Sending mouseclicks with sendmessage()

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17 comments, last by archr926 19 years, 5 months ago
I found this code a while back, that sends strings to notepad: #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void main () { HWND notepad_window = FindWindow("Notepad", NULL); HWND textbox_window = FindWindowEx(notepad_window, NULL, "Edit", NULL); if (!textbox_window) { printf("Could not find Notepad\n"); return; } string my_string; cout << "Enter a word to send to Notepad: "; cin >> my_string; for (int i = 0; i < my_string.size(); i++) SendMessage(textbox_window, WM_CHAR, (int)my_string, 0x80000000); } And was wondering how to send mouseclicks through sendmessage
You do it the same way.

Instead of sending the WM_CHAR you send WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_LBUTTONUP.

You'll also need to form the WPARAM and LPARAM values correctly. Check out

But I'm curious why you want to do that? Clicking in notepad isn't very interesting :)
Actually, I was going to do it with minesweeper, unfortunately, when I change the references to notepad, the program can't find the window, even though it's running.

Aditionally, what would the lparam and wparams be?
If you use Spy++ you can find out what window to send teh messages to. That would be my guess as to why you can't find the window. It needs to go to a subwindow of the app.

As for the params you should really have googled this but ... mouseinputreference/mouseinputmessages/wm_lbuttondown.asp
Everything is working correctly except for two things:

I still can't find windows other than notepad.

The Lparam will only let me store the x position.
To find other windows replace the notepad text with the titlebar name of the app you want to find.

As for the LParam check out the LOWORD and HIWORD macros.

I feel very close to completing this, except for that annoying minesweeper window. Can someone look over this and tell me why it's not working?

NOTE: It works if you replace "Minesweeper" with "Notepad"

EDIT: Is there a code tag on this board? I don't like having the code distorted.

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <wincon.h>

using namespace std;

main () {
int bx;
int by;
HWND send_window = FindWindow("Minesweeper",NULL);
HWND click_window = FindWindowEx(send_window, NULL, NULL, NULL);
cout<<"Send click to what x coordinate? "<<endl;
cout<<"Send click to what y coordinate? "<<endl;
if (!click_window) {
printf("Could not find window\n");
return 0;
SendMessage(click_window, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, LPARAM MAKELPARAM(bx, by) );
Nevermind, it worked when I moved minesweeper to the ipwindowname, and then removed references to the findwindowex function.
Minesweeper doesn't actually have any child windows, only the main program window (and a few helper dialogs such as "about", to be exact). See the FindWindowEx function reference on MSDN for more info as to why this is a problem in your code [smile]

Kind regards,

EDIT: I'm late...

Niko Suni

The minesweeper window may not have an actual window name of "Minesweeper". You can find its window name / class name with Spy++.

use the source tag.

//edit: I'm later.

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