my school project

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1 comment, last by Alan Kemp 19 years, 4 months ago
hi everybody!this is my first post(really very excited:)) my question is about my school project.ý have decided to make one of an old type of games.this is a text-based one for the sake of's something like that " now u r in a large garden standing against a haunted mansion.what will you do now ?.... you found a mushroom here at x=16,y=24 etc.." ý guess most of you have already understood what ý want to do...but ý decided to make it by simple graphics..ý intend to use a 'health=100,armor=100' bar at the top,an adequate grid that ý will move my hero character(represented by a head) on the intersection points of this at the center of game screen near to left side under the top bar..then a message box on the right that ý will use to introduce what is going on that time in plain text....maybe to show a handsome head of a monster!!! ý am expanding my knowledge of c++ day by day... ý am eager to learn whatever means is necessary for applying your advices...even a small piece of experience and idea is welcome... really grateful to my advisers already..
hmmm welcome to the forum
maybe you should check
it's a nice ideea of a game really :D
i hope this helps you
good luck
We'll fight till we win, or we'll fight util we die !!!
What you describe is halfway between two existing types of games.

A Text Based Adventure is where all you see is descriptive text and you have to type commands to move, pick things up and use things. (In my example the > is the cursor where the user types commands).

You are standing in a small room.  There is a table here.Exits are North and West.> move northYou are in a garden. There is a flower pot here.Exits are South and West.> take potYou pick up the Flower Pot.> 

The other game type is a Roguelike. In these games the "graphics" are just acsii characters arranged in a 2d grid. Traditionally the player is represented by an @.
(Example shamlessly stolen from one of the links I am about to provide).

 ------                                                               	 |....|      ############           #  Unlit hallway	 |....|      #          #           .  Lit area	 |.$..+########         #           $  Some quantity of gold	 |....|       #      ---+---        +  A door	 ------       #      |.....|	              #      |.!...|        !  A magic potion	              #      |.....|	              #      |..@..|        @  The adventurer	   ----       #      |.....|	   |..|       #######+..D..|        D  A dragon	   |<.+###    #      |.....|        <  Stairs to the previous level	   ----  #    #      |.?...|        ?  A magic scroll	         ######      -------

It sounds like you want to make a roguelike, but with additional information available to the player about the current square hes in (and maybe a more complex combat system).

For text based adventure stuff, try these links:

And for roguelike information, try:

Between the two you should find lots of stuff that will help you.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." -Louis L'Amour

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