the parts of the texture	//that we contain the character itself.	float32	fX=(float32)Bitmap.width/(float32)uiWidth,			fY=(float32)Bitmap.rows/(float32)uiHeight;	//Here we draw the texturemaped quads.	//The bitmap that we got from FreeType was not 	//oriented quite like we would like it to be,	//so we need to link the texture to the quad	//so that the result will be properly aligned.	glBegin(GL_QUADS);	glTexCoord2d(0,0); glVertex2f(0,0);	glTexCoord2d(0,fY); glVertex2f(0,Bitmap.rows);	glTexCoord2d(fX,fY); glVertex2f(Bitmap.width,Bitmap.rows);	glTexCoord2d(fX,0); glVertex2f(Bitmap.width,0);	glEnd();	glPopMatrix();	glTranslatef(Face->glyph->advance.x >> 6 ,0,0);	//increment the raster position as if we were a bitmap font.	//(only needed if you want to calculate text length)	//glBitmap(0,0,0,0,face->glyph->advance.x >> 6,0,NULL);	//Finnish the display list	glEndList();}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Ner3DImage::Bind() and Ner3DImage::New function:

GLuint uiGlobalTextureObject[IMG_MAX_TEXTURES];static uint16 uiCurrentBoundTexture=0, uiTotalBoundTextures=0, uiBoundTextureIndex=0;static list<Ner3DImage *> gImages;FallBackTexture FallBackTex;int16 iCurrentlyBoundTexture=-1;/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/bool Ner3DImage::Bind(GLint IFormat, GLint Format){	if (Buffer==NULL) return false;	if (this->iGLIndex!=-1) 	{		uiCurrentBoundTexture=this->iGLIndex;		return true; //Already bound... just return	}	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, uiGlobalTextureObject[uiBoundTextureIndex]);	uiBoundTextureIndex++;		glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, (uiFlags&NER3D_IMG_CLAMPX)?GL_CLAMP:GL_REPEAT);	glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, (uiFlags&NER3D_IMG_CLAMPY)?GL_CLAMP:GL_REPEAT);	if (uiFlags&NER3D_IMG_MIPMAPPED)	{		glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST);		glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);		gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D,						IFormat,						(unsigned int)uiWidth,						(unsigned int)uiHeight,						Format,						GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,						Buffer);	}	else	{		glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);		glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);		glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,						0,						IFormat,						(unsigned int)uiWidth,						(unsigned int)uiHeight,						0,						Format,						GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,						Buffer);	}	iGLIndex=uiGlobalTextureObject[uiBoundTextureIndex-1]-1;	uiCurrentBoundTexture=uiGlobalTextureObject[uiBoundTextureIndex-1];	uiTotalBoundTextures++;return true;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/bool Ner3DImage::New(uint16 uiWidth, uint16 uiHeight, uint16 uiBpp){	Free();	if (uiWidth>0&&uiHeight>0&&uiBpp>0)	{		Buffer=(RGBA_ARRAY *)realloc(Buffer, ((uiWidth*uiHeight)*uiBpp)*sizeof(RGBA_ARRAY));		if (Buffer==NULL) return false;	}	this->uiWidth=uiWidth;	this->uiHeight=uiHeight;	this->uiBpp=uiBpp;return true;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Print function:
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/void VID_FontPrint(Ner3DFontInfo *Info, uchar8 *ucpStr){		if (Info->uiFont>=uiGFontCount) return;	Ner3DFont *CurrentFont=&tpFonts[Info->uiFont];	uint16 uiI, uiII, uiTab=0, uiJ, uiLayerCount;	float32 fCharWidth=(float32)DEFAULT_CHAR_SPACING*Info->Size.fX;	uchar8 *ucpPt, ucpTag[128]={0}, ucpValue[128]={0};	list<Ner3DMaterialLayer *>::iterator TempItr=NULL;	Ner3DImage *Char;	glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);	glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);	glEnable(GL_BLEND);	//Info->Position.fX-=fCharWidth;		glPushMatrix();	glLoadIdentity();	glTranslatef(Info->Position.fX, Info->Position.fY, 0);		for (;ucpStr[0]!=0;uiTab++, ucpStr++)	{		if ((Info->uiFlags&FONT_FLAG_IGNORETAGS)==0)		{				if (ucpStr[0]=='[')			{				//ucpStr++;				if (ucpStr[1]!='['&&ucpStr[1]!=0)				{					for (ucpPt=&ucpStr[1], uiII=0;ucpPt[0]!=(uchar8)' '&&ucpPt[0]!=0;uiII++, ++ucpPt)					{						ucpTag[uiII]=ucpPt[0];						ucpTag[uiII+1]=0;					}					for (uiII=0;ucpPt[0]!=']'&&ucpPt[0]!=0;uiII++, ++ucpPt)					{						ucpValue[uiII]=ucpPt[0];						ucpValue[uiII+1]=0;					}					//n3dMessage("Tag %s value %s", ucpTag, ucpValue);					if (ucpPt[0]==']')					{						STR_SWITCH((char *)ucpTag)						{							STR_CASE("color")							{								sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%f, %f, %f, %f", &Info->Color.fR, &Info->Color.fG, &Info->Color.fB, &Info->Color.fA);								break;							}							STR_CASE("tabwidth")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->uiTabWidth=atoi((char *)ucpValue);								break;							}							STR_CASE("i")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->uiFlags=(atoi((char *)ucpValue))?FONT_FLAG_ITALIC:0;								break;							}							STR_CASE("size")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->Size.fX=atof((char *)ucpValue);								Info->Size.fY=Info->Size.fX;								fCharWidth=DEFAULT_CHAR_SPACING*Info->Size.fX;								glScalef(Info->Size.fX, Info->Size.fY, 1);								break;							}							STR_CASE("sizex")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->Size.fX=atof((char *)ucpValue);								fCharWidth=DEFAULT_CHAR_SPACING*Info->Size.fX;								glScalef(Info->Size.fX, Info->Size.fY, 1);								break;							}							STR_CASE("sizey")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->Size.fY=atof((char *)ucpValue);								glScalef(Info->Size.fX, Info->Size.fY, 1);								break;							}							STR_CASE("xpos")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->Position.fX=(float32)atoi((char *)ucpValue);								glTranslatef(Info->Position.fX, 0, 0);								break;							}							STR_CASE("ypos")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->Position.fY=(float32)atoi((char *)ucpValue);								glTranslatef(0, Info->Position.fY, 0);								break;							}							STR_CASE("rotate")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->Rotation.fAngleZ=atof((char *)ucpValue);								break;							}							STR_CASE("rot")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->CRotation.fAngleZ=atof((char *)ucpValue);								break;							}							STR_CASE("font")							{								//sscanf((char *)ucpValue, "%d, %d, %d", &ucRed, &ucGreen, &ucBlue);								Info->uiFont=atoi((char *)ucpValue);								if (Info->uiFont>=uiGFontCount) Info->uiFont=uiGFontCount-1;								CurrentFont=&tpFonts[Info->uiFont];								break;							}							break;						}					ucpStr=ucpPt;					continue;					}				}			}		}				glColor4f(Info->Color.fR, Info->Color.fG, Info->Color.fB, Info->Color.fA);		glCallList(CurrentFont->uiListBase+ucpStr[0]);	}	glPopMatrix();	glColor3ub(255, 255, 255);}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Misc classes:

class Ner3DFont{	public:		uint16 uiListBase;};class Ner3DFontInfo{	public:		Ner3DPoint2D Position;		Ner3DPoint2D Size;		Ner3DNormal Rotation;		Ner3DNormal CRotation;		Ner3DColor Color;		uint16 uiFlags, uiFont, uiTabWidth;				Ner3DFontInfo() { Reset(); }		void Reset(){ 							Position.fX=0.0; 						Position.fY=0.0;						Size.fX=1.0; 						Size.fY=1.0; 						Rotation.fAngleZ=0.0; 						CRotation.fAngleZ=0.0; 						Color.fR=1.0; 						Color.fG=1.0; 						Color.fB=1.0; 						Color.fA=1.0; 						uiFlags=0; 						uiFont=0; 						uiTabWidth=4; 					}};

Anything else??? Don't say I didn't warn you! :)

[Edited by - The_Nerd on November 11, 2004 12:57:25 PM]
-- I waz here --
if you put that into a set of
[source ] [/srource] tags, you may get more willing customers.
"I am a donut! Ask not how many tris/batch, but rather how many batches/frame!" -- Matthias Wloka & Richard Huddy, (GDC, DirectX 9 Performance)

http://www.silvermace.com/ -- My personal website
>>For some reason, every polygon I render after the print function has the texture of the last character, no matter what I do (glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);<<

did u disable ALL the texture units
I found the bug... It was in my bind function. I had an if (currentboundtexture==thistexuture) don't bind it.. =D Silly me...

-- I waz here --

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