File position at 8th byte after extracting 1 character?

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6 comments, last by snk_kid 19 years, 5 months ago
I'm reading a file that's opened in text-mode. When I open the file, the file.tellg () returns 0, but after I call file.get () (and file.gcount is equal to 1), file.tellg () returns 8. From now on, it works as I think, it should, that is it tellg returns 9 after calling get, but I don't know, why I get warped to 8th character after extracting one character... Oxyd
std::iostream::gcount : Get number of characters extracted by last unformatted input operation.

std::iostream::tellg : Get position of the get pointer.
std::iostrema::tellp : Get position of the put pointer.
Ah so... So if I want to seek through the file to search for a string and return it's position in the file I should do the counting myself?

did you mean searching for a string in a binary file? if not i think you may be going about it the wrong way.

Quote:Original post by Oxyd
Ah so... So if I want to seek through the file to search for a string and return it's position in the file I should do the counting myself?

you can still use gcount if you wont to but it gives you relative amount of bytes read not absolute so you just need to have a variable that keeps count and adds to it by calling gcount after each unformatted op i mean:

//declared & defined some wherestd::streamsize num_of_bytes_read(0);//....//first unformatted read opnum_of_bytes_read = ifs.gcount();//....//another read op.num_of_bytes_read += ifs.gcount();

perhaps if you described abit more about what your trying to do we might be able to suggest better alternative.

[Edited by - snk_kid on November 11, 2004 11:27:08 AM]
Quote:perhaps if you described abit more about what your trying to do & we can suggest maybe a better alternative

I'm trying to do a simple config-file parser. The syntax should be as simple as "<identifier> <value>".

I've done it by loading whole file into memory and parsing it there. But I'm still wondering, wheter there's a method to find and load just the line I need...

Quote:Original post by Oxyd
I'm trying to do a simple config-file parser. The syntax should be as simple as "<identifier> <value>".

Is it a text file? what types can value be? is the identifier a string type or some other type?

Quote:Original post by Oxyd
But I'm still wondering, wheter there's a method to find and load just the line I need...

yes there is, i can shed some light if you wont [wink]
Quote:Original post by snk_kid
Quote:Original post by Oxyd
I'm trying to do a simple config-file parser. The syntax should be as simple as "<identifier> <value>".

Is it a text file? what types can value be? is the identifier a string type or some other type?

It's a text file. Value is string and so are the identifiers.

Quote:i can shed some light if you wont [wink]

If you could give me some advice, I'd be happy [smile]

okay to read in the whole thing you can use std::map of strings to strings which will keep the keys unique for you (and sorted which don't really need so std::hash_map would be more efficient but its an STL extension so its not currently part of the standard. e.g.:

input file jack.txt:
foo barscooby snackssnk neo-geojimboob dan


#include <iterator>#include <map>#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <iostream>typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> prop_map;int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {   if(argc == 1) {      std::cerr << argv[0] << " error usage: " << argv[0] << " <file-name>\n";      return EXIT_FAILURE;   }   std::ifstream in(argv[1]);   if(!in) {      std::cerr << argv[0] << " error could not open file\n";      return EXIT_FAILURE;   }   prop_map p;   std::istream_iterator<std::string> in_itr(in), in_end;   while(in_itr != in_end) {      p[*in_itr] = *(++in_itr);      ++in_itr;   }   for(prop_map::const_iterator itr = p.begin(), end = p.end();       itr != end;       ++itr)      std::cout << "key: " << itr->first << "\tvalue: " << itr->second << std::endl; }

To search for value with given a search key with-out reading in the file you can use stream iterators & STL algorithms:

#include <algorithm>#include <iterator>#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <iostream>int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {   typedef std::istream_iterator<std::string> iss_itr;   if(argc == 1) {      std::cerr << argv[0] << " error usage: " << argv[0] << " <file-name>\n";      return EXIT_FAILURE;   }   std::ifstream in(argv[1]);   if(!in) {      std::cerr << argv[0] << " error could not open file\n";      return EXIT_FAILURE;   }     iss_itr in_itr(in), end;   iss_itr result = std::find(in_itr, end, "snk");   if(result != end)      std::cout << "found key " << *result++ << ", value = " << *result << std::endl;   else      std::cout << "no key found\n";   return EXIT_SUCCESS;}

if your string values have whitespace then both sources need to be changed a little otherwise it will ka-bork on you, if you need hand just give a shout.

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