Help: Switching Windowed - Fullscreen takes too long

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1 comment, last by JensE 19 years, 5 months ago
Hi, I've got a switching method for toggling windowed - fullscreen, which works good - if I don't render anything. The time needed to switch then is hardly 1 second. If I render a simple cube, it takes almost 10 seconds! But there are neither D3D errors nor warnings, and the device is never lost. Here are my switching methods:

bool CSingleView::SwitchWindowed(void)

	// Get current mode
	VIDEOMODE stCurrMode;


	stCurrMode.bWindowed = !stCurrMode.bWindowed;

	// a) fullscreen => windowed
	if (stCurrMode.bWindowed)
		stCurrMode.enBBFormat = this->m_stDesktopMode.enFormat;
		stCurrMode.enAdapterFormat = this->m_stDesktopMode.enFormat;

	// b) windowed => fullscreen
		stCurrMode.wHrzRes = this->m_wModeWidth;
		stCurrMode.wVrtRes = this->m_wModeHeight;
		stCurrMode.enBBFormat = this->m_enModeFormat;
		stCurrMode.enAdapterFormat = this->m_enModeFormat;

		// Resize depth buffer if necessary
		if (this->m_pcDepthStencil != NULL)
			if (this->m_wDSWidth < this->m_wModeWidth)
				this->m_wDSWidth = this->m_wModeWidth;

			if (this->m_wDSHeight < this->m_wModeHeight)
				this->m_wDSHeight = this->m_wModeHeight;


	if (!this->InitalizeMode(&stCurrMode, this->m_RenderParams.enSwapEffect, 
		this->m_wDSWidth, this->m_wDSHeight, this->m_RenderParams.nBBCount, 
	this->m_hFocusWnd, this->m_RenderParams.dwPresInterval, this->m_RenderParams.dwFlags, 
        return false

	// Re-position the window
		SetWindowPos((HWND) this->m_apcRenderViews[0]->GetRenderWindow(), HWND_NOTOPMOST, 
			this->m_stRect.dwLeft, this->m_stRect.dwTop, this->m_stRect.dwRight - 
			this->m_stRect.dwLeft, this->m_stRect.dwBottom - this->m_stRect.dwTop, 

	return true;

void CSingleView::AdjustRenderWindow(void)

	if (!this->m_RenderParams.bWindowed)
		SetWindowLong((HWND) this->m_apcRenderViews[0]->GetRenderWindow(), GWL_STYLE, 

		SetWindowLong((HWND) this->m_apcRenderViews[0]->GetRenderWindow(), GWL_STYLE, 

	return ;

Can someone tell me why it takes 10 seconds if I render?
I don't know what you should do about your problem, but I would like to point out that your code includes a lot of unnecesary characters. You keep writing
this->(some class function)
is totally unnecessary; it is implied. For example, on line 7, you wrote
Unless you have another function in your program called GetVideoMode() with a VIDEOMODE object as its only argument, you can and should simply write
The this keyword does not exist to allow one to access class member variables and functions inside of member functions -- they can be accessed directly as I showed above. The purpose of the this keyword is mostly so that if an object needs a pointer to itself to pass to another non-member function or to initialize some variable external to the class object, it has one. Unless you have something really weird in the rest of your code, the following code should work just as well as what you have in your post.
bool CSingleView::SwitchWindowed(void){	// Get current mode	VIDEOMODE stCurrMode;	GetVideoMode(&stCurrMode);	stCurrMode.bWindowed = !stCurrMode.bWindowed;	// a) fullscreen => windowed	if (stCurrMode.bWindowed)	{		stCurrMode.enBBFormat = m_stDesktopMode.enFormat;		stCurrMode.enAdapterFormat = m_stDesktopMode.enFormat;	}	// b) windowed => fullscreen	else	{		stCurrMode.wHrzRes = m_wModeWidth;		stCurrMode.wVrtRes = m_wModeHeight;		stCurrMode.enBBFormat = m_enModeFormat;		stCurrMode.enAdapterFormat = m_enModeFormat;		// Resize depth buffer if necessary		if (m_pcDepthStencil != NULL)		{			if (m_wDSWidth < m_wModeWidth)				m_wDSWidth = m_wModeWidth;			if (m_wDSHeight < m_wModeHeight)				m_wDSHeight = m_wModeHeight;		}	}	AdjustRenderWindow();	if (!InitalizeMode(&stCurrMode, m_RenderParams.enSwapEffect, 		m_wDSWidth, m_wDSHeight, m_RenderParams.nBBCount, 	m_hFocusWnd, m_RenderParams.dwPresInterval, m_RenderParams.dwFlags, 		m_RenderParams.dwFlags)        return false	// Re-position the window	if(stCurrMode.bWindowed)		SetWindowPos((HWND) m_apcRenderViews[0]->GetRenderWindow(), HWND_NOTOPMOST, 			m_stRect.dwLeft, m_stRect.dwTop, m_stRect.dwRight - 			m_stRect.dwLeft, m_stRect.dwBottom - m_stRect.dwTop, 			SWP_SHOWWINDOW);	return true;}void CSingleView::AdjustRenderWindow(void){	if (!m_RenderParams.bWindowed)	{		SetWindowLong((HWND) m_apcRenderViews[0]->GetRenderWindow(), GWL_STYLE, 			m_dwWindowStyle);	}	else	{		SetWindowLong((HWND) m_apcRenderViews[0]->GetRenderWindow(), GWL_STYLE, 			WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU | WS_VISIBLE);	}	return ;}

EDIT: Oops! I forgot to actually remove the
stuff from my revised source code. Now it should be ok.
I know that I can leave "this->" out, but I got used to do it like that so I always see what variables and functions are class members, it's just a visual thing.

But that is'nt my problem.

Had anybody got the same problem with switching taking soooo long?

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